What Did You Get Up To Today?

Think you’re right about it needing to be broken up, but that top wall is gonna look amazing after it’s got a decent picture on it. The bottom one is absolutely mint tho. Very zen looking, and yes the bed’s headboard inspires that wording in particular.


Thanks…and, you cant see dads old samurai swords set…in keeping with the japanese theme…! :slight_smile:

Lighter is defs the way to go, for the understated look.
Its a bastard choosing tiles, they have so many, but only one sample…you need to see about 5 or 6, to see how it looks over a larger scale.

Im thinking very light brown, with timber finishes, or artic white with timber features…hard to tell…

They really need software, where you can take a photo of a wall , and superimpose your choice on it…


Also, in to todays news…

“Ladies and gents, whats the phrase that pays…??”

" it wouldnt be chinese, if you didnt have to fuck with it…!!!"


My arcade machine, was made, wait for it, in china.
All went well, for the obligatory first 2-3 weeks.

Then, the joystick started to fail…
missing inputs, or getting it wrong ( ie push diagonal up/right…it only goes right).

It would work, about 90-95% of the time. The rest, you died from from “missed” inputs, not registering…very frustrating…

Not what you need from an expensive machine ( covered by a 2 yr, Back To Base Warranty)…yeah right… im not gonna pack this up, and pay to send it back to sydney…

Long story short, spoke to the tech, joysticks are chinese.
He did send me a replacement one, pretty easy to swap over, but i have little faith in another chinese replacement.

I told him that.
He said, you can buy a japanese made one ( Sawana) that will last a lot longer.
I said how much?..$50…what are the chinese ones worth…? $25…fuck me…

I have ordered a japanese one, to install…

I cannot believe, people selling machines, at this price point, cheap out over 50 bucks…when it affects the customer experience so much…

Like seriously, why would you not change the joysticks over, to the better quality japanese ones, from the get go.?.?.?

We should seriously boycott rubbish chinese crap, and favour (slightly) more expensive, but better made taiwanese stuff…


I avoid medinchina like the plague where I can. China can make quality stuff, but not for export.


Same example with a brand new trailer a friend of mine just bought.
There’s a company here called CoastMac Trailers.
They import these trailers directly from China as flat packs, then simply assemble them locally and sell for quite a hefty profit.

Anyrate, friend pics up her brand new $4500 trailer and the salesman tells her to bring it back in 3 months time and they will replace the wheel bearings for her at a cost.

This threw her back a bit and asked why she would have to return to pay more money on a brand new trailer that she hadn’t even left the dealership with yet.

Salesman replied that all the axle hubs are fitted with very low quality Chinese bearings, and they have found that all of their customers have been complaining to the business that their wheel bearings are collapsing, some even having the wheels come off the axle whilst driving down the road! :flushed:

I can’t fathom how a company can legally and willingly sell a product that has these very dangerous issues for use by their customers on public roads.

Wouldn’t a responsible company, knowing this dangerous defect, simply fit new quality bearings to all their trailers in the process of assembling them? :thinking:

I would imagine that they would have a massive legal liability case to answer to if someone was killed/injured from a wheel coming off one of their products causing a vehicle accident or striking a pedestrian :confused:

Another bad example of China Made “quality”.

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Chinese production consistancy is great. Consistantly shit :wink:

You should go visit one day, might change your mind.
Definitely changed mine.

I had a Gardening Machinery Manufacturing/Importation business in the same Industrial Complex as My Hot Rod Shop at the time.

Poor bugger had to make several trips to China, specifically to the manufacturing company who he had outsourced to produce the steel frames/parts that he had designed for his own brand of various products.

Every time a container arrived, I would help him unload it and he would always check the first 3-4 crates that we first offloaded.
Many times the parts/engineering specifications were completely subpar to his specifications.

This would lead to not even bothering to unpack the rest of the containers, which were sent straight back!
Then he would have to take another trip to the Manufacturing Facility in China to inspect the production line and go back through the Engineering Drawings and Specifications to try and get the bosses to stick to the design plans.

But every time, as soon as he left to come back to Australia, they would instantly resort back to substituting cheaper parts, using thinner gauge steel and even reducing the number and sizes of welded sections……all in the effort by the company to produce the parts as cheaply as possible……yet make profit by still charging at the agreed price :roll_eyes:

After his 3rd trip to China, he cancelled all contacts and ended any interest in getting products manufactured overseas.

Instead he purchased another 2 units alongside his business, purchased the required machinery, procured local parts suppliers and hired/trained 6 local employees to manufacture/assemble his products onsite.

Good on him for going back to the old methods of local production to provide quality equipment for the local market.
Pretty rare these days :roll_eyes:


Good on him to train and build up local manufacturing - definitely is a rarity these days.

I’ve been stung by bad Chinese manufacturing too - but those experiences are in the very small minority and almost always rectified.
Case in point - ordered several pallets of PU present boxes for a customer. Item came, found the lids were warped. Made some calls, factory sent out replacements via airfreight within 2 weeks at no cost to us. I guess it helps when you speak the language and know the customs (you got to yell at them, and funnily enough they respect you more for doing that) :rofl:
Been ordering heavy machinery, furniture, electronics and even surfboards for a bunch of customers for a span of 2 years in a previous career. Buyer always understood that they are of lower quality compared to the top shelf stuff, but the savings they get were always the main factor in proceeding with the order.


I’ll tell you another good I had too - I’ll change up some details so I don’t get doxed, but its a story of a particular dense potential customer I had (spoiler alert he didn’t end up being a client). He wanted an item imported but didn’t want to go higher than a certain dollar value.
I explained to him I’ve asked all around and can’t get it at his preferred dollar, not unless he’s willing to come down on quality or raise his budget.
He just stands and looks at me and can’t comprehend that he cannot import this item at this quality for 1/100th the local price. Just kept on saying to me that it’s China, they can build anything that cheaply.

I tell him plainly to hold out his phone.
Me: see this phone? We’ll say this phone is top of the line and it costs $100 to get from Germany or wherever you think top of the line phones come from.
Him: ok.
Me: now I can get you a phone from China for $1, but it’s nowhere the quality of this phone.
Him: ok how much will it be to get this exact phone from China?
Me: $90
Him: no way, Chinese stuff don’t cost that much!
Me: it does if you want this quality.
Him: but China don’t build this quality!
Me: it does at $90.
Him: but I don’t want to pay $90, I want $1 because that’s all Chinese stuff is worth.
Me: then you’ll get the $1 quality version.
Him: but no one here wants that lower quality one!
Me: I don’t have market data for that. So you want high quality, but at $1? It can’t happen, materials alone will cost more than that.
Him: But its China!
Me (frustrated): so are you unhappy because Chinese stuff at high quality isn’t this cheap - but still cheaper than what you can get currently, or are you unhappy $1 will only get you a very low quality one?
Him(Yelling): No one wants high quality stuff from China! No one wants to pay that price for Chinese stuff! China can’t build high quality stuff!
Me: even if its the same quality as top of the line stuff and they save $10?
Him(Yelling): Yes! Its not possible they can do that! They can’t do that!
Me: then I can’t help you.

This conversation took place before the iPhone. I never saw him again to point and laugh in his face.
Its not shit manufacturing. Its communication and cultural issues.


I can totally relate to your stories, and agree that quality components can be produced when a good manufacturer is found and QT is a priority of that business.
Unfortunately my old mate was paying top dollar to get parts to be produced to exacting engineering plans and standards.

The first run of products they delivered was actually very good and up to the standards set through prior production meetings with the manufacturers.

Unfortunately, everything that he received after that initial run, the materials/specifications had been changed/downgraded and quality parts that he was paying extra for to be substituted for cheap quality parts.

This was a vicious circle whereas each dodgy shipment was followed up by another trip to China, lots of angry face, yelling, pointing and arm waving…… which would get a reaction in the quality of the next shipment, but then fall back to the usual sub-par delivery for the next and so on.

This is where he gave up the never ending lottery of shipment quality, delaying his business sales for months whilst getting sorted/re-shipped, and the constant back and forward trips to China came to an end.

He provided all of his research/designs/engineering standards/drawings/parts lists etc, paid top dollar to have the products built to the letter, without compromise, yet constantly delivered poor quality goods :confused:

Sure that he could have gone through trying to find a better manufacturing company…… but he wasn’t aware of how long this could take to find and would he still get the same results again?

Hence threw his hands up and decided to keep this part of the business in house as the only way to guarantee that he would get his products made to his standards.


Sounds like I would’ve known the perfect person to help back then - she worked in what the local provincial equivalent of Austrade is and would’ve been able to refer us to whichever personnel was in charge of that area.

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Yes, that would have been ideal for him to have someone in country with local business knowledge to have helped him out.

Probably his biggest oversight was doing his own research and trying to deal with an overseas company on his own from here in Western Australia :confused:

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Well it didn’t, just showed me more :+1: Total different society compared to Oz, that has changed in the recent decades.

Everyone wants items for rock bottom dollar. But if you hunt around like I did, I end up with a tractor implement half the price of medinchina and way better quality made in South Korea. It’s a buyers market. Go shopping.

iPhones and many others are medinchina anyway to strict standards, why they cost a lot. But still less than what it would cost the parent company Apple to produce in the US.


Oh completely different - tempo’s in a entirely category, we’re at smooth jazz and they’re at speed metal. Cutthroat do or die there in their megacities.
Know more and more couples leaving there because they don’t have the generational resources to get their kid(s) to compete. Freaking 60k AUD/yr tutoring classes for 4 year olds. 100k private schools with just a 7 story building, not even an sporting field. Guess they fight to go in just because it’s a so called big brand elite school.
This is in Guangzhou, not even Shanghai or Beijing.
Makes those 40k schools in Sydney seem like bumville schools in comparison :sob::sob::sob: price wise.

Probably because they are :rofl: Wasted money on those sorts of schools anyway imo they do not bear fruit in OZ. Nobody wants to work and wants to do fa. Look how many sat down at the first sign of gov handing money out during covid and are still not re employed. Lazy.

Can’t even get workers willing to work in my neck of the woods, too hard. Easy make 80+k/yr no skills, drivers licence and car req’d. Nup sit on their arse playing playstation games instead, it’s easier. Get by on $340/wk welfare.

Funny a couple I know that ran a tyre mob I got my tyres at, they were good because they got the good Chinese tyres for your car that would last and still cheap not the shit ones that were bald in 5000k’s, they were sick of the high cost in Australia and are moving back to China. Early 30’s couple. Complaining about the lack of labour and couldn’t get a tyre fitter for less than $30/hr.

Shit I’d fit tyres for $25 an hour if I was looking for something. I started on $2/hr when I finished school so that’s a big jump :rofl:


What tha fck is it with these suicidal kangaroos tonight?

I only just drove 3 klm from having dinner at a friends house in town, up to my property and back down to camp the night at the weir…… yet managed to hit and kill 3 kangaroos in the process :flushed:

2 of them launched out off of peoples front lawns in town, 50klm/hr zones, yet the Nissan Patrol front Diff housing soon knocked the life right out of them.

3rd one was heading up to my property and decided to not attack front onto the vehicle, but rather take a side on approach and stick it’s head underneath the left hand rear 35” mud tyre instead :roll_eyes:

Full moon or just depressed about their performance this mating season :thinking:


No audio cause too much background noise.


Lady Elliot piccy up… signed by the staff, when i left…

It is a treasured photo memory, had so many good experiences on lady elliot island…
Swimming with manta rays and turtles, diving down, and hearing whales singing in whale season, it was the best GA ( General Aviation) job, i had…

Photo is a decent size, … but covering a larger wall…

Might need to find a piccy, a bit bigger…
The wall is bold, but its growing on me…
The (one) sample tile i looked at, was lighter…overall, this is a bit darker than i wanted…


Did a Noumea flight, recently.

The engineer, told us about the recent shark attacks.
3, in about the last 3 weeks…
Last was an aussie…

They haven’t culled sharks, for a very long time.

The previous 2 weren’t fatal, patched up locally , and then sent to Oz, for reconstructive surgery…

Last one was fatal…and because it was an Aussie, got greater media coverage…

They did a hunt, and a cull… they caught the culprit ( tiger shark)…

Cut the stomach open, and found a pair of partially digested human hands…
He showed me the uncensored photos…

The only mercy, is when you have an injury like that, you go into shock…and dont feel a thing…I know that , from my arm…
He wouldn’t have suffered…

This incident, and the semi confirmed croc sightings at moreton island…
A serious discussion needs to be had, about controlled culling, i reckon…

Croc sightings have been confirmed at the Mary River, maryborough…
They weren’t there, 20 years ago…

Sharks And crocs , at sunny coast/ Gold coast…kiss the QLD tourism industry goodbye…

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