What Did You Get Up To Today?

That is absolutely insane behavior. Like. Mad Max shit.

Looks like you got a good look at their plates. Reckon you’ll tip the jacks off?

If you have the rego you should report them to the Hooning Hot Line. They posted a video of their burnouts on one of the Fakebook groups but it was removed when they got criticised

I wasn’t even thinking of licence plates at the time, tried to get the camera to get a photo but was blurry.
Anxiety kicked straight in and had a panic attack, had to take meds


Now I feel like an ass complaining about picking up parts to build myself a new PC, get home from work later to start and a plug on the motherboard falls off… After I’ve got it like ¾ done, to then go back today and have to wait for the shops techs to confirm the issue to warranty replace it…

I know there’s procedures they have to follow but it’s kinda obvious what the problem is, one guy there even said it’s like the 2nd one in a week they’ve seen come back.

If it was any other part I could put the rest together but it has to be the literal main part of the system that everything plugs into that was faulty

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Haha I know the feeling, brought all the parts built it motherboard had error beeps ripped it out in rage / Rookie error bent a few pins got the motherboard sent away came back with the pins fixed and not the original issue so had to get it sent back again. The cheap motherboard I brought to replace it performed better then the one twice the price.

That’s why god invented the .45 :joy:

That’s why God invented slate tablets and chalk! :joy:

Back to the stone age you think? It’s coming with the cancellation of cheques by 2030. What then when the power drops out yet again :laughing: no fuel power to pay for anything that’s what :rofl:

Don’t get me started on that fkn “paperless/tap’n’go” bullshit!

Had to drive 240 klm today for a meeting in civilisation, they gave me a $30 fuel voucher to try help me find my way back home.

Pulled up, preset $30, went to pay with the voucher……

Oh no! This voucher has an IR Scan Image…… our computers only accept Bar Codes and PIN numbers.

Will be another 200klm round trip trying to sort this one out :roll_eyes:

Far out, technology at it’s finest yet again. I swear it takes more time than it used to when you just pay cash. Should of mooned them and said here scan this :rofl:


I was actually that “stupid honest arsehole” who spoke, explained my situation, gave ALL of my correct information and details, worked with the poor overrun women behind the counter and also took their advice about maybe my DES Service Provider shouldn’t be telling their clients that their Fuel Vouchers are able to be used in that particular Station.

Everyone was awesome in this embarrassing and difficult situation, but it will all be sorted out as it should in the end :+1:


Never been in that sort of situation, frustrating. I just pay out of my own pocket and everything magicly works, they are quite happy to help you empty pockets. Oh right I see what it is social services.

They are useless in my state as well. They wouldn’t accept my proof of identity to register for covid shots because I had to for work, had no Idea who I was and wouldn’t accept my birth certificate. I had a big argument with the operator as they said I need my original not a copy supplied by the registrar that KEEPS the original and only will supply a copy. I said to the operator well I know you haven’t got yours because you can not and there is only a very few in Australia that do have their original birth certificate. Everyone gets a stamped by the registrar copy that is legal for all things requiring it. I felt like banging my head against a brick wall. Idiots.

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Cheers mate…. won’t go into details with my personal experiences the same as I have encountered, but I’m a very different person in a very different place than what I was 12 months ago.

My business has been handed over to my partner 100%.
I have not received a single penny from the business since September last year when I left to work on selling my 5 acre property.

As usual, after over a half million dollar sale, ole Bob came out penniless and somehow still had to pay the ex missus 10 times the amount that she never contributed to the property/relationship/kids…… but that’s just life and I gave up WAAAYYYY much more than I was legally entitled to.

The most important thing in life is to turn the page, close the chapter in that book, huckle down and reevaluate life from your new position.

I’m only bitching about a $30 fuel voucher, because I have just gone from being worth $1.5 million to having $16.25 in my bank account today to simply making this 200+ klm journey with only 1/8th of a tank of petrol.

Glad that WA banned Gelblasters in regards to my old disposable income, yet has had a massive mental deprivation in the sense that my only escape hobby has been taken away :frowning:

I’m working hard with Disability Employment Services to obtain my MC Truck License, and have many mates in the industry who have my back.

Can’t work on Hot Rods/Muscle Cars anymore, but I do have plenty of experience driving big trucks and hoping to have the opportunity to be able to have my Autistic son right alongside with me :sunglasses:

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Keep going with yours as I did, you’ll get what you have to get eventually. Might have to bang your head against a brick wall quite often but it will happen :wink: Frustrating




Wonder if it’s our boy.

Finished a build I came back to after getting frustrated with it 12+ months ago

MK Alloy Gearbox
Perun V2
Stainless Barrel
Hawkex Receiver
ChiHai Iron-Will-X Motor 30k RPM

Other AliExpress bits and bobs I can’t remember.

XM Mag looks a bit out of place but works best/smoothest with the Receiver for me.


That is some nice furniture on that too, man. Killer build.

Probly a boy with fur and stripes posing… :person_shrugging:

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Do lawyers play GTA? You’d think all the crime would give Tiger a heart attack.

haha na he’d lap it up rolling around arresting everyone for fun

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