The Shit Pit

Your last three links have shared a theme. A theme I don’t appreciate or tolerate. Safe spaces, like the IDPol waawaa culture they’re associated with can fuck off.

Just like Tasmania made Posie Parker and her similarly themed event fuck off.

Just like the Victorian parliament made the literal nazis at her rally fuck off.

Australia, and I, say that this Waa Waa gender wars nonsense can fuck off.

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DId you just assume my intent? :sweat_smile:

So, maybe its more of a balance thing huh? …alright. Three pro links to help spread understanding and… whatever then that would make the “theme” 3 for 3 right?

(National Center for Transgender Equality)

( Why are trans people part of LGBT? The more you know i guess)

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This was interesting

I’m just outright saying this forum ain’t the place for it. We don’t go filling it full of posts about how this cunt’s racist, or that guy on Twitter is transphobic, or how this things ungodly or whatever.

It’s an Australian site about gel blasters. So I come here to talk about Australian shit and gel blasters. I think most of us are the same. It’s a welcome respite from the culture war garbage saturating the media.

It’s how the old forum was, too, and the culture it cultivated has led to people from all walks of life being able to get along here. Farmers, pilots, mechanics, writers, posties, even the odd certified lunatic.

This isn’t like an official warning or anything, and one video now and again I can begrudgingly look the other way on.

But no more like. Back to back shit. As a sign of respect one human to another.


Fair enough. but To be honest I just wanted to stir you :rofl: but understood.

Oh you cunt :stuck_out_tongue:

Ugh yes you got me. My one weak point.

HAHAHA :rofl: guilty as charged

I’m voting greens they like the funny plants that smell like my English teacher

Yeah that’s why I used to vote Green too :joy:

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Your not Australian if you never owned a mums tomatoes bucket hat at some point

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Random question @BME
What’s the highest ceiling that you have flown at…… and have you ever taken any blasters with you? :thinking:

In a completely unrelated topic….

It doesen’t mean jack shit end of day. I understood peritoodle just filled the position as that conk nose Armenian quit before him, which in turn Perri just handed in defeat hours before the final counts. I had to watch something the bus was late.

Aannyway, a lot of people are unaware of what goes on because it doesn’t interest them or involve them. While I don’t know everything I use my own judgement from history and present to make my own mind up based on what I have experienced and know. While I’m mostly pro primary production, there is alot of categories that align with it. Stopping cows from shitting and ban meat ala greens is not a great idea. Sorry no healthy Milk and you end up a boneless nut job. It is already ground down to near the point of not being viable.

Frozen vegetables I’ve mentioned before. They are not made here, nor in New Zealand as it is just packaged in NZ and imported from there. Oh that’s right NZ has cuddly trade relations with China still where all the vegetables are imported from. Not a big problem right that’s cool you say. Except I don’t like eating McCains frozen vegetables doused in certain 2-4D class chemicals that were verboten in Australia after it was proven to cause cancer in the 70’s. A lot of which were used in the various cocktails that came under the name agent orange for use in Vietnam. Most people are oblivious to this. Frozen vegs, hmm packed in NZ hmm good stuff :+1: :rofl:

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Really Squid :thinking: I spose you gotta check things out before you get too old :rofl:

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My thoughts exactly!
People have no idea where most of our fruit/vegetables/meats and Seafoods comes from :flushed:

Agent Orange is still in huge numbers throughout the Asia Pacific regions and found in every food source both land and waterways.

Same horrible chemical nasties used for preservation and artificially ripening of frozen imported fruits and vegetables that have been imported whilst still green, freeze stored for up to 2 years, then thawed out, gassed in chambers to artificially ripen…… then proudly displayed at your local Coles/Woolworths as “fresh fruit & vegetables” :face_vomiting:

Thankfully we live rural, rarely ever go to the shops except for coffee/sugar and cleaning products…… everything else comes from farms, gardens and local producers :ok_hand:


It’s ironic even though I hold the proper chemical licence to use allowable chemicals in my productions because that is law and a fineable offence. Pesticeides and herbicides are needed so you get something to harvest no matter what product of food it is. It is willingly and knowingly imported right to your doorstep from kilometers away grown by standards that were banned here in the 70’s. I can’t do it, it is illegal for me to do so.

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…… but completely legal in other countries to use these banned dangerous chemicals without any regulations or testing whatsoever , to then be imported here and put on our supermarket shelves with consumers none the wiser about what they are actually putting into their bodies :nauseated_face:


Hey I’ll light up to that :joy:

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41000 feet, is the max alt, of the Boeing 737-800.

Never transported a gel blaster by air.
Recent change to regulations mean, an (unloaded) firearm is not considered a dangerous good. This means airline approval is not required, though they do need to be notified.
Different story for ammo, being a class 1.4s explosive.

That being the case, a gel blaster could be carried in checked hold baggage, ( never in carry on baggage, try that and see how important you suddenly become…!)

That being said, the most dangerous part of the blaster is the battery, you’ll need to declare that, and though there are exemptions in place for carrying batteries on ones person / carry on baggage.

This may seem counter intuitive, but the rationale is, if there is going to be a battery fire, better to occur in the cabin where you have extinguishers to fight the fire. Admittedly, they are BCF extinguisgers, which are not effective against class D metal fires, but the battery can be immersed in water.

Obviously any gas would have to be emptied ie mags or co2 bulbs removed.

Hope that helps…


Ironically it’s the other way around here in Queensland, with Labor actively selling off big parcels of native forest to processors. I somehow ended up working as field officer for a big bushland regeneration mob last year, one of our sites was on the fringe of a State Forest that was actively being clear cut. I’m not a greenie by most standards, but that made me mad, especially since there was obviously a shedload of those furry grey dipshits (among other critters) in the area.

A lot of the crap that Jordies whines about the L I B E R A L G O V E R N M E N T doing in NSW has been happening up here in Queensland for ages under Labor. At the end of the day, same shit, different state.


Not to change topics but you boys in WA

They are not your friends. They will never want freedom for you and they will always want to take more away welcome to the new world order… at what point will enough be enough?
Hell even the french are starting to get shitty and that’s saying something.