Today, USA...( or, im in trump territory, and have to worry about concealed carry citizens..)

As bits, worst case, it’ll just end up in the abf bin and you’ll get the letter. And you write on the parcel what ever you want - i.e toy parts, should be fine. Cant imagine your breaking any US laws, and your in the US :slight_smile:

The problem is, you’d be breaking AUST laws, and thats something i cant afford to do.

They might let it through…then do a raid on your house, find an assembled a/soft…and your facing weapons charges, possibly jail time.

Simply not worth the risk, for me and my job.

I have no problem B709 / importing shells to convert to gel, if anyone ever wanted to see it, they would find a legally imported gel blaster.

I’ll get a place in NZ one day, and be able to have proper a/soft then…

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fair enough - was just thinking about the MACs price anyhow. Not worth it for a $90 A/S. And you’d still need the 6mms and that would very likely be seen.

6mm bb’s you just buy in australia. All over ebay and toy stores.

Ok…let see then…
Barrel and mag, posting to

Send to: @Deadsquid
123 Vicsux road
Goin Tajail

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The worms around here are terrible…

They burrow deep, and lay an egg…

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I thought this might be something you had used for target practice? :flushed::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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No never…not me…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Show us the pictures of all the chipped tiles behind and around the apple I dare you :joy:.
I would like to see the look on the maids face discovering pieces of apple and Bb’s all over the place and air soft guns hidden under the mattress.

Silly me I forgot were you are.
That is a regular occurrence in good old Texas .
Most motel’s have gun safes in every room.
Well at least the ones I have stayed in did.
Saved me leaving them in the gun safe in the pickup .
That’s another thing you can hire a pick up with a concealed gun safe in it in good old USA.


That’s horrendous. Aussie apples are so much better… tee hee

I dont know what your talking about !!

I never did anything…!!

You must be making stuff up, about me…!!

You Horrible Meany…!!
Poor Me…!! Witch-hunt…!!

As ive learnt from trump, deny, lie, attack the accuser, play the victim…

And repeat endlessly…until enough people believe you…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Their is actually a acronym for this…DARVO…

Attack accuser,
Victim and

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Sounds good to me.

Right that’s it I’ve made my mind up. Fuck Australia I’m moving to Texas. Go visit my great great uncle’s grave that’ll get me in.

Can’t even buy a MAC10 for $90 here costs are too high it’s a crisis.

At least I can have a 4wd ute without some stuck up crunt whinging oh that’s too big wa wa onya sonya try and pick up the shit I do for work with ya lil shitbanger toyota yaris go kart. Oh my bad that’s right you don’t work. How silly of me.

My son’s ranch is 89 acres I’m sure we could slice of 20 acres.
For a holistic gun commune.

Dont be hasty now…!!

You’ll miss Australia…
You’ll miss…


$ 1 million dollar, 3 bedroom houses…
50% tax rate…
Cops who book you for 3kms over the limit
Endless thought police

Actually, do I wanna go back.??

Join the queue down south!

What’s not to like
If your a foodie BBQ shacks are every
Cars are cheap
Motorcycle are cheap
It took me less than two weeks to obtain a conceal carry permit.
And purchase my first 2 rifles and a hand gun
You get a discount for the more you buy.
WOKE does not exist in Texas well not at least in the places I hang out.
Ok you need good medical
But that’s no different to here.
You learn Mexican quickly
Not every animal and reptile wants to kill you .
Except grizzly bears and buffalo’s there both bat shit crazy.
Castle law exist
Don’t get me wrong I love Australia I have spent the better half of my life living here and I will miss it.
But the things I love doing at this stage of my life are severely governed here.
Oh by the way the wife and me are looking forward to this


I dunno why the prices of our blasters here in Oz are so inflated… then again, airsoft units in New Zealand aren’t anywhere near as cheap as Stateside either.

Must just be the affordability and ready availability of real steel in the USA that keeps the prices of the BB guns down… no real demand. :man_shrugging:

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Its a really, really expensive model.
Trust us, its sooo expensive, to get a quality item like this…

$159 US…for 400 fps…


A/S to Gelsoft conversion costs would be part of it … but still doesnt explain the $ some retailers ask, especially on the most popular products that are brought in at scale.

Rip-off Mfers more likely as the main reason.


A/S for kids and Reel Steel for grownups there. Here we are all treated as kids regardless.