The Shit Pit

I apologise for the change of topic but I just HAVE to tell you guys about this amazing deal.

What a bargain.


I’d rush out and get two at that price if I were you.
The more you buy, the more you save :+1::joy:


They need to get someone to tidy up their website. There are multiple listings for the 3304T. Then there’s the items that are missing from searches and from categories and haven’t even mentioned the Glocks with beaver tail and grip safety. Only site that’s worse is CEH although haven’t looked at GBU in the last few months


Well, i guess with Henry Cavill being dropped as superman,

trump will have to fill in the gap…

( though trump thinks he would have to de-power, to get to superman level)

trump trading cards…$99 each…OMFG…!! :face_vomiting: :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Please, someone just put him in a nursing home / mental health facility / prison…


Oh fuck yea just whacked it on the mastercard I’ll fuck around with the numbers later :rofl: :joy:

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Interesting pre Xmas catchup with a group of local farmers today.

Harvest was a hot topic. Most aren’t even going to bother doing it next year, after having bumper yields surpassing records here for 30+ years the price dropped $50 per tonne during harvest to $260.

I was getting that price 12 years ago, yet fuel has doubled since then and fertilizer has quadrupled so you run at a loss of cost to put it in to your return, you are paying to do it and apparently time isn’t worth anything as it soaks up to half of your year in ass in seat depending on your program.

With the east coast floods, crop damages and current world events I thought the price would be up there, but nope running with 2010 prices. All the grain buyers in Australia are unregulated anymore by the AU Gov after they dissolved ABB and AWB as they needed the funds for other shit. Canada bought what was left of AWB and renamed it Viterra outright who runs all the receiving silos around here just so they could get all the silos. All of them after shutting half of them down.

Glad I stopped mucking around with that shamozzle when I last grew a barley crop in 2012 and got what they are paying now and covered costs just. I only do Rye for mostly sheep feed and if I can sell it(which this year I can’t because my states mill into flour for human bread consumption is full and not accepting anymore).

The gov should be stepping in and trying to export the extra AUS does not need, but being Labour farming is the last thing they give a shit about. Oh well they’ll find out next year when they have fuck all. Some of the moosive broadacre farmers are really scratching their heads.

Why do something if you can not make a return? Even when you have done everything right.

Price of food on shelves continues to rise. Producers get fuck all so can’t afford to grow it. Nice work Albo, hope you choke on a lamb chop bone on Australia Day.

Just thought I’d share for civvies that are unaware. Disregard if you don’t care it’s fine. Avagooday!


So sorry to hear, but I am also a WA farmers family for years.

Too tired right now, but will re-read/comprehend tomorrow and get back with what’s happening on this side of the country as well :thinking::+1:

Just deleted my #Gelsoftau account.

As you are all well aware, I’m not a computer geek, have no television, no computer/laptop etc.
I work in the remote WA country and have never had any need for modern internet/WiFi/computers/gaming/Television/Radio/Newspaper’s etc.

Might sound backwards, but by Christ, when conversing with “normal” people in day to day interactions, it’s mind blowing how completely brainwashed and programmed these people are … which makes me appreciate being a rare old school Australian that was actually taught to think for themselves and be questioning/critical of anything that was fed to us by the Government/media :confused:

So much to the point that can’t even hold a conversation or discuss basic daily life interactions with themselves or their world around them!

Religion, Politics, social issues such as Global Warming, Health Care, Economy etc. topics…… their answers and opinions are only duplicated Government/media brainwashed replies :roll_eyes:

The great old Australian piss taking has been replaced with “political correctness.

The great old Australian “common sense” has been replaced by “google” and “fact checkers”.

Our proud history of “Racism” is now being attacked as something that was once a highly respected part of our culture, as to now being completely misunderstood and attacked by those who have no idea about the innocent history and respected behind this culture.

Apologies……. this rant is only a byproduct of TRYING to engage with the modern Discord/Reddit/Online community, but unfortunately all that I have witnessed is a circle jerk of of “OG buddies” who do nothing more than stroke each other’s…… “ego’s” … regardless of their knowledge and experience :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I always thought that this, and any other hobby/online group, was meant to be about support/helping each other to build up the interest in the hobby.

Unfortunately this old dog just cannot relate to the modern attitudes of “being popular” online, sucking up to those “Influencer” people online, or joining in as part of their fans and followers who will jump through hoops to back up whatever their “gods” put online.

Thanks, but I’m just gonna stick with these simple good old forum’s, where we are all only here to try and help each other out as well as promoting this as a family friendly pastime, NOT as a closed circle of sheep who blindly follow their online messiah’s regardless of whether their opinions are right or wrong.

Loves yas all, keep up the great work and really enjoying being part of the better tier of the non-egotistical community that we are blessed with out there :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

*EDIT: Not specifically targeting Gelsoftau itself, is a very helpful site with plenty good people there :+1:
I have left quite a few different online sites for the reasons above…… just over the whole internet circus experience I think!


So, we finally have, a for sale section…Great…!!

Here is my first attempt…

MAKE/MODEL: …1 @deadsquid , non functioning horror prop

SPECIAL NOTES: Worn out beak. Low power suction tentacles . Ink capacity questionable. Mosfet re- flashable, for either CCP , or russian affiliation… depends whos winning…

PRICE: Please, just make him go away…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

PICK UP LOCATION: If the squid knew that, the squid would do that…
It will happen , one day squiddy, dont worry…

PICTURES: Oh, God, no…Hell No…Dont sear my eyeballs…!!

(also, merry xmas, squiddy…!!)


You are definitely not alone there, your thoughts echo mine. And no I aint no old dinosaur or whatever bs meme takes the flavour of the week. Kinda sick of bending over backwards to please other online people to find some information out only to be dictated to with their oppinion of what is right and I am completely wrong. It’s just a waste of time.

@DocBob would be interesting to hear how the massive wheat belts went your way and what the farmers think. Prices look the same and unchanged from prior years WA Wheat_WA.pdf ( Wheat_SA_Mallee_UpperSE.pdf (
WA may fair better in this regard due to their higher on average yields.


I believe Squid is engaged in another project :laughing:

Vietnamese Squid Cake on Toast (or Squid Toast) - Delightful Plate


Same fisting being applied to farmers over here in the Wheatbelt too mate :confused:

Great season, bumper crops and yields, screaming out for workers/operators to try and bring it all in :ok_hand:

BUT…… same again, producers costs are through the roof, yet prices/returns do not reflect the market demand/value in return :rage:

Extra thought given to the Eastern Floods, train derailments etc. that have interrupted the imported products into WA from the East Coast…… WA producers should be in high demand for supply?

Would you believe that we even have a bloody CHIP shortage over here right now.
We have some of the largest Potato growers here in WA to the point where we could pave the bloody streets with FREE spuds, yet the reliance on imported goods is so deeply entrenched that there’s no processors over here contracted to supply the secondary market for spuds :roll_eyes:

The end goal is to send farmers broke, sell the properties to the Chinese and pave more bricks for their Golden Highway Programme out of this highly productive country :pensive:

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mm seems things are a bit different in WA. Plenty of chips spuds grown here and produced locally for your Maccas and pub meals. Just had one the other day yum.

I was going through some old bookwork the other day and throwing it out, 2012 I was getting $320-295/t of Barley. At the moment it’s dropped $50 from a start of $320 to $250 this season.

Like what the hell, fuel has doubled, fertilizer has quadrupled since 2012 and with the east coast washouts wiping crops out I would have thought that would of bumped the demand and price up. Man there is a hell of a lot in my area that are not going to bother next year and grow something else.

Also a shortage of workers around here, especially shearers, lucky I am part of a team so get looked after but some can’t even sell their lambs and sheep because they haven’t been able to get shearers to clean them up for sale, getting full of grasseeds and flyblow they are unsellable. Buyers won’t touch them. Farmers have to resort to chemicals on the sheep that then puts them within an up to 6 month witholding period depending on the treatment and situation.

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This is, a unique, foot shot…

I call it, …

“The Plumbers Crack…”

Please, enjoy…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Is there anyone else on here that holds medically significant spiders as pets interested to see. Red backs by your garden tap don’t count



After D. trump , sold 45 000 crappy digital, online trading cards, @ $99 each…

Is this squiddy’s best comeback effort.?.?

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Nope one of the dozens of hobbies I have once the shop opens back up a nice Sydney funnel web will be on its way to the post office. Poor postman

Aww, cmon now, squiddy…where is your xmas spirit.?.?!!

Send a blue ring octopus, instead…
Far cheaper, and one of your nearby neighbours…!!

And, if it dies enroute,
it’ll be…
a dead ringer…!!( Ba boom / tish!)

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Lol I didn’t write my post very well I’m getting the spider sent to me in the mail not sending one out. As for the blue ringed octopus that one neighbour I don’t want to disturb will end in a dead squid served 3 ways

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Aren’t us West Aussie legends the National home of the Blue Rings…… or are they found elsewhere in the country? :thinking:

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