Today, USA...( or, im in trump territory, and have to worry about concealed carry citizens..)


So, i didnt come to texas, just to buy airsoft…

There is the matter, of work to attend to…

A whole buncha sims, to get through…

Qantas has 3 737 sims in OZ. Virgin has 2. Rex is getting 1.

Southwest has 38.

They are located in a cat 5 hurricane proof building, near the airport.
2 Seperate buildings, each has 19 sims located in each centre.

The place is immaculate.
The toilets are cleaned every couple of hours, and they auto flush, after you do a crap, and get up…!!

You could eat your dinner off the floor…

Each sim is worth around somewhere between $20-25 Million US…


I wonder if the Sim has a sense of humour.
You could say to it
I’m only here to learn to take of and fly. Don’t need to know about landing.

Also are they PS5 compatible

Aaaaand, that, precisely, is why we have to have our fingerprints taken,

Proof of overseas license , provide our security card, Dept of homeland security background check, etc etc, before we are allowed anywhere near the place.

I wonder if they had a giggle at my F/book page…
All the trump stuff…
I had a 50 / 50 chance…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Maybe my pro GBF status, got me a texas Visa…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Your up early

You better hope the person who evaluates you is not a Trump supporter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Ever since ive been here…
2 lots of 4 hr sleeps per day…

My sim buddy is having the same problem.
Most of our sim times, are 7-11 pm…middle of the day back home…

Its a bugger when you wake up so bloody early…
Tried some melatonin…you can buy it over the counter, at target…!!

Didnt make me sleep 6-7 hrs…just helped me get to sleep, at 12:30 pm…


Aussie homebase instructors, so trump piss taking is a must…!!

Damn that’s cool. If only Aus would sell our oil, gas and coal more instead of being greeny cry babies we could have that too.

By way of comparison, Qantas has a fleet of 75 B737’s.
Virgin has 84 B737’s

Southwest currently has 815, with orders for more…

Tell me, exactly why was AJ the highest paid airline CEO, in the world…???


Do all the Sims come with Otto the copilot.


Lots more planes, lots more people to cart around too.

Who does the simulator program or is it a modified microsoft flight sim or something.

Some militaries use BISim ( for elements of training which is a side project to the commercial game ARMA by the same company.

I dont know who makes it, i’ll ask.

The sim fidelity is amazing, the visuals are spot on, you would swear you are in the aircraft…

I’ll try to take some photos…

I got a strong desire…to bust a Barry Burton…!!!

Also, ihobby has the “claire redfield” revolver…from RE2 remake…
It just shoots lil plastic pellets, like the derringer…



The barry burton, gives off robocop Auto-9 vibes, while being a lot cheaper…

Though, the tec-9 is also snazzy…

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Ironic with the LCR using plastic pellets… :roll_eyes:

" Watch Out…!! You’ll be squashed, into a Jill Sandwich…!!"

epic dialogue…!!

Lets see…

Day off 2morrow…
Evike is open…
Instore stock is now showing on line…


Also, the guys were talking about " Texas gun experience"

A pay range, where you go, pay $100 and have several guns to have a few shots with…

One guy was telling me, they have a minigun available…!! $500… :rofl: :rofl:

Lets see if thats true…!!

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Looks like it is…!!

Minigun for hire…!! $500…yikes…!!

$500 for 3 seconds…
Thats squiddy, with a high end hooker…!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Also, barret 50 cal BMG…!!..$65

I can sense…

Squiddy blurting ink everywhere…
Smurf packing faster…
Maiphut booking his ticket…
And Docbob, moving to QLD…!! ( That’s one step up!!)

:rofl: :rofl: :joy:

M-60 part of the “standard” machine gun rental…just for @deadsquid
Squiddy has just squirted, blurted, hurted, and fainted… :rofl: :rofl:

Whoever would have thought, machine gun rentals, would be a thing…!!

M1919 or MG-42…???

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To qoute the obese guy who destroyed the 2011 AFL grad final prelims… you took the words right out of my mouth. :wink:

That Ruger’s a good platform for a movie prop. :+1:

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3 Full auto machine guns rentals, for $180…

Im thinking M-60, MP-7, and Uzi/thommy…

Where / when ever , would you get the chance again…??!

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