What are you watching today?

More open die forging and the rebuild of a 30 Ton Hydrolic Piston. Big stuff!!

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The perfect weather… been beautiful this week. Love Autumn.

Watched “Asteroid City” by Wes Anderson today…

A bit late to the party considering it was made 21 years ago, but better late than never. :joy:

Man, it was weird… but worth watching for the UFO and alien scene alone.

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Japanese F1 Grand Prix

Definitely NOT watching the Titans get spanked again.
Yup, not watching that at all… just staring at the match page on Fox Sports and banging my head against the table everytime they get scored on.


Altered Carbon is a great one, really enjoyed it :+1:

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Rewatched Blade Runner 2049 again…

Now I really wanna build K’s service pistol. :joy:


One exceptional netflix Horror series, is " The Haunting of Hill House"

Based on a adaption of a best selling classic novel, when Stephen King tweets its “close to a work of genius”, you know its going to be good…

Not a conventional horror story with mindless gore / splatter, moreso the effects of trauma on the living, with a supernatural backdrop.

The 5 children represent the 5 stages of grief, this series will emotionally rape you.

Contrasting the love and warmth of a close loving family, with loss , suicide, grief, substance abuse and depression, this series absolutely hits hard, and had rave reviews.

Well worth a look…

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I’m Not kidding…
This series is a absolute masterpiece…

Who else, has seen it.?

The bent neck lady reveal…Oh Lord…!!

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I recently had to choose one of my streaming subscriptions to cull… it was between Stan, Netflix, Disney, Binge or Amazon Prime.

Guess which one I dropped?

Yep… Netflix :roll_eyes:

Should have ditched Amazon Prime.

Fallout’s out today or tomorrow for Prime I think - looks awesome.

Soon, I’ll do , a burst, on … " Attack on Titan"

This story (anime) is a Superior, S+ , a high watermark , of Tv shows.

It actually outranked , Breaking bad, and Game of thrones…on ratings, on imbd

The series highlight episodes, of S3, ranked 10/10… and brought many youtube reactors to genuine tears…

I stumbled across this show, by accident, when my arm was injured.
it kept popping up, on my youtube feed…
I don’t normally watch anime shows…But…

This is, one of the greatest shows, ive ever watched…
The story, is just unbelievable…

Everything is S+… the story, the animation, the music…
Dont be fooled, into thinking this is a kids show…
Its not a kiddy cartoon… Its as brutal and savage as game of thrones…
And, kills off main characters…

How do you stop, the cycle of hatred, racism, brainwashing, and violence,thats gone on forever…?

And, who will ultimately pay the price to has to be paid…for…

Full breakdown, soon…

If in doubt , read the online reviews… a true masterpiece…

tomorrow late afternoon our time i belive.

You know, the worst person to be, in a war…?

A spy.

A soldier goes out, confronts and fights the enemy…and lives or dies…

A spy, has to maintain their deep cover.
That means, torturing and killing, their own people… in order to maintain their cover…

In the end, they can only hope, they ultimately save more lives, than they take…

The owl, appears late, and flips/ changes everything, onto its head…

What a soundtrack… The Owl…

Eyes, that have seen too much…
Hands, that have done too much…

But, never had a choice…like i said, its an awfully brilliant show…

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I’m part way through watching Dune part 2.

I can relate with all the sand and stuff.

Update: found a time and it should be out now on amazon.


oh yeh … Prime is pretty crap now. We only keep it because my son still loves Top Gear / Grand Tour. He’s going to have to lose that soon though.

My biggest gripe with Prime is the “rent or buy” issue…

They take a movie from the 70s like “Jaws”, put it online for free, then slug you rental to watch the sequels. :joy:

Half the time the same content is available on Stan, Netflix or Binge for nix anyway.

Its either that, or they’ll have the second/third installment availalbe to watch but not the first.