The Shit Pit


Give me a ring Squid :heart_eyes: :rofl:

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Yep that’s good seeing as they sold off the last paper mill in the Mount to China. Which China have shut down now after the trade spat last I caught up on that. My great grandfather worked in those Pine Forests in Mount Gambier, he made it to 100 got a letter from Queen Liz etc impressive. Interesting industry to see how it went from hand saws and many men to machines and not many at all. They are all hand planted forests. You can’t miss them if you’ve ever been that way many thousands of hectares of it.

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Way I hear it, they were borderline sown the way old fields were, right? Just toss seeds out behind you as you walk a line with a team of other blokes? Gods above, if you wanna get fit fast I can’t think of a better way :laughing: rough terrain, and up hill.

Have you seen the tech they’ve got for planting them these days? Load a drone up with a hopper full of pine seeds and let it go nuts. Would be keen to see how that would go in a modern wheat farm or something.

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Yea I have. Saves walking or doing anything.

Pine trees were planted in the Mount using varying means over the many years. It was very interesting talking to my great Uncle, he’d ask how my place was going but there were photo’s of him in the 1930’s with a big ass long push pull saw standing next to a huge fallen Pine tree. I was just like, fk that would have been hard yakka and how the f you make it to 100 :rofl: quite the man.

Labour isn’t Labour any more.
Labour sided with the Greens and they are the ones pushing agendas with the Labour Governments and holding the final say in Parliament as to whatever Labour wants to achieve :thinking:

Pretty smart move for the first time in Australian history to muddy the waters for voters who backed Labour, unaware that underhanded dealings were done with the Greens, (who knew that they could never get enough votes to ever hold a position in Australian politics on their own) so they simply latched onto the coat tails of whichever major party would accept their “donations” and preference votes :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

The true reality is that nobody voted for the Green Party, yet anyone who voted Labour unknowingly voted for the Greens! :roll_eyes:

It’s all bullshit anyways…… don’t matter who is in power, that’s all that they are interested in, that they are “in power”, NOT working for the wants and needs of the everyday workers and citizens…… only there to line their own pockets and use their influence to climb further up the shitstool to whatever dodgy money hungry scams that they can profit from :shushing_face:

Mm, I dunno. There’s not really a formal coalition between Green and Labor like there is between Lib/Nat, it’s just that a lot of the time their motives tend to line up on issues of labor and healthcare and the likes. If anything I’d say it’s the other way around, and Green votes tend to go into Labor’s pocket. For instance, Green wants a lot stricter action on climate change, stupidly strict. Federal Labor’s not going to give it to them.

Either way, like I said. Fuck Green. Go Shooters and Fishers. Nobody’s more keen to keep the environment healthy than the guy out stalking deer in it.

Edit: It’s midnight everywhere East of me. I think I’m done chatting pollies tonight! Dont’ have the brain power to keep responding properly, and y’all are worth my best.

mm what I have been trying to say for a long time. But not many want to believe it. Only reason Labour hold power is because of the Greens.

Look at the disgrace that is Lidia Thorpe being an absolute outstanding dick head. Making a mess about something that has been passed in SA and encouraging (in my thoughts) others to act in similar ways to achieve their political desires. Well done stupido. Class A FWit right there.

Shooters and Fishers usually been getting my vote for a long time now, pity they never get in :face_with_raised_eyebrow: wouldn’t mind Australia back the way it was when I was a kid.

It annoys me that Australia has and still currently does mine Uranium yet we can’t get the fheads to agree in parliment to build a nice clean green nuclear power plant somewhere way out the middle of Australia. Energy problem solved. Water is there undergound where I get my water from for cooling. We already do and have stored nuclear waste for decades. Not much risk of earthquake/ weather events to cause failure. It’s a no brainer. We already have a nuclear reactor for fucks sake and have done for years!! Research Nuke Reactor but still it’s a nuke reactor.

All the mining of minerals to make batteries, generators for wind farms, solar panels, far outweighs a nuke plant or 2 in my oppinion.


One thing we can all agree is a bright side in the last NSW election, SFF got two seats. Even if they don’t have the power to majorly sway things, at least they’re securing a voice for the farming folk to be able to be officially heard :+1:

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Yea cool, unfortunately for you pay more for meat as Coles say they are not dropping their prices for meat, yet are dropping the price we get for it. That is something gov should be addressing right now, but they are not.


Couldn’t agree more. Agrarian labour, and management are every bit as important as urban industry. In Australia, more so even, as we don’t really have an industrial base to lean on compared to nearby giants like China. So mines and farms are our back bone.

Fingers crossed they do something about the Chinese cotton farms sucking up all the water from the Murray-Darling, too. Independent cotton farms, and aboriginal communities are getting absolutely fucked by it.

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Cotton farms, some bright spark allowed them to be sold to overseas companies, water rights get traded like the stock market. Might aswell sell the rest of the country while they are at it. Dickheads.

Hell I had a $70k water right on my property when I bought it, can be used anywhere within 100klm squared hundred section. I couldn’t afford it at the time, be worth a lot more now. Some other farmer bought it 40klms away as investment. Doesn’t actually do anything with it lol

Exactly, it’s bloody disgraceful, and it does a shit load of damage, especially how those bloody overseas farms operate.

When the floods come in, instead of letting all the water seep through the earth into the river system, they catch it and a lot of the time let it stagnate and get blue-green algae. And then that gets released into the damn rivers nearby and kill MILLIONS. LITERAL MILLIONS of Murray Darling fish.

Whoever allowed that should be behind bars for a long time. Robbing the damn country of its own future.

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All about the money, cut throat. I’m sick of money, glad I have none :thinking: no money no worries :rofl:

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Stupid thing is that I rarely comment about politics…as I don’t, or have never actually voted!

This makes me a hypocrite, which is why I normally avoid this subject.

I can sit back and listen to my friends and family commenting, but that’s about the whole extent of what I know is going on in this country.

That’s why I asked previously about whatever the deal was regarding the NSW election results…… because I honestly have no exposure to media or anything mainstream news/world events.

I am actually fully educated about our whole bullshit political “system”, which is why I have never voted…… being a stubborn bastard who refused to become involved with the whole circus that it is :roll_eyes:

My whole opinion as a bystander is simply this:

Governments are elected by the people to carry out their wants and needs.

Governments are bound to comply to provide what their people are asking for,
by bringing together the public paid departments and the public taxpayers money to achieve their goals for the betterment of their voters.

There should be absolutely NO new laws/legislations/taxes/fines/costs applied to the community without consultation and agreement.

Same that their elected roles cannot decide for themselves that they automatically vote to get pay rises/benefits/travel/pensions/expenses all paid for by the people without consultation or agreement as to whether their performance deserves such rewards.

Politics has evolved far beyond the reality of its own original purpose, and every successive government only gets more power hungry/deceitful/aggressive/greedy and totally at odds with the people who they are meant to represent.

Not going to comment any further, as we all know that this is a dead end road that’s only getting worse every year that these muppets forget about what their actual original purpose was intended for…… to serve their people to better everyone’s lives.

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I’ve always thought semi-direct democracy would be the best possible system if we ever had reliable enough computer encryption to do it securely.

Politicians absolutely do fill a role in theory. They’re there to come up with ideas on how to run the country. Take the poli’s idea, take an initial vote amongst the elected body to make sure it’s not something stupid like ‘make nazis cool’ (because people WILL vote for that shit on the internet, just for a laugh), then pass it out for the general public to directly vote.

Unfortunately it doesn’t work right now because A) referendums are fucking expensive to do on paper, and B) we can’t even trust our banks to properly secure our data. I don’t trust the government to keep my data secure, or tell the truth with out a paper trail proving it, if we do it on the computer.

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NOTHING is secure anymore :confused:
That’s what happens when the government sells off every single tax payer owned services to overseas investors for profit.

EVERYTHING is is outsourced by the government and all its departments, along with all of our personal information.

Our “Government “ and all its departments are the bitches to the huge global Bubba’s.

Don’t have to scratch the surface very far to see that our government are only puppets that are controlled by the large global leaders that are forcing their ideologies upon our little insignificant country :confused:

EDIT just had to pause to adjust my tinfoil hat! :joy:

Yyyup. Healthcare system, too. And the robodebt stuff that resulted in those poor souls’ deaths. Many of them hard working people who were getting improperly smacked after coming off jobseeker and finding employment. And the sale of Telstra. And the blocking of the original NBN plan, that would’ve had holy-shit speeds for outback towns, cheaper than the final plan. And the shitty free trade agreement with China that has us at their mercy. And let the mining industry completely fleece us, paying less than 30% in taxes. All in the last 25 years.

One party did all that :^)

And we didn’t hear anything about it until now, why? Because ohhh…Murdoch and Costello own everything, and ABC is beholden to whomever is in power.

And we heard some bad stuff about Liberal recently, why? 'Cos Murdoch got his deal with Google and Facebook thanks to the last government, so they no longer needed to play nice.

Mining and media corporations own our ass.

…Can I have a hat too? How do I make them?

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Hey buddy. I’m trans and I don’t appreciate you A) trying to just randomly bring up random displays of trans people being shit, or B) bringing in IDPol stuff.

Trans people are just as capable of being a shit lord as anyone else, yes. They are shit and trans not shit because trans.

Australia ain’t about that American minority fear garbage.

Those are just links… shit people exsist on all sides This is the “shit pit post” after all not a safe space… or is it? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: