What Did You Get Up To Today?

I wish all you people would stop speaking double Dutch …… I’m completely uneducated and confused right now :pensive::joy:

Half Life Alyx is a virtual reality shooter, set in the Half Life series. Its a prequel to Half Life 2, and has fairly realistic portrayal of guns, and how you fiddle with them.

Man, if gun manipulation makes you smile like that you HAVE to get H3VR.

Bolt catches, press checks, loading ammo into magazines, adjusting sights, unfolding bipods, and Terminator 2 style spin cocking for lever actions.

This game can do it all.

Ik heb nog steeds absoluut geen idee waar jullie het over hebben! :roll_eyes::joy:

I gave Pistol Whip a try. Is like beat saber but with guns.

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Today is dad/son bonding day over some good old star wars tabletop wargaming.

Little guy is gonna get rekt


What, no ewoks…???
And, what about Jar Jar…?? ! :rofl:

Ive never seen table top gaming before…is it like a strategy game.?

What we were playing is star wars armada, it plays out the big fleet battles of star wars as a very much strategy turn based game. I’ve probably spent a touch over $1000 on the collection, but it’s been a fantastic investment with time spent with the kids.


Cool…worth it, if you and the kids love it…!!

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I’ve found board games in general have been fantastic for bonding and surprisingly good for teaching pattern recognition/problem solving/optimisation. The games developed in the last 15 years or so mainly, monopoly can get fucked


its awesome, when parents/kids can come together, and bond over a shared activity.

It could be , fishing, footy, board games, playing pool, gel blasters, painting etc …

Whatever you have a strong emotional attachment to, as a child, will generally carry through to adulthood…

At least, you know what xmas pressies, they will like, in years to come…!

Yea I played the catching by hand, shooting and gutting Rabbits board game, does wonders for a plus 3 in dexterity. :rofl: plenty of optimization skills to be had get the flick right and not end up with intestines wrapped around your neck :laughing: :laughing:

Walking Dead VR looks interesting but I am wondering if it’s possible to use Revive to get oculus only games to work on my vive headset.

My conceal carry group in the states sent me a new patch


Can you source a link to said patches?:thinking:

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I have found a site that do decals
But my group has not returned my message about my enquiry as to were they got the patches made

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Contemplating buying a Steam Deck.

Wiring, wiring and more wiring :roll_eyes:
Almost there though :+1:


At least you get to work on new stuff, I spent all day patching rust holes up in a header comb. Went ok. Right lets go, bang… wtf was that. Fkn cockys nest of gum leaves and all sorts of shit in the repeater chute smashed the adjuster to pieces. I was at the end of my tether but made it whole again with a fair amount of metalworking and a fkn hammer :rofl: God damn what next :rofl:

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Oh don’t worry mate…. spent many, many years working on farms.
Patching patches over patches that somebody patched back in 1948.

Spending the whole off season servicing and maintaining all of the equipment ready for the coming season…… only to have something stupid fail and put us weeks behind to get parts/repair and beg to borrow equipment from the neighbouring farms to make do in the meantime.

Always the stupid little things that fail which cause the biggest dramas.

But hey…… that’s exactly where we get our BA Degrees in Bush Mechanics from hey! :joy::+1: