UZI SMG Cap Gun / Gel Conversion

Its half way, between being a scorpion / TEC-9 abomination combination…!!

Dr frankenstein has been up late in the lab…!! :rofl: :rofl:

“creative liberties”, have been taken with the thompson as well…

Thats a Thompson.??
Tell em their dreamin…

yeah not my idea of a Thompson, maybe they didn’t have the rights to do an exact replica

Oh right so you haven’t used them before? I got kinda keen on a couple things there. Lucky I’m bitch ass broke I didn’t.

Haven’t used them before.
If i was to order, using paypal would be the go.

Refund available, if there are any issues.
And, go for a cheaper order to begin with.

That double barrel shotty looks alright ( If its full sized)…

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More progress…

Man, what a morning… custom trigger bar assembly’s done and dusted.

Took some head scratching and still needs a little tidying up and reinforcing here and there but it damn well works beautifully. :wink:

@BME errrr yep… it’s a Nerf trigger highly butchered :joy: but by the time I fill holes and paint, once it’s together you’ll never know. Feels like it’s going to have a very short pull on it too, which is good. :+1:

So Nerf trigger, because it needed to be a slider and there was no way I was ever going to make this awkward bastard of a trigger work.

Original trigger bar, and the trigger return spring goes on the front hole of the plate dead on centreline so it should work efficiently.

Good times… :sunglasses:

PS @BME without getting ahead of myself, are you okay with an on/off switch on the shell in an inconspicuous place? I’m a little sketchy with “always on” blasters with no way to turn them off. :thinking:


looks Fantastic…!!

Coming along very well.!

Im not fussed on an on/ off switch…i’d normally take the battery out if its going to be sitting for awhile…its probably easier not to have a switch, but suit yourself…it would also save you some work…!

Not much work to put a small switch in, but if you’d prefer it without, easy done. :+1:

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I’ll leave it up to you…
I’m not fussed.! :grinning::grinning:

You the man :call_me_hand:t2:. awesome, legendary work

@BME you definitely chose the right man for the job :+1:t2:

I woke up this morning with trigger assemblies running through my head :joy:

Then I thought… Nerf! :joy:

Worked a treat, even if it did take a little rejigging. :wink:

I got triggered today…
And it wasn’t by Nerf…!!!

probably by my trump comments :joy::rofl::call_me_hand:t2:

check this out,

old add I found whilst looking up the schmeiser mp40

checkout the stock on the uzi

don’t think it’s your style tho but I thought it was cool to see. they had a Sten mkii up for sale, $950 :scream:


That’s one way to cover up the arse end of the MP9 gearbox that’s hanging out. :rofl: :rofl:

No, not really… :laughing:

I’m sure you could come up with a solution a little more to BME’s liking if you went the Woodstock route :grin:

seen it n thought I’d throw it out there.

I wonder if there’s a metal stock you could use to hide the protrusion?

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Ah, but then it wouldn’t be an UZI… :wink:

Couple of OC purists over here. :rofl:

I thought they had a fold out stock on some models?

They do have side fold out stocks on the Mini and Micro UZI only.

The wood stock was the first iteration the IDF used from 1952 until the metal underfolder came along in 1956 and standardized in IDF. On the full size.

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WOODEN you know it…

Taking STOCK of the situation,

I realised i had something that might fit…

That made my shiver me TIMBER’s…

(I’ll stop now… :rofl: :rofl:)