The Shit Pit

I was actually coming here to ask @BME his opinion about landing that QANTAS flight from New Zealand in Sydney today with only one engine and a 20 knot crosswind :open_mouth:

Join the club mate…. hope you have a beer or three at hand too!

Dust was pretty thick today :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Not too bad actually had 3mm rain last night drizzle into morning. At least it wasn’t 4fucking6 like it was on tuesday and I could get some outdoor work done. I tried sunblock 5000+ but fuck that sun has some high UV rays these days.

Apparently I’m having a Bachelor party tonight having my wedding with a wells tomorrow thanks @BME for providing catering services

You get fuck all kiddo because you didn’t spell it right. Now a knock shop I could take ya to :rofl:

I see no spelling error let the party begin p.s not edited btw

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BULLSHIT! YOU CHEATED haha busted :joy:

Kenoath mate…… the sun is searing right now and feels like being attacked by a laser beam, even though the temperatures have been mild.

We actually had a single overnight thunderstorm a couple of weeks ago that dropped about 2 inches of rain…… but then the whole state was on fire the very next day :roll_eyes:

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Speaking of spelling errors :roll_eyes::joy:

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mm summer storms always bring frigging fires. Says me that got burnt to a crisp in the 2014 fire :roll_eyes:

I was talking to a fella today and he was saying the likes of China and other countries fire artillery shells into clouds to help them along to make rain. I’ve never read or heard of that before… how would a 155 make it rain ffs :thinking: anyone else heard of it?

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Where, looks fine to me. And I do not have to cheat :rofl:

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You would be well aware of the Government Cloud Seeding that’s been happening since the 1970’s and the current tin foil hat Vapour Trails that it’s evolved into these days.

Truth is that it’s 100% documented by the Government as an actual program that still exists to this day.

At least if you research what they are doing, it’s all out there and makes sense.
Shooting bombs/missiles into clouds is definitely conspiracy theory bullshit :roll_eyes:

Hey just you cheated you little rat :joy: P.s not edited btw

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Oh goody coz I really love spotlighting those pricks :rofl:

Is that all you can come up with. Ah mann cmon :joy:

My property was devastated by a massive fire in 2015…… but was largely ignored by the Australian Media :roll_eyes:

Western Australia bushfires: several homes destroyed at Waroona | Bushfires | The Guardian

Less than 12 months later, the next fire front I was fighting against on my property, which started in the hills east of Waroona, became known as one of the biggest fires ever seen in Western Australia that completely wiped out the old town of Yarloop just to our South.

Hence has been named the “Yarloop” fires, even though it wiped out hundreds of thousands of acres across a massive section of our southwest.

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Yup I was following it closely and tracking the planes. IIRC our Marie Bashir 737 did a dash down there for it, stopping over at nearby Edinburgh RAAF base for a reload on the way. They help the planes but not a complete fix. There will be a hell of alot more fires in the near future and big bastards, this I can gaurantee.
All the flash burnt dead wood in a lot of the recent fires is just sitting there dry, ready to go.

Just so you are not left out my Billiat fire that burnt 85000Ha over 3 weeks and took out 7k of my fence didn’t even get a mention on radio let alone the TV. I dialed triple 0 and couldn’t even get them either. I was on my own with my Neighbour’s with our own tractors ploughing, water pump utes, shovels, 4 days up 24/7 no sleep. CFS did absolutely nothing here. It was shit.


That’s absolutely shithouse mate, but I fully understand your situation 100%.

Weeks on end trying to rest during the day whilst fire crews and air support is available…… then dread the long nights by yourself as the winds pick up and all aircraft support is grounded :confused:

I was constantly doing phone interviews with ABC Radio and other Media Outlets throughout both these fires, but they didn’t like the fact that I was positive about the situation and told them nothing about loss of properties and deaths in the area.

All I focused on was the positives of the local heroes and firies that were doing their damnest without any cohesive guidance or logical support from the apparent powers that be. :roll_eyes:

We somehow got “missed” from the Government handouts and local government support/reimbursement’s for loss and damages, even though half the town that was untouched claimed everything, whereas us that actually lost fences/sheds/vehicles/houses/equipment got sweet feckall :rage:

But used to growing up with bushfires, and losses are losses that have never relied upon a handout from anyone to help.

Seems like the only people who rort this system are the ones who have never actually been through this in reality, but are quite happy to sit back and reap the rewards from other peoples suffering :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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fuck me you serious. That is shithouse. I at least got an “up to” 4k from the NRM board(they even had to take fucken photos of it when done for a glorious expose :roll_eyes:) to help replace my fence even though it cost $28k it was something. I had to fix it as it was a boundary fence or how the feck else can I keep my sheep in. I had about 10 cents in the bank, but luckily I took out insurance for fire on my fences and they came to the party and got me squared away. Got a contractor in coz it was too much mess and carnage to handle on my own and by 2015 had a fence again all doneski :+1:

I did have a LOL moment when I was parked near the local copper waiting for this 150ft wall of firestorm to roll out of a scrub patch, a Roo ran out smouldering the cop pulled his 357 out and flung a few shots at it and it turned around and ran back into the fire. I was like fkn hell, good job mate :rofl: