We Dont go to Ravenholm Anymore... ( SPAS 12 review)

Yeah, I’m glad you like it.
Its great build quality, and value, for $200…

I got another one as well, for all the reasons you said…
They’re affordable, and once sold out, probably wont be available again…

I might remove the stock on the 2nd one, and see about getting a easier to remove circlip… i think getting this one off, will be a 2 man job…

Tight as a nuns nasty…!!

The different blacks bug me a bit, makes it look a bit hotch-potch…

The “classic look”, is dark olive green heat shield, and stock, with the J hook and the rest all uniform black.

I’ll go for that, when i get my sims out of the way, and have some time to pull it apart…
You going to paint yours.?

And, where would i get a better spring from.?

And, for everyone else, out of curiosity, how many other folks here grabbed one…?

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Stop teasing me with pictures of a ZB26 you bastard!

I’m blown away by your mention of M200 Springs.

I have no experience with NERF, but my experience with M150 Springs in Gelblasters had my nerves fried as to how strong they were.

To say that an M200 takes two hands to manually cycle, it gives me the shivers thinking about what the poor old Nylon Gen8 Gearboxes and Motors had to accomplish in cycling M150 Springs! :flushed:

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No I don’t paint my Blasters.
I just pull them apart and see what makes them tick .
Then modify them all until they nearly break,
then just take them back a notch. Sort of what I do with Bolt’s :sweat_smile:.
That’s why I used to buy two so at least I would have one that works :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:.
Now days I can’t afford to buy two
A the prices they want until this one came along.
I am sort of like the mad scientist of gel Blasters
And gel growing in different solutions
The ones I break I convert to lamp’s
If I turned on all my lamp’s you would see my place from space.:sweat_smile:

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I used to do the same, buy two (or more!) of the same model, modify one and then keep the other stock standard in the original box.

I would only run a handful of gels through the stock ones to check that they were functioning properly, then would remove the main spring and pack them back away to go onto the pile :joy::+1:



There was a double barrel AEG Airsoft blaster produced many years ago, but it wasn’t very popular for some reason :thinking:

But it was a while back when the performance was pretty dismal and the build quality was meh!

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If Gordon Freeman’s shotty ,looked like that….

The zombies and head crabs, would be the ones saying…
“WE don’t go to Ravenholm anymore…”. :rofl::rofl:

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Found it!
From 2019 :sunglasses:

Must admit, it’s a beautiful looking piece of gear!

My previous comments must have been about a cheap Chinese gel version that I had seen?

Will keep searching to see if my old foggy memory was correct :crazy_face:

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Classic Army was Wells wasn’t it? That would probably explain a lot then…

This is what happens,
when you pull the pump off, cage off, quick clean up, and licketty split paint job…

3 quick coats, of dark olive green, on the heat shield cage…

lets see, how long it lasts…

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put your clothes, back on…!!

How do you make, the SPAS, look sexier…?? ( Impossible, you say…)

Dress her up…

Quick, touch up , job…

  1. remove the white decals…

this was done with q-tips, and turps…small amounts of turps, remove it quickly, wash it off, with soapy water, dry, repeat…it removes most of the paint, while leaving, a very light residue…almost like engraved stampings…

would need a repaint, to remove it all fully…

  1. heat cage painted…

Done with a quick , clean up, and several coats of rust-oleum…
The dark olive , is very close to , the " real " dark olive colour…

I must admit, i’m really liking, the outcome, of the mods…

The original was a bit " toyish"… so many different colours, white markings, light brown colour, and glossy stock…

This, looks a little bit more like, something
Mr Freeman, would get in Ravenholm…

The circlip is a bastard to get off…

When I can get it off, i’ll repaint the metal stock, in the olive colour, just leaving the tip black… the shiny black stock, contrasts with the matte black on the rest of the blaster…


Also, for @Bikersmurf … the blue shells are from the M1887…
I’ll post some pics on that later…

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Nice work, that’s certainly come out looking awesome :ok_hand:

Amazing what a bit of colour and creativity can do to completely change the look of these!

It should " wear" pretty well, as a bonus…

I can see why the rustoleum is a slightly weaker finish… it does feel a bit softer, and will wear off over time…

However, it will expose the brown underneath.
The top part of the cage, will remain unworn.

That should make, for an interesting look…

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The olive is a pretty good match.
Wish it was just a little darker, but spray can options are limited.

In two minds, either repaint the stock matte black, or go olive…


very nice look! The matte olive works a treat.

Finally got the circlip off…!!

This involved…

Heating with a hairdryer,
Two tiny allen keys, one through each eyelet hole,
A mate, prising it off, with a knife, from the side…


I also gave the white decal area, a quick flash of Matte Black Rustoleum…
All decal marks, now gone, good enough for a quick job…!

It looks so much better, now its off… proper HL2 look…

I’ll see how hard it is to get the circlip off again…but i will paint my other one, and keep it with the stock off…

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Notice , the family resembelence.?.?

I’ll post some more pics, after i’ve painted the stock, matte olive…

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Something tells me you need a small pair of circlip pliers… :joy:

Great looking unit though… :+1: