The Shit Pit

So, we finally have, a for sale section…Great…!!

Here is my first attempt…

MAKE/MODEL: …1 @deadsquid , non functioning horror prop

SPECIAL NOTES: Worn out beak. Low power suction tentacles . Ink capacity questionable. Mosfet re- flashable, for either CCP , or russian affiliation… depends whos winning…

PRICE: Please, just make him go away…!!! :rofl: :rofl:

PICK UP LOCATION: If the squid knew that, the squid would do that…
It will happen , one day squiddy, dont worry…

PICTURES: Oh, God, no…Hell No…Dont sear my eyeballs…!!

(also, merry xmas, squiddy…!!)


You are definitely not alone there, your thoughts echo mine. And no I aint no old dinosaur or whatever bs meme takes the flavour of the week. Kinda sick of bending over backwards to please other online people to find some information out only to be dictated to with their oppinion of what is right and I am completely wrong. It’s just a waste of time.

@DocBob would be interesting to hear how the massive wheat belts went your way and what the farmers think. Prices look the same and unchanged from prior years WA Wheat_WA.pdf ( Wheat_SA_Mallee_UpperSE.pdf (
WA may fair better in this regard due to their higher on average yields.


I believe Squid is engaged in another project :laughing:

Vietnamese Squid Cake on Toast (or Squid Toast) - Delightful Plate


Same fisting being applied to farmers over here in the Wheatbelt too mate :confused:

Great season, bumper crops and yields, screaming out for workers/operators to try and bring it all in :ok_hand:

BUT…… same again, producers costs are through the roof, yet prices/returns do not reflect the market demand/value in return :rage:

Extra thought given to the Eastern Floods, train derailments etc. that have interrupted the imported products into WA from the East Coast…… WA producers should be in high demand for supply?

Would you believe that we even have a bloody CHIP shortage over here right now.
We have some of the largest Potato growers here in WA to the point where we could pave the bloody streets with FREE spuds, yet the reliance on imported goods is so deeply entrenched that there’s no processors over here contracted to supply the secondary market for spuds :roll_eyes:

The end goal is to send farmers broke, sell the properties to the Chinese and pave more bricks for their Golden Highway Programme out of this highly productive country :pensive:

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mm seems things are a bit different in WA. Plenty of chips spuds grown here and produced locally for your Maccas and pub meals. Just had one the other day yum.

I was going through some old bookwork the other day and throwing it out, 2012 I was getting $320-295/t of Barley. At the moment it’s dropped $50 from a start of $320 to $250 this season.

Like what the hell, fuel has doubled, fertilizer has quadrupled since 2012 and with the east coast washouts wiping crops out I would have thought that would of bumped the demand and price up. Man there is a hell of a lot in my area that are not going to bother next year and grow something else.

Also a shortage of workers around here, especially shearers, lucky I am part of a team so get looked after but some can’t even sell their lambs and sheep because they haven’t been able to get shearers to clean them up for sale, getting full of grasseeds and flyblow they are unsellable. Buyers won’t touch them. Farmers have to resort to chemicals on the sheep that then puts them within an up to 6 month witholding period depending on the treatment and situation.

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This is, a unique, foot shot…

I call it, …

“The Plumbers Crack…”

Please, enjoy…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Is there anyone else on here that holds medically significant spiders as pets interested to see. Red backs by your garden tap don’t count



After D. trump , sold 45 000 crappy digital, online trading cards, @ $99 each…

Is this squiddy’s best comeback effort.?.?

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Nope one of the dozens of hobbies I have once the shop opens back up a nice Sydney funnel web will be on its way to the post office. Poor postman

Aww, cmon now, squiddy…where is your xmas spirit.?.?!!

Send a blue ring octopus, instead…
Far cheaper, and one of your nearby neighbours…!!

And, if it dies enroute,
it’ll be…
a dead ringer…!!( Ba boom / tish!)

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Lol I didn’t write my post very well I’m getting the spider sent to me in the mail not sending one out. As for the blue ringed octopus that one neighbour I don’t want to disturb will end in a dead squid served 3 ways

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Aren’t us West Aussie legends the National home of the Blue Rings…… or are they found elsewhere in the country? :thinking:

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Why the fuck would you get a funnel web?
And the title under your username ends with Big Tits😂

Breaking news, squiddy…

Getting bitten by a funnelweb…wont give you spiderman’s super powers…

Try a redback, black widow, tarantula, Hobo spider, and red widow spider…all at once…one has gotta work…!! :rofl: :rofl:

If not, go for aquaman’s powers, by getting bitten by… a Bull shark, tiger shark , grey nurse shark, great white shark…or…dear god…( oh the shame) an octopus…
All at once…

Its all, or nothing…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Was just thinking the same… they’re everywhere here along with dozens of other types. I leave em be they eat all the flies.

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There cool and easy pets they don’t handle very well but it’s pretty hard to get bitten

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Totally agree.
Everything has its place in this country for very good reason.

People who just spray and kill everything that moves are just creating another issue somewhere else down the food chain.

I remember years ago an English couple who moved to a farm property here and freaked out at all the bugs/spiders/huge moths,lizards etc.

They sprayed and killed everything in sight, then complained about being overrun with flies/mosquitoes/cockroaches etc…… couldn’t figure out why the sudden increase bug numbers :roll_eyes:


Meet harry he does more work around the house than i do



Not gelball related… but shit none the less, our NSW folk now get fines starting from 750ish dollars for riding anykind of electric scooter, skateboard, onewheel, etc. on roads or road related areas (footpaths), those vehicles are now only allowed on private land. electric bikes are still ok though.

Im not a fan of the things on busy city streets but they do have a place and should be allowed imo. and worst part is that once again one state is doing it differently to all the others… that being said easy cash for cops on the QLD, NSW border at cooly and tweed.

I’ll try and find the post from NSW police and link a pic

Yet electric bikes with the same registration / insurance issue are fine… ERGH

If the Government can’t earn a dollar off of something, they just ban them, simple :roll_eyes: