What Did You Get Up To Today?

Cool, can’t say I’ve ever heard of a sa 22 Hornet. Not that I’ve seen everything, just find it interesting. Dad had an old sa 22 Gevarm that was used as a finishing fa on goats back in the day. Open bolt, French I think :thinking:

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Yeah that’s exactly what is confusing me!
BSA did make an SA .22LR, but not in the Hornet capacity :thinking:

We did have a vast range of BSA, SAKO, REMINGTON, WINCHESTER, NORICO, BENTLEY, LITHGOW and LYSAGHT brands to name a few……. hence why I need to clarify with my old man exactly what was what out of the whole bunch!

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Speaking of Sako, read yesterday Finland & Sweden Select Sako Rifles - Overt Defense

that will keep them busy for the next 30 years :open_mouth: :+1:

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Makes sense when SAKO are basically neighbours and have a solid reputation in the arms industry for quite a few years.

A good boost to SAKO and a great addition to the Swedish National Forces :ok_hand:

Wheatbelt getting a good soaking!
Hasn’t stopped raining here for 12 hours straight so far :flushed:

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Cool that usually means I get some couple days later :+1:

Love this……been here quite a few times over the years, but the Roo population looks like it’s tripled since I was last there!

Sadly this Pub was in the John Forrest National Park and the WA Government has since shut it down :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Haha that is hilarious, love it.

Sucks the gov shut it down, idiots. :roll_eyes:


Firearm calibres can be so confusing


I’ve been playing Victoria 3, today. It’s a weird little game where you play a nation as it builds industry and empire, between 1836 and 1936.

Naturally, after getting good at the game, I wanted to see just how far I could push Australia as a global power. Or, at least what sort of weird things I could do with it. In the name of keeping things interesting, I fucked with the starting conditions a little so that England no longer had any political sway in Oceania, and then otherwise have been keeping it cheat free.

This time, I decided to play as South Australia, and as of 1864 the local map looks like this.

Needless to say, it’s a pretty geopolitically diverse place down here at the moment.

South Australia has, over the last 30 or so years, annexed first NT (for its lumber supplies), and not long after Queensland (for its iron and coal as industrialization set in).

Western Australia was instead negotiated with, and kept almost full autonomy. With the British no longer colonizing the area, the WA and Noongar leadership came to something of an accord, and stopped messing with each other, leading to their borders remaining stable for basically the last quarter century.

Headed by President Arthur Bradman, and a trade union/agrarian coalition, WA and SA relations are pretty strong at the moment. Given WA focused on wheat, lumber and whale oil production, they didn’t really have the resources to invest into their military. As a result, in 1844 they asked to become a protectorate of SA.

The east coast has had even more excitement over the last few decades. After NSW lost NT/Qld, it was in a precarious position where NZ, Tasmania, and SA were poised to economically dwarf it. Luckily for them, a few short years later, they discovered gold en masse, in Victoria and NSW both.

Unluckily for them, the surface gold fields turned out to be rather lacking, and their gold rushes were short lived. Even more unluckily for them, word travels slow in the 1850s, and there was a mass migration on its way to their doorstep.

As a result, the Eureka Stockade still happened. Except this time, hundreds of British troops weren’t around to quell it. Instead, the local military power was SA, a government extremely sympathetic to the Stockade’s plight.

Volunteer troops flooded across the border, and joined Stockade regiments. A stronghold of aboriginal refugees in ACT rebelled against the NSW government at the same time, and even more SA volunteers rushed to help them. Overwhelmed by rebellion, the NSW government retreated to Vic, tried to continue the fight. The Stockade followed them past the border, and alongside the Eureka troops in Bendigo, took over the city before the NSW (now Victorian) government ceded all the captured territory.

Fearing Victoria’s return in the future, and lacking proper government of their own, the rebels entered into negotiations with SA, and several unique situations resulted. The Aboriginal seperatists are an entirely independent state, with their own market, and military, in a defensive pact with SA. NSW is dominion of SA, with autonomous government. Ballarat is a protectorate of NSW, so…mostly independent, but part of the SA market.

Victorian and SA relations are frosty, but considering that no official SA troops ever fought Victorian ones, things could most certainly be worse.

Tasmania is…Tasmania. Nobody cares about Tasmania. It’s a part of the SA customs union, but otherwise we just ignore them.

The world as a whole looks like this at the moment. I’ll spare the excruciating detail for another post if anyone’s interested in it. Long story short, Indonesia, Africa and South America are war zones between the UK, Australia and France.

Another possible story if anyone’s interested is SA’s extremely weird government. Fun highlights include an Aboriginal Nazi Party, anarchist farmers, and a liberal party that’s honestly pretty chill with unions.

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Poor old Tasmania cops it again……even in this dystopian world! :joy::australia:

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Whilst we are in the context of long posts…. finally got time off to return to focusing on a few safety issues that have been on my mind for quite some time now.

just going through a few of the boxes today in the search of anything battery powered to ensure that everything is safe in storage…… I can comment that it’s totally insane as to how much stuff I have and would seriously take months of work going through and categorising everything! :flushed:

Spent today digging out my TURNIGY LiPo Batteries, finding my SPITFIRE tracer units, ACETECH Chronograph, several metal EOTEC sights, Laser Pointers, Touch Pad Torches and every other single conceivable battery powered device that I need to take care of safety wise being left in storage without any use since the bans came in place.

It’s thousands of dollars worth of accessories that aren’t illegal to possess, so they just got boxed up and stored away without much more thought until recently……realising that all this stuff is a potential fire hazard if not maintained properly :flushed:

Put my battery tester across the 18 TURNIGY Batteries that I found leftover in the fireproof storage bag, and 7 of them sounded the alarm as slightly under storage charge …… which isn’t bad considering how long since they were packed up and stored away!

Quite a few Lasers were completely dead, so simply removed the button batteries to make them safe.

Same with the EOTEC Sights, still functional, but removed the batteries from them all.

Will give the SPITFIRE Tracer Units a half charge to hopefully keep them in a saleable condition, same with the ACETECH Chrono …. which was down to one bar charge.

So many boxes of parts that aren’t illegal to own, as are just simply bits and pieces of hobby parts that can’t make a complete blaster…. only stupid stuff like optics, telescopic sights, hop ups, flash hiders, muzzle breaks, metal outer barrels, suppressors, buttstocks, buffer tubes, tripods, PEQ Boxes, shims, springs, gears, grease/oils, motors, MOSFETS/ELECTRONICS/FCU’s etc.


So here’s the whole fkd up truth about the laws that were hastily mandated and the ridiculous fact that they never considered the specifics of all the components relative to this hobby as to what is Legal :roll_eyes:

I could have an empty Gelblaster shell in my possession, no motor/gearbox/barrel/gels etc. hanging on my wall as a display piece, and there’s nothing they can legally charge me with…… not that I do even have a single one, even for display :cry:

Yet if I had a box of parts in the cupboard that contained a motor/gearbox/barrel and Gels…… I would get massively fined and locked up in jail for years as I was in possession of all the necessary parts required to make this a complete functional “weapon”.

So that’s the specific area that I fell into and had to make the hard decision.
I could manage to keep my many thousands of dollars worth of my expensive custom upgrade parts legally……as long as I got rid of/destroyed all my receiver/blaster/frame body parts so as not to be able to build a fully functional blaster.

Same with the Gels themselves.
I had to make sure to go through EVERY single storage box thoroughly to ensure that any Gel packets, stock or aftermarket, were all thrown out as well.
Yet is still completely legal for anyone to go down to Bunnings Garden Section or Toyworld and buy the same by the thousands :roll_eyes:

So this is where I’m a completely different kettle of fish, as I am in possession of a shitonne of Gelblaster parts…… but I don’t have a single Gelblaster “Gun/Shell/Receiver” to actually put any of these parts into to make a fully functional Blaster.

So in compliance with the laws, I got rid of/destroyed every single fully complete/functionalp
Gelblaster/receiver that I had collected over all those years.

The whole insane rushed stupidity of this Legislation meant that everything else tied to this hobby is completely unregulated and totally Legal under this directive.

Which states black and white…… we can legally own pretty much everything else that is a part of this hobby/sport …… as long as individual parts cannot be capable of being fitted into a complete functioning receiver/body that’s able to launch an illegal gel “projectile”. :roll_eyes:

So despite destroying/throwing out thousands of dollars worth of my much loved and hard earned collection……… I was still left with thousands of dollars worth of non-illegal parts and accessories that I simply just put into storage until I might ever get the time to legally sell off to people who are able to purchase in the legal states .

I have been left with a huge collection of goggles, helmets, boots, gloves, camo scrivs/covers, hats, accessories, electronics, slings, vests, harnesses, camelbacks, face masks, speed loaders, bottles, holsters, mag pouches, tactical accessories, torches, water canteens/holders, motors, metal gearboxes, metal gears, performance cylinders/pistons, Piston heads, shim kits, high FPS springs, t-pieces, various Tappetless cylinder heads as well as hundreds more metal t-pieces, barrel adaptors, flash hiders, foregrips and many many makes and models of magazines both metal and nylon of many different types.

I really don’t know how to word this, other than to say that I still have thousands of dollars worth of parts for so many different blasters that I cannot even try to pretend to try and list here.

Most of which spans from my original builds very early 2016/2017 right through to the year of the WA bans in June 2021.

It still amazes me that there’s so much stuff that I still have is now considered as extremely rare and difficult to obtain in these more recent times.

But much like my attitude in a lifetime of collecting rare parts building Hot Rods, I also done the same with my collection of Gelblaster parts over the many years. :sunglasses:

Another great rant like we are all accustomed to here, but amongst all this, I also wanted to clarify about some bullshit rumours that have poisoned the internet about myself since the old GBF shut down.

Many couldn’t comprehend that I destroyed so many thousands of dollars worth of my collection of blasters…….instead spreading rumours that I had “buried” them etc.

The truth is that I have real licensed family owned guns, so there was no way that I would ever risk losing that over trying to be in illegal possession of some kids plastic toys. :roll_eyes:

I have since day one of the WA Government bans complied with every letter of the law, continued to donate money and time in fighting the cause, as well as try being an upstanding advocate for our industry/sport/hobby not only throughout Australia, but globally as well :+1:


Jeezus H Christ…… just looked at Spacebook for the first time in about 5 months and have been definitely convinced as to why I have avoided online crap for so long!:flushed:

Great for keeping in touch with friends and family…. but even that isn’t worth being part of the whole shitshow :confused:

Little panning session, pulled a little flake in first pan.
Sooooo much black sand🙄


Gold speckled custom paint job, coming up.?.?.?!!

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Sometimes at work, you taxi past an aircraft, with a “interesting callsign”…

Uzi does it…!!

Still waiting for a gel one to come out…


Can’t you guys own denix or metal non firing replicas of real firearms without a license in qld. Why hasn’t any bought a m60 and hpa it

Because…they are all pretty much solid.

Be a hell of a job to split one, create enough space, and get everything to fit…

Don’t worry there’s always a proven way of turning any gel blaster you want into a completely different replica. You drive @Bigmuthadrums down to the Dan Murphys and give him your credit card and 15mins to get as much as he wants and bam fully working m60 gel blaster

Damn you squiddy…!!

Denix doesn’t make replica M60’s…

But, this place does…

Great…just what i didn’t need to know…!! :rofl: :rofl: