The Shit Pit

Chris Minns, it seems.

Still no idea :joy:

Had no idea this was happening…… so I’ll just do some googling and get myself edumicated as to what’s happening with the world :sunglasses:

Damn, this guy be living the dream.


No one will be able to steal it….
No one will know how to start it…!! :sweat_smile:

Is the squidster still on the forum
I think I have found him a girlfriend

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I wonder, what google search, led you to this image…!!:joy::joy:

Looks like a combo of , she-hulk / mars attacks / fucknose…!!

Right up squiddys alley…!!! :joy::joy::joy:


Miss squidward :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You sure the fires had nothing to do with the sudden worry of Koalas, their habitat and their chances of surviving. Got fuck all to do with politics, but watch the news they will blame each other and the 3rd. None of the parties will make a fkn difference.

Ripleys Believe it or Not :rofl:

Forgot to mention trees don’t grow in a day.

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The bushfires were a major contributor to their current population woes, yeah. Burned up 25% of their remaining habitat, and there wasn’t much left.

They are critically endangered now, and projected to go extinct by 2050 at this rate.

Liberal didn’t officially put any real protections in until less than a month before the election, and even then it was a piddly little 3,200 acres. Labor’s promised to set up a 300,000 acre national park to protect them and try to save them as part of their campaign. I’d be surprised if they didn’t follow through.

The whole ‘neither side does anything’ outlook has been drummed into us all, I reckon. Up until like…the run up to the last federal, I kind of believed it until I did some research. None of it gets publicized because even the ABC was under their thumb, when they were in power. Had to play nice, lest their funding get cut.

Labor’s done a shitload of good for people, historically. Like, even if they suck at governing, they’re at least trying to govern in a way that empowers, and uplifts the average joe, and makes the country better. Liberal and National just work at the behest of big businesses.

And, I know trees don’t grow in a day. Which is precisely why it’s nuts that Liberal was letting the ones that koalas live in get logged!

If you’ve got 8 minutes this explains it pretty well.


Still alive and on the forum


So…… have you tracked her down yet?

I mean, considering there’s some weirdo fascist fucks over there calling for ‘the eradication of trans people from public life’, and legislating the banning fucking drag shows, I’m not surprised that they’re worried this is going to be some ‘burning the Reichstag’ galvanizing event.

Shit’s getting scary for my brothers, sisters and sibs in the US and UK.

ID Pol is fucking ridiculous. Make everyone scared and accusatory of a minority, and ignore the billionaire picking your pocket. Yeah there’s a sinister agenda to tear down America, and it’s called bloody Wall Street. Glad Australians are smarter than that.


Turns out Danny already took her

Danny gonna fully sick customise her further?

That’s pretty much the knee jerk Labour Green out look. Not that I’m flying the Liberal Flag but with the toasting of KI being the last STI free Koala free sanctuary under their watch they are automatically labeled as at fault.

What is being missed is that these human grown logging allotments are human planted trees that take around 20 years to grow depending on type and climate koala’s will habituate. Greens are actively lobbying now to have that all shut down and that will stop our own paper supply. Instead sourcing paper products imported from China.

But the Koala’s will be safe in man/woman made forests, that is what you are made to believe because the Koala is an icon and so cute and cuddly. Meanwhile you write and wipe on paper made 1000’s of klms away.

In the 80’s they were campaigning Koala culls because they were stripping the trees and invading private property that were built in bushland. :thinking: hmm now the problem is too much overgrowth around houses built in bushland because landowners don’t clean up the litter from trees. Oh well build a house in a fire pit so be it I say…

Anyway it’s ironic how a Koala is being used as a political weapon to get people to not see what they are trying to achieve. Green energy, zero emission including your life :rofl:

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Yeah might end up getting plastic lips

That would be a shame mate :cry:
I imagined that she would have Calamari lips :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Green can go fuck itself, they’re a bunch of idealistic hippy twits. And Labor’s only good until it’s not. I vote with the issues, not the parties. It’s just that in this case (and a lot of cases), Labor’s actually doing something where as Liberal’s a logging industry puppet.

They claim that it’s logging allotments, but I’ve seen the video proof that it isn’t. And when they’re told it’s logging allotments, the guys filling out the work orders go ‘nah it’s logging’ while standing next to the fallen remains of a 1500mm thick trunk. And when they get reported for it, the guy doing the reporting gets criminal charges laid against him.

Koalas unfortunately aren’t going to survive if they’re forced to live in man made environments. There’s just not enough to it. They don’t just eat gum leaves, despite what the popular perception is, and they need a bio-diverse environment to properly thrive. And it’s not just Koalas either, it’s multiple species, like…sugar gliders, and forest owls.

Sure they’re cuddly. Sure they’re cute and that’s a great manipulation tactic. But also like. As the video points out, they’re also good economically. That ONE habitat that Labor is going to apparently set up is going to generate more revenue than 15% of what the WHOLE logging industry in NSW would bring in. In addition to generating 10,000 jobs.

Also…hell yeah it’s cute. It’s the Koala! And they’re Australian as FUCK :smiley: We should absolutely protect them, we’re the only country in the world to have them!

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