What Did You Get Up To Today?

Reminiscing about the good old days, daughter putting the GLOCK G18C through the Chrono,

Which then led me to another video showing the difference between her posh accent compared with somehow being raised by us ocker hillbilly parents :thinking::joy::+1:


Well, so the new pulley is 6 weeks ex USA :roll_eyes: So I got to a bit of hemmering and welding bush style. Do I pass @DocBob it actually runs well, a few beers can get any bit of flat metal round with some coercion from a hammer :+1: Yup all I had was an arc welder so they are shitty looking as was down to 60A on 1.6mm thick steel gap filling.


Mate…… now that’s the great old Aussie farming ingenuity and “engineering” that this country was built on :+1:

Don’t forget to give it a coat of rattle can black and she’ll look as good as new! :ok_hand::joy:


The books for my shooter’s safety training came today, and I’ve spent a good chunk of the afternoon doing pre-reading well in advance.

Honestly I’m stunned at how in depth it all goes, it seems to be far more than a simple safety brief. Education on the function, mechanics, and reasoning behind proper maintenance. Discussion on the attitude, and approach you should be taking. It’s even dipped its toes into discussing the formulae behind rifling twist rate and shotgun gauges.

And that’s chapter one!

I think I’m gonna enjoy this.


No more 10 questions and do you shoot ducks on water with a .22LR hey?

The water question is now vaguely to the tune of “a lady is walking alongside a lake and suddenly she is shot and killed. what probably happened?” which has a few more levels of “JESUS CHRIST!” added to it than it sounds like the original had :laughing:

Bloody hell, that’s ridiculous :rofl:

Isn’t there a psych test required now as well? :roll_eyes:

Nope. Permits seem to be will-issue providing you have a clean criminal record, and pass the training. Which, honestly I’m okay with.

If I had my druthers, honestly the only four things I’d change would be

  1. Merging cat C and D while keeping C’s requirement level. Farmers have genuine need for centrefire autoloaders, now that wild pigs are so established.
  2. Making all training free on the government’s dime. It would mean that anyone who even comes into contact with firearms casually could be properly trained.
  3. Lowering storage requirements by like 1 tier. Current cat A/B safes are honestly more than enough to stop 99% of thefts and would keep handguns secure. A/B long arms should be plenty secure in even a mild steel cabinet. And,
  4. Adding provisions for self-defense CC with additional training. I know we have a pretty damn safe country, but it’s still awfully scary walking home alone at night, especially out here where there’s stretches with nobody even in shouting distance.

But… given that even target shooting is a valid reason to get an A/B permit, I think our laws strike a pretty good balance between permissive ownership and not going full America and opening ourselves up to the harms that come with it.


That was just for WA I saw some news they recently brought that in for all existing FA owners :roll_eyes:

WA only?
FKN Mark McGowan at it again :rage:
He seriously believes that he’s the REAL Prime Minister of Australia…… egotistical maniac :roll_eyes:

Yea ‘Australian first’: Mandatory mental health checks for WA gun licences (watoday.com.au)

There is already something similar in SA been in place for awhile where you get checked on application if you are on medication for mental health or something like that at least your medical records are checked. But not for existing licence holders.

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Having a nervous breakdown :pensive:
Fuck them all to hell!


Been a massive couple of months clearing out my property in Waroona as the ex missus and I finally got our shit together to sell up as the last remaining asset from our relationship.

5 Acres, House, 6 Sheds and 25+ years worth of the original 1920’s industrial complex scrap on top of my own collection of parts/vehicles has been a monstrous task to achieve in a very short time :hot_face:

Finally on the home run, but still much last minute work to be done with the remaining smaller parts/equipment.

Decided to come down to my old local bush camp spot tonight for a welcome change of camping in my old workshop shed staring at the same surroundings that have been all I’ve seen for the last two months :roll_eyes:

Is nice :+1:
Have missed this place since having to move my business to another country town 100klm away.


This stupid looking Pootrol belongs to my ex missus, which she bought off of some young mud bogger idiot :roll_eyes:

I am only borrowing so I have a vehicle that I can still tow a trailer with.
I’m actually considering making her an offer to buy it, even though it’s got plenty of sins that need attention asap.

Fkn thing almost burnt to the ground this morning, as the young idiots wired up multiple work/reverse/side lighting, spot light and accessories switches into the centre console……no fuses or anything, just a constantly hot wire direct to the battery running through the whole vehicle without any shielding/grommets/protection or securing whatever :roll_eyes:

The amazing thing is that they ran a solid battery +VE wire direct from the battery, all the way through the vehicle to the switches in the console.

That direct wire was run across the handbrake lever ratchet mechanism right next to it.

I let the handbrake off this morning and the whole interior of the vehicle went up in smoke :flushed:
I quickly popped the bonnet and tore off the battery leads, then proceeded to drench whatever carpet/trims/plastics were all smouldering with a water bottle that was sitting in the passenger floor well……luckily!

I was raised in a TOYOTA family my whole life since the original FJ series.

ex Missus/father in law back in the early 90’s were the NISSAN brigade, and I rated those older late 80’s/early 90’s models very highly :ok_hand:

I sold my 45 Series Cruiser Trayback with FORD 351/5.8 ltr V8 and my two HJ 60 Series Cruisers at the beginning of the property sale………so now found myself needing a tow vehicle to be able to clear out the property.

I had our own tip truck, but was borrowing a couple of tractors from the neighbouring farm to shift and load equipment on the property.

Neighbours sold their property at the same time, so I have given back the tractor and lent him our tipper truck in return to help them move out as well.

This has left me pretty much without any machinery to carry on towing trailers etc apart from this Pootrol.

Sorry if none of this makes sense……very little reception here and editing/uploading is a man on the moon expedition at best! :flushed::joy:


38° all day sweating my ring out, came down here to cool off and now it’s bloody raining :flushed:
Might be common weather in Melbourne, but don’t usually get this sorta weather here.


Damn been a mighty fine living weather here all week finally, 20’s and mild. Lovin it!


Damn spy balloons :rofl: Peoples rubbish ends up on my property for Lambs to chew on :fu:

:fu: :fu: :fu:


Gender reveal?

Celebrate a pregnancy by killing other animals :rage::roll_eyes:



Home related, not gel related.

Had two feature walls, put up, on the recently painted walls.
3mm vinyl, faux timber flooring slats.

a very good, cost effective way, of picking up a room, and giving it the “wow” factor.

About $900 per room for the slats, and had a mate who helped me with the install.
You have to roll contact glue, onto the wall, and the slat, and let it cure a bit first.

Very smelly stuff…but it fades quickly.
I like it so much, gonna do one more bedroom…

Top one is quite bold, but ive got a large , blue framed photo, of lady elliot island, from when i used to fly into there. I’ll mount that above the bed, and that will break it up a bit.

Ive got a light timber staircase, going upstairs, and this is a pretty close match.

2nd room is a bit more understated and discrete, but still looks the goods…