Today, USA...( or, im in trump territory, and have to worry about concealed carry citizens..)

Full Metal Briskit…!!

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Its actually, a standard WE-Tech RE2 blaster, with a faux compensator on top, sitting on a custom rail, underneath… with an extended mag.

Rail, top left, compensator above…

Bloody hell, it looks , and feels great, in the hand…

I have a stock black RE2 wetech, back home…
i think, it NEEDS these accessories…

(note, the burton slide, does not have a front sight, at the tip of the slide…
STD we-tech Does).

I reckon it looks better than, the robocop blaster, by far…


Seriously…all this , for $160 bucks…
The yanks have it sooo good…

320 fps, on green gas…


bloody beautiful pieces.

Ok… I applied for a b709, to import the moderator, lower slide, grips and mag.

Fingers crossed…!!

Hopefully it will arrive, and i can post those to myself, before i leave…!

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I applied for my b709 online, and hit " submit".
It thought about it, and reloaded the page, already filled in ( but with no submit button this time).

I did not receive a email confirmation of receipt.

I repeated the process, same experience and result.

When i sent a general enquiry email, i received a reply of confirmation of that email immediately…

Is there some issue applying from overseas…??
Very weird, and i dont wanna waste time…

Middle of the night and not open :person_shrugging:

Its an auto response…should be 24hrs…
My general enquiry got an immediate auto response…

I suspect its something in their system…the response identifies your ip address… so they know where you are…

Maybe because you’re in a different country and doesn’t match your previous applications?

Being automated it might flag as a potential fraud. :man_shrugging:

Hope you get it sorted… some nice kit you’re looking at acquiring there. :+1:

I know…thats the reason i bought it…!!

I suspect being overseas is the big kicker for the application… my general enquiry got through just fine…

Maybe they can send me a link that works…

They should have some way to handle this…it would be fairly common people being overseas, buying stuff and wanting to send it home…

I wonder if you would need a b709 just for the plastic grips…

Surely those would not be an issue…

Damn last day of NRAAM 2024 in Dallas just noticed. Guns galore on show

Floor Plan - 2024 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits (

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And I leave for Sydney on Monday
To catch up with my mum.
And try to convince her to come with me.even if it’s just for a holiday

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Sounds like it’s all happening, man. :+1:

We’ll have to change your group flag to the Texas star soon. :laughing:

What the hell did they do to CoCo pops…??!

" Simian Sugar Cereal"…??? Lawsuit avoiding edition…

The only reason I’d move to America would be that restaurants serve plates that have slow cooked pulled pork, beef brisket, corn bread, Mac and cheese, buffalo wings and coleslaw, they consider that plate appetisers aswell.





Lotsa Calamari, to go around…!!

Just the food, really…?

Rentable M’60’s dont factor into the equation.?.?

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Idk kind of an unpopular opinion here I don’t really like real steel I’d way rather shoot airsoft or gel blasters

What’s unpopular? We love all extensions of penis :laughing:

I’m guessing as you are a bit of a history buff you only know the bad side to firearms. There is much fun to be had with them.

For eg just spent a couple hours checking my 223 sights as I need to be spot on as I’m lambing in case there is a fox about. So target shooting making sure I can hit a 50c piece at 70M. Had to adjust the scope a bit, been awhile since I used that rifle and got it knocker on and my breathing and trigger control practice right so I make shots count instead of being a trigger happy …

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I get where your coming from, squiddy…

From a couple of points of view.

1: unless you’re from the country, chances are you haven’t grown up around real firearms. Thats what usually creates the initial interest. There is more general acceptance of firearms, as a tool with a purpose, in the country areas.

So, no negative stigma attached.

Polar opposite in the city, tell someone you enjoy shooting, and they will likely have a negative opinion. Widespread thought police, brainwashing.

2: Firearms are everywhere, movies, tv show, vid games (RE2 Barry Burton.!)…and thus airsoft / gelsoft is a “safe way” to collect your favourites, without being subject to “anti firearm hysteria”.

(Banned states notwithstanding)

I dont do a lot of real steel shooting, and even then its mostly target.

Gelsoft is a safer way, to have the fun/collect, without the judgement…

Finally, if people don’t like what your into…tell em to get stuffed…!!