Its not like trump, to give, long, rambling, incoherent speeches…
"Jamie Foxx…?? More like Jamie Dog, cause thats what he is, he’s just a dog…
I wish someone would eat him, like all the dogs they’re eating in springfield…
Springfield, home of the simpsons, great guy , monty burns, lives there, lots of great tax deductions…too bad, all the blacks moved in…
Blacks are great people though, like my friend P.diddy…he throws the best parties…
Lots of jobs and parties, in springfield…great times, fantastic, everyone said they’re the best parties, except justin beiber who was a minor and we cant talk about it, cause nothing ever happened…
P.diddy has lots of jobs in springfield…hand, blow, rim, all the good stuff…
See, i can remember it all , just like man, woman,camera , tv, i have the highest IQ of all time…
TV, i 'll be watching TV on election night, if i win, its all real, if i lose, its a Ji-na communist fake news hit job…
But Ji-na loves me, no wait they’re scared of me, they know how crazy i am, so if they dont want crazy trump, dont rig my election, like a dog…
Did i tell you, about the blacks eating the dogs, in Ji-na, with hannibal lecter.?.?
If you go there, dont go by electric boat, cause you might have to jump in the water, by the sharks…"
Listen to that, in trump voice…
And, half the US want to vote for him…
God help us all…