Stop and think campaign

Let’s just throw gel blasters in there….just because…

Even though knives are probably about 98% of the weapons used in crimes…

So, I guess they’ll ban all knives, before gelblasters.??

What about cricket bats, and baseball bats…
And let’s not forget screwdrivers…you can stab with those are well.

Gordon Freeman, immortalised the crowbar

Ban A4 paper as well…someone might inflict a paper cut….

Ban boxing and martial arts as well…

In fact, everyone stay inside, wrap yourself in cotton wool, and just stare at the wall for the rest of your life…

It’s the only way , to be safe…


Don’t forget to ban pencils if john wick can kill 8 people with a pencil.
The youths of today surely could hurt at least one person.
SORRY if forgot the youth of today have no idea what a pencil is

How about this…
Compulsory vasectomies, for all newborn boys…

You need a license to reproduce…

Only granted if, you prove yourself fit, capable, of good character and emotionally stable, and able to provide for your children…

You need a license, for everything else, nowadays….

No, I’m not being serious…

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To be renewed yearly
Also it would need to be a non written test
As most youths can’t read or write

Yep, nearly every day there’s another incident involving knives.

From the local paper today

The incident in Mackay was about 1 km down the road from my place.

I thought you already needed to provide ID to purchase a knife, more specifically from the likes of Bunnings, unless that’s just a policy they have.

Yeah look, I don’t have the answers about the whole crime thing, but to be fair to Qld Labor they are doing stuff, just not about that. There’s a huge green energy project that they’re working on at the moment, aimed at creating hundreds of low and high skilled jobs, reducing power costs for the average bloke, getting off coal and hitting environmental targets etc. The resulting grid will be all government owned, too. So Origin etc won’t be able to fleece you guys nearly as hard.

I’m less informed about this next bit, but from what I’ve heard crime in general is going down. It’s just knife crime seeing an uptick at the moment, and I’m glad they’re making small changes instead of big draconian ones. These look kind of sensible, and mostly aimed at reducing the ‘knives are tacticool call of duty weapons’ culture that teenage kids might latch onto.

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The Queensland Government already owns the network via Energex / Energy Australia. Origin can still fleece you because the price it pays for power is driven by the energy trading scheme - or how to make money by gambling on energy production and rip customers off. There is no benefit to the scheme participants to drive down electricity cost.

Good luck with the green energy scheme achieving anything other than higher costs. We are pursuing a course of action that is being wound back in Europe because of inefficiencies. Not to mention what happens when the bushfire wipes out the solar farm

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I seen somewhere they were raising the age for punishable crimes… might have been NT can’t remember. :thinking:

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Great in 50 years time the NT will be a wasteland of marauders.
It will be like mad Max except without the cool cars.
Or they can build a wall and send all the degenerates there.
Sort of like the movie escape from NY
With out snake pliskin


Gel Blasters in the news overnight

If it’s any consolation…
I’m sure, the twenty other, juvenile crimes, that will happen this week…

We be all knife related…

I would like to know the type of Gelblasters used in this incident.

I’m pretty certain that anyone faced with an M4/AR15/AK47/ARP9 etc should have the common sense to realise that they were toys, but a GBB GLOCK pistol or similar would have the average person thinking twice, even though Pistol’s are extremely rare in the legal world of Gun ownership even compared to semiautomatic rifles :thinking:

But totally agree with @BME where the insane Knife Crimes totally outweigh harmlessly Gelblaster incidents on a daily basis.

I just hate the fact that certain political candidates are trying to group gelblasters in the same life threatening manner as knife crimes/deaths :roll_eyes:

Everyone take a few minutes to watch this video and understand what “our” WA and Federal Government is planning across many different levels that will affect everyone in this Country……. Introducing laws as a test case that can be used in every other Australian State if they are passed here.

Using the same tactics that got Gelblasters banned here, but this stuff is even worse :rage:

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Yea been following that. I’ll see all firearms banned in my lifetime for sure.

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Yeah it’s certainly heading that way isn’t it mate :disappointed:

They just keep slowly chipping away piece by piece, eroding every single little bite from the apple, until there’s not even the core left.

People kick back against major reforms, and yet don’t recognise when things are being taken away from them in little pieces over a long length of time.

Certainly glad that we grew up when we did and can only fight and enjoy the last few things that we still have available to us.

My kids certainly don’t have the opportunity to do the same things that we have had the “privilege” to enjoy :rage:

My dad got an air pellet rifle for his 10th birthday but I have to surrender my hobby to the local police station for being to intimidating even though I was on private property with no neighbours in sight. What a world


Yeah…… the world is going mad mate, and nothing that has been done in the past or present has helped to make the world a better place :roll_eyes:

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" I don’t understand, we take away the toy guns, make the real guns next to impossible to have and yet crime hasn’t gone down at all, what could the ppl be doing wrong?!"

I imagine is a regular thought going through their heads…

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There’s no comprehensible thoughts going through their heads.

The authorities are facing growing public pressure about knife crimes that result in real injuries and deaths.

Can they legislate knife laws to prevent these incidents from occurring……. NO.

So let’s just drag in scary looking Gelblasters into the same legislation, hammer incidents and whatever made up fear tactics that can be used to push the agenda, along with as many media pictures of scary looking black Assault Rifles to push their fear campaigns.

This ties into the belief that they are actually “cracking down” on crime, but all the while deflecting attention away from the actual threat at hand, which is knife crimes.

If they can drag Gelblasters into the equation and make new laws to ban/restrict/limit their legal use and availability, they will use that as a “win” against violent crimes…… even though the actual real physical harm from knife crime still hasn’t been addressed :roll_eyes:

But hey, never let the facts get in the way of a good story…… especially when it comes to Politicians :rage: