The Shit Pit

How KFC intends to boost profitability…

Genetically bred, multi-legged chickens…

More meat on the leg…no wings, for you…!!

:rofl: :rofl:

good lord!

i need 20 chars for the min requirement.

Which one, your 50th or the club?

I’m in the works of organizing a banger. I’m having a warm up. FUCK IT. Invites open, byo sleeping arrangement byo booze. Likely have a few sheep on spit still working details out but it is always Oct long weekend :v:

anyone actually thinks the digital id law that was recently passed is a good idea?

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It’s just a digital identity which I already did years ago for my business so 2 fucks given here. Still does nothing besides waste money and you have to wait longer for your state to issue it from another state. Don’t believe me. Fk around and find out :laughing:

great. more control to the government.

:rofl: na mate because it doesn’t work when you need it like all whiz bang tech these days. Roll coal :+1:

Facebook marketplace really needs to develop a proper feedback system I recently sold an item to a lovely bloke who gave me 5 stars but a child probably under the age of 10 just by looking at his profile sent me an offer for $1 (it’s a $100 item) I told him to either offer me something serious or stop messaging me and waisting my time and he somehow gave me a 1 star rating without even buying the item. This changed by perfect 5 star seller rating to 3 and a half stars and made it so I couldn’t sell anything on marketplace for 6months+ what an absolute joke and this one bad review will negatively effect future sales :rage:

i guess the public gets the coal?

Ha Ha.
Ha Ha Ha…!!!

Im so glad im back in Oz.

trump found guilty…!!
Convicted rapist, and convicted fraudster…!!!
what a loser…!! finally, some consequences…!!
I would get shot, in texas…!!!

I would not be able, to say nothing…!!!

Smurf, its probs a good thing, your wife is in the states…!!

Also, concerning consequences…
I just spoke to my property manager ( female)
Out of character, she got drunk at an office party, the narcissist male pig guy got all up in her face, and she punched him 3 times…!!

He was going to press charges, but he also drunkenly sexually touched the CEO’s personal assistant, and was told to drop it all…!!

I gave her a slow clap, and told her, her esteem has been raised in my eyes…!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Some people just need , a good smack in the chops, to put them in line…!!! :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Today is a good day…!!

doesn’t mean it’s an easy win in November. he’ll still have supporters who will vote for him. i also highly doubt he’ll serve any jail time and even if he did, legally he can still run for president from prison.

I realise all of this.

His followers, will believe anything, that comes out of his mouth, regardless of the truth.

In all these matters, a couple of things have been proven as absolute fact.

1: He slept with Stormy Daniels, just after his wife gave birth.
2: he paid her off, to silence her.

Absolute Facts, even though he continues to deny.

The dems can now say…
“Do you really wanna put a convicted criminal in the white house?”

It’ll be a close election, but if anyone is on the fence, this may be enough to sway them.

I dont think melania will be very happy.
In fact, i reckon divorce will be on the cards, if he loses the election.

For a person ( i use the term loosely) who has avoided consequences all his life, its good to see some finally catching up to him…

sorry but the democrats aren’t angels here. they fucked up on the southern border and gave priority to illegals over citizens. texas wanted to, stop it but biden said no.

there’s also a political bias as the case was tried in a wholly democrat held state. to many who are in the middle to right think this is an extreme misuse of the judicial system. only the extreme left think this will have any effect on election results.

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I got a bet on sportsbet: Gavin Newsom @ 41.00 for president. betting has gone out to $51.00 and Trumps @ $1.83 Ha.

Two seperate issues here.

First, no the dems aren’t saints. Each party is a choice of, the best of a bad bunch. Like a sports game, each side is trying to win. Dems policies and political choices, have nothing to do with this trial.

There is one inescapable truth here.

Trump did the crime.
Full stop.

He was found guilty, by 12 jurors, by mountains of damning evidence.

Regardless of county jurasdiction ( and perhaps bias), if he was innocent, he would have been found so, by the evidence.

He did the crime.
All the evidence was there, to unanamously convince a jury.


Full stop.

do you really think that will stop him though? i don’t think so.

do you think it will magically turn his supporters or those undecided against him? that’s what November is for.

Unfathomable that the US constitutuon allows for the possibility of that clown, a convicted felon, to be sworn into office FROM A JAIL CELL if he campaigns and wins the presidential election. I get that it’s every citizen’s constitutional right to vote for whoever they want, even a convicted criminal… but how dumb would you be to do just that?

And here’s me thinking that our own Westminster-based two party preferred system of government needs addressing. Here, if a pollie puts the wrong figures down on a expense reimbursment form, we’re calling for their resignation… and we view prime ministers with private financial interests that could constitute a conflict of interest as suspicious.

Trump has compared himself to Jesus in the past… two days ago he indirectly compared himself to Mother Theresa. His arrogance, vanity, insanity and sense of self entitlement is staggering.

If the political situation in the USA is any indicator of how a democrat / republican system works, I’ll vote to keep ours as it is, thanks.

Dark triad personality disorder.

I’ll keep saying this…because that is what he is.

Narcissism/ Psychopathy/ Machiavellianism…all in the 1 person.

These people are, the worst of the worst…

Again, not my opinion, but the diagnosis of 60 000+ psyche’s who signed a petition, saying trump is completely unfit to ever govern…

The problem is, these people are very good and convincing liars, who are very good at, emotionally manipulate people…

They often , Just get away , with their crimes…

Look them up.
Get them out of your life, at any cost
They are pure poison…

He truly believes, he has the absolute right, to do whatever he wants…
And, the law doesn’t apply to him…

our system is no better. you have people that do not like either albo or dutton equally. all pollies have the same problem.

That’s true… so it must come down to the voters.

I don’t see any contender for the top job in parliament having a snowball’s chance in hell of getting a vote if they’re charged with fraud here in Australia.