The Shit Pit

100% cylinder, M600 spring and a 6.5mm barrel still only equals 65 FPS at a range of 1.3 metres :roll_eyes::joy:

no one said logic was apart of the equation haha :sweat_smile:

I’m seriously digging all these Jap videos :+1:
If only our public and politicians could see the enjoyment that this hobby brings to everyone worldwide and the money people are willing to invest in the sport…… they might actually have a change of mind :roll_eyes:

Didn’t realise how popular the Vectors were!
I have never liked them myself……probably because of my old school ways…… but there’s a couple of green/black ones there that actually looked quite decent :sunglasses:

Yeah Krytac the company license to produce the “Kriss Vector” is currently very popular in Japan hence everyone rocking one that and also the company sponsors small events to promote the product.

I agree your right … its just a " political narrative" like i mentioned.

The Minds of sheep and cattle are valued more to those who seek too control actions and words.

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That’s the one thing I did semi translate from that video was the KRYTAC theme throughout .

Good on them for solidly supporting their customer base :+1:

i agree good on them for that

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I’m getting sidetracked looking for other vids now! :joy::+1:

All good i’ll send you channels i watch :sunglasses:

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Thanks, that would be cool :sunglasses:
Got plenty that have watched for many years, but mostly technical Airsoft and overseas game players like Kicking Mustang/Novritsch etc.

Have totally missed most Asian stuff other than Manufacturers Advertising and Parts/Accessories suppliers.

Yeah Asian channels were a little tricky to find but worth the watch even if its just for the visuals check those links

Cheers mate, will certainly be doing just that! :sunglasses::+1:

Might apply to a few of us here…


…As if to prove your point.

HK416. Or M27.

But yes, my GF can attest to just how annoyed I get at bad firearm representation, too.

“Nyeeeh trigger discipline. Nyeeeh it’s not safe to decock that particular gun like that. Nyeeeeeeeeh that guy fired 16 rounds when that magazine holds 15.”

I don’t know why she lets me put action movies on, still. The look of relief on her face was palpable when after the shootout in Heat, my only comment was “…no notes.”


Good mate of mine I jokingly call a Neckbeard…… he works hard for a Mining company, and is a great bloke, but I gave him the nickname because he spends all his time off playing online games and watching Anime/Manga fillums :joy:

He was getting quite frustrated one night I called in to see him and he was in the middle of a live stream shoot ‘em up game session and not doing so well :confused:

I have absolutely NO idea about computers or gaming, but he did start getting annoyed with my running commentary about how he was using the wrong firearms/tactics in different situations that he was in.

Out in the woods/open ground I was recommending a certain firearm for distance/accuracy/stopping power…… then tight CQB situations continually telling him that he was better off swapping to something else that I recommended as being the better tool for the job.

As you can imagine, I was quoting all of the technical details about what certain weapons would suit his gameplay, commenting about actual proper military tactics for assaulting/defending various positions as he was moving through different situations……. but to him it was obviously just “playing the game” and using whatever weapons looked cool at the time and running around like a duck in a shooting gallery :roll_eyes:

Very frustrating to sit back and watch him getting hammered by the opposition when he could be learning how to do so much better!

I got the vibe and backed off on commenting…… even though I had the biggest urge for the first time in my life to join in and kick his arse with better tactical and equipment knowledge :joy:


I was always annoyed when Duke Nukem came out guns ejected to the left :rofl:

Funny you mention Heat, I was just reading the other day how Forgotten Weapons did a Vest that was a flop. It was a Chinese custom made replica of the mag vest in Heat. $100 apparently but the size of them ended up being super XXXXLLLL and waaay to big. Apparently they sent them out anyway, got scammed by the China mob and FW won’t reply to the hundreds of emails of dissatisfied customers trying to wear a vest the size of a bed. Heaps mentioned doing charge backs etc. I found it quite surprising.

Wow, that is incredibly out of character for FW, that’s really troubling to hear.

There’s not a single doubt about it either, I did a google and boy howdy it’s a well documented fuck up.

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mm quite out of character, thought he might follow through and get something remedied to save face. Who knows :person_shrugging:

Ha Pirouette chucked the towel in NSW :laughing: like the next idiot will bumble around in dopey land.

Is this to do with the elections?
If Pirouette is out, who has replaced him?

Again……no TV/Radio…… but has Labour won the last bastion state?

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Honestly, my #1 thing is thank fuck a party that will actually protect koalas is in. Liberal’s been laxing the laws around the last bastions of koala populations, and allowing them to be logged. Either officially, or by turning a blind eye when it happens. An eye so blind they’ll criminally prosecute people trying to report what is happening.

Koalas were gonna go extinct. Now, they very possibly may not. Labor’s got its faults, it’s engaged in some questionable stuff in the past. But at least they bloody govern the country, instead of slowly burn it down, and sell it off piece by piece to private and foreign investors every time they get in.

Vote 2 Labor, imo. Vote 1 Shooters and Fishers.