What Did You Get Up To Today?

Can we get the Premier to go up for a personal inspection?

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you mean like this…???

Shark conservationist, i get it, they have their place in the eco system…
In a peaceful mood, yeah, you can swim with them…

But great whites, are a species, that participate, in inter-uterine canabalism…

Yes, they eat their siblings , even before they are born…
I dont wanna swim, with that…

Probably normal , for politicans, though…!! :slight_smile:

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Did a whole bunch of spring cleaning today, now that the Summer heat’s finally starting to fuck of in ernest. Got plenty of motivation while watching some of friendlyjordies I hadn’t seen before.

God damn the man does some fine journalism. Cuts through the ID Pol bullshit, focuses on matters that are actually important and lesser known in Aus, and almost completely ignores US political crap.

Reckon @Maiphut , @DocBob in particular would find this one fascinating, and horrifying.

And this one in general is just a ‘dear god’ moment.

It doesn’t come cheap either. The former NSW premier sicked a bloody counter-terror police unit on him, last year. He’s only just come out the other side of that legal debacle.


Awesome mate, haven’t seen any of his stuff before, but will be sure to check it out :+1::sunglasses:

He’s finally getting the recognition he deserves with his house being firebombed. His series ‘Bruz’ is definitely worth a watch.

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Love Jordies watch it every time a new vid comes out :+1::sweat_smile:

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When I thought my wife’s driving could not get any worse she goes on and gives me a near concussion and whiplash from braking so hard. Wasn’t even to avoid an accident, she just suddenly found someone about to leave their parking spot.


Got offered the tech position at Donnybrook field today😎


Went to asylum event today, clouds where welcome in the morning but still very humid. Better then first event, in terms of gameplay 3 teams over 100 people, not sure all attended though, felt mid 20’s a side. Being three teams was 2 on 1 off, which was ok. The field is still a bit one sided but not as pronounced. After lunch the teams where split into 2 teams, but with a few people having left was around 30 a side. But it wasnt to long into that game, when it bucketed down and they called the game. Overall pretty happy, tired though.


Sounds bloody awesome good fun :+1:
Haven’t played a field game in nearly 3 years and miss it terribly :confused:

Hopefully things might change in the future here and allow us to enjoy this hobby once again :sunglasses:


Are those people aware of your “Mad Scientist” reputation?

They might not know what they are getting themselves into! :flushed::joy::+1:

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First day at work…
About 30+ …mp-40 elec mag conversions…!!!

We need them done yesterday… :rofl: :rofl:
Good luck…!!
But seriously well done and good luck, if your gonna pursue it…!!
Biggest of hi fives…!!

25 years of living here, my kids being raised here, my humble beginnings of my Hot Rod business, my extended family all having a big part of this property……. all came to an end today.

Sure, finally good to have the final piece of of asset between myself and my ex missus finalised so that we can both move on in life, but it’s a very emotional thing to drive away for the last time ever with so many years of memories attached to this place. :cry:

Has been an extremely hard 4 months of full time work getting everything cleaned out for sale/settlement, but relieved that it’s all actually over now.

This was an old industrial Lime Processing works property that was founded in the 1920’s, then became a Sawmill, was the local Waroona Gun Club/Shooting Range at one point, plus much more local history, that had a shitonne of old industrial scrap spread everywhere and a shed half full of the same when I first purchased the place many years ago.

We weren’t concerned about this, as it was our “forever” place, where I always said that I would be buried next to the dogs and my kids would have to water my grave……. but life’s circumstances change and so does the ending to this part of life.

House, 5 acres, 6 sheds and a huge tonnage of industrial scrap all vacant now……. Property/Workshop was never this empty even when I first bought it!

Strange to see it so clean and cleared out, but plenty of good memories and I’m sure that the new owners will create even more with their family :sunglasses:


Man……I’m really hoping that something comes from these Court cases to legalise Gel Blasters in WA.

My back is screwed, have handed over my Hot Rod Business to my work partner over the last 15 months due to not being able to physically do my work anymore, so are facing the reality of having to find a different source of income once my back surgery is done and my doctors/specialists can figure out what limited physical activities that I might actually be able to achieve.

I would pray that if Gelblasters were legalised here in WA, I would definitely look into setting up a business in regards to the selling, servicing and modifying of these products.

I only have a few months left of finishing off some big dollar Hot Rod builds for my customers, then once done, am walking away with the need to get my back sorted and physical health back on track.

A Gelblaster specialist business would suit me down to the ground having limited physical capabilities, so am seriously considering making this my next goal in life.

If nothing becomes of the WA reversal of the bans, I would be fully committed to moving to QLD to be able to carry on with a new business/income to support my disability.

Pretty much really spinning me out that maybe this hobby/industry might be my saviour in my medical condition.

Also has me thinking about my wish list of purchases that I would restart my collection of past models.

I have thought about everything that I owned/modified/enjoyed/lost and have narrowed it down to only purchasing the following models that I enjoyed immensely.

JM Gen8 M4.
JM J12 AK 74U.
Bushmaster ACR MSR.

I think that’s about all that I would be happy to be able to own again, other than the unavailable TAIDI L1A1 SLR that I was hoping to get for my ex ADF old man :confused:


We would welcome you with open arms here in QLD.
I have even got half of that wish list as doubles.that I would donate to you as an incentive to move over.
Did I also mention that I always wanted a custom f100 rod built .can’t think of a better rod builder to do it


They are usually the first to see my creations on the field for testing :rofl:
‘What the hell have you built this time’ is usually the first thing they ask when I walk in :sweat_smile:
Have known them for many years, since the old laser skirmish days👍


Past mid March, check cars temp - 37°c. Remember to hydrate! Or you know just open your mouth and suck the humidity in :melting_face:

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39 by the car in the Main Street here😅

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Sorry mate, but there’s only ONE original flaming classic! :sunglasses: