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Whilst heading out further west today, was wondering if the Eastern States have such extensive water pipeline systems as we do here in WA ?

These projects allowed the settlement of remote towns far from any available water supplies in far isolated regions.

Tried googling, but got very few results :roll_eyes:

Let me know your thoughts.

Couple of pics I took of one of many pipelines that we have running for thousands of kilometres across the State to supply several different regional Wheatbelt towns from catchment areas/large dams on the coast:

Only know of the seq one that goes from the gold coast desalination plant upto the mary river and out that east to linville. Theres a pdf map on here about it SEQ Water Grid | Seqwater

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Great idea. People are trying to get Project Iron Boomerang off the ground that would enable a rail corridor from Gladstone to Broome. It could change the whole of the arid central environment with a water pipeline in the corridor, connected to the Bradfield Scheme. Pity our leaders only have a 4 year self preservation mindset


For sure mate, huge potential for opening up rural regions…. but no one ready to commit to such projects.

It’s a sad story that C Y O’Conner devoted his life to Mundaring/Kalgoorlie Pipeline, opening up large areas of WA…… but never lived to see it’s completion :confused:

What I can’t find information about is the whole total length of Piped Water here in WA?

They list a couple of the major ones, 580km Kalgoorlie/Mundaring, 1600km Dampier/Bunbury…… but there’s thousands of kilometres more that I see when travelling around the state feeding almost every remote town that I pass through :thinking:

A figure of 34 000km is mentioned in one Water Authority paper, but still not sure if that’s the grand total or just what we have in a certain region.

Many are smaller “feeder” pipelines as they are supplying smaller towns, not major regional centres, but still lots of them!

Used to own a small property that backed on to a pump station. It came from Mannum headed Adelaide way.

The pipes are near exactly what’s in your photos. The pump house was huge probably to get over the Adelaide hills. I may or may not have ridden an XL100 along the top of the pipe to the next crossing. Those storage tanks were quite the height to climb up the outside of the ladder guards and the chlorine smell was strong, great view. The pump house was massive I’m guessing a 60’s/70’s build all red bricked and about 15M high full of windows from roof to floor, a lot broken.

I had the idea of riding to adelaide on it but couldn’t get through some farmers fences :laughing:

It’s all still there in use nothing changed.


20 Characters of laughter!


Yes, massive pumping stations all through the region here too.
Many dating back to the steam era and almost all of them have been heritage listed :sunglasses:

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Tonight’s dinner down by the river.
It’s still 36° at 5:30 and definitely couldn’t be fkd cooking up something in the workshop……so a romantic bogan dinner for one it is! :+1:

Sorry…. Forgot the complimentary Black Duck!:joy:


NOM NOM NOM :drooling_face:

…… or for a bloke who just had all his teeth surgically removed…… GUM GUM GUM! :joy:

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Moved alot of photos i took this week off my camera and into a atleast half decent orginised state on a external drive untill i move a copy to my main pc for grading and editing. Also finished making my shopping list of blaster supplys in may.

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Training day y’all. This stuff is interesting, tho a lot of it is just rehashing what’s in the book. I was scared that adult education would be a lot harder than year 11, but…if anything it’s the opposite.


Been playing around with my new build. Taken my faithful old Cyma M4 and dropped a polarstar jack and UGS in it. Currently having some air leaks and feeding issues. But slowly getting there


I passed woo!


Congratulations :partying_face:
You must be so excited I’m sure!
With time, all those holes will be in the black :joy:


With time, and my own rifle and sights :laughing:

Apparently I had the best group in the class though!


Well finaly moved all my photos over, both jpeg and raw versions(jpeg is processed by the camera and raw is what i edit) and started to grade and edit while watching some for all mankind



Nice work Jazzy, bet you are very proud. 8 or 9 clicks left …

Boom Headshot GIF - Boom Headshot GIFs

Let the fun begin :beers:


Keen as mustard, man. You have no idea. Been looking at the prices for some second hand CZ 455s, and they’re under a grand these days. One of the kids in the family that I introduced to gel blasters is working at a local sheep farm, too. Gonna ask him to introduce me to the property owner next time I see him, I think. See if he’s amenable to someone doing overnight hunts on his property. Start with bunnies and eventually move my way up to foxes.


Adult education , is nothing to be scared of.

Having an interest and desire to learn something, is half the battle.
A strong desire to do something, is the motivator, for perserverance.

The next question you could be asking yourself, is " what else can i study , that will make my life better.?.?"

I’m patiently trying to get that into the heads, of my neice and nephew…
Never to late, to go back and study…having a sense of purpose is a powerful thing…

I went back to hubbards twice ( once for maths 1 / physics required for flying…and later chemistry, which i needed , to get into dentistry…)

Mature age students, kick butt at uni…!!

Heck, its only 3 days, to get a real estate license, and that can open some doors…!!


BME’s one stop shop, fifo dentristy and sell a house :rofl:

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