What Did You Get Up To Today?

Bought the second last item for my Swiss Army Knife MP5 today… buffer tube for a sliding stock. :+1:

Thought I’d hate it, but lovin’ that XM177stock on it… all I need now is an SD front handguard and I can convert this puppy into any config I want. :sunglasses:


I have always wanted to learn to pan for gold but I have left it late in life.
My back could not handle the bending over for prolong periods of time.
Is sluicing any easier?

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I joined the forum again. I kind of took a hiatus from gel ball around the time the first Forum went down, and I played my first game in over a year last week. Very good to be back.


Easier if your sluice is big enough to shovel onto without classifying :+1:
I usually find a spot I can sit down and pan due to buggered back knees and feet from the rheumatoid :sweat_smile:
Still bloody feeling it today though🙄
I don’t do a lot, that was only about 8 test pans


Working on a 3D model for TAFE… fun times.

yes, i gave them a 6 pack of abs

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That might be a tad too gender neutral

nah it’s not. i am too lazy to model the downstairs department!

edit: i did try but it ended up be more camel toe… oof.

What a day.
Literally, i’ve just come inside now, after a 8am start…

When I bought my home recently , it had a spa, out on the back deck…
What I didnt know , at the time , was it was illegal…

It needed to be raised, and have a fence/ gate on it…
The bloody RE agent, neglected to mention that…
It needed to be raised 30cm, and have a fence/ gate installed…

Thankfully, i have the worlds best neighbour…
He lives opposite, is now a semi retired builder, and built my, and my neighbours place…
He said he’d give me a hand… at cost price, plus a little…

Here is the spa , and the raised outer frame, he built, before install…

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How do you raise a 600kg spa…??
With blocks of wood, fulcrums, levers, and incrementally higher blocks…

And near misses, wobbly blocks , and backfiring levers, that leave, …marks…

Got there in the end though, raised it 40cm, and slid the frame in underneath, to complete build from there…

Amazingly, everyone still has all their fingers…

After that, it just needed the gate at the front…
Glass paneling…


anyone tried to reno a van into a camper?

Just need to finish it off, add a laminate layer, over the timber, and get it legally certified …

Scratched the hell out of the deck, next job, sand 100m2 of decking, and apply two coats of decking oil…

Some people actually have fun, on their holidays…

P.S… the last 4 hours may / may have not been…spent on the piss, with the neighbour…!!

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Slight suggestion for the next one. The upper-outside most point of tits start at the armpit, not the pec. Otherwise, pretty good. The proportions don’t make me roll my eyes :laughing:

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Looks like a big day, the house we are in when we bought it they had a spa, after it was undercontract i asked how much to leave the spa. They said 2500 and we will leave the wall mounted tv as well. So deal was great for a few years, but it was not to spec as well. Sold it maybe 2 years ago now, this dude rocks up with a ute and his miss’s happy to take it for 1500. And he was expexting 4 people to lift it onto back of the ute. :rofl:. Lucky neighbour was literally getting drive way dug up to reconcrete it, with a little 4t excavtor and they where just packing up, old mate slipped some cash and they lifted it up onto the ute. Everyone was happy. I half miss the spa, but i had my fun.

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I reckon half the spas around, are illegal…

Regulations aren’t enforced upon delivery, but a pool certificate is required, upon sale of a property…

If the agent isn’t a c@nt, who wont say anything, that might threaten her commission…

They are good fun , and relaxing…but need regular emptying / cleaning / chemicals…and use a shitload of power to run…

They cost a bomb, brand new, and are worth nothing, 2nd hand…kinda like gelsoft…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Chicks love em, though, so there’s that…!!

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Fair enough and to be fair this is my first “realistic” female human character…so…


Great to see you here @fudge :clap:

I do remember your name from the old GBF and is always awesome to see old members reconnecting here on this new Forum :hugs:

I’m sure that you will enjoy your interactions here and not have to deal with any excessive drama or negativity which was experienced in the closing days of the old GBF and the Discord cesspools which were the only last thing remaining online for us decent Gelblaster enthusiasts.

Make sure to keep us all updated and informed about what you are still enjoying in this hobby with your current blasters/builds/gameplay or whatever you are up to :+1:


Damn, that’s a lot of work. :thinking:

The house I own is kind of a co-op mortgage arrangement… my wife and I, my wife’s sister and my wife’s neice, who works remote as a nurse, all service the payments. A four way split with three of us occupying the house.

The neice wants to put in a pool… next it’s a jacuzzi… both get voted down on the basis of it being a big expense for little gain, and the three of us don’t want to be stuck with the maintenance / energy costs of running something we don’t want. Comes up regularly though.

Democracy in action :laughing:

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That’s not a gate… it’s not metal.

You should of give me a buzz bring me tractor over I was busy yesterday lifting a tonhalf plus Colorado.

Nvm it might take me 6 months to drive to your place :rofl:

Ok, you got me on a technicality…
its a pool fence…!!

Getting all set, for the big party, when @DocBob moves to QLD…!!
Everyone will be invited…!!

Pool table, spa, lites , music…just need a smoke generator…!!
Im sure bocbob will have an old diesel somewhere, that will fit the bill…!! :rofl: :rofl:


Very good idea, to stay away from small pools…(unless you have young kids)

The best place for a decent swim, is the local council 50m pool…
$5 entry, and thats it…!!

I wouldn’t have bought a spa, but it was a problem i inherited with the house…
Thankfully , now fixed at minimal cost…

Some figures for your “democratic debates…”

The spa has a small pump running 24hrs, to keep the water circulating at all times.
Im guessing about 150w…so 3.6 Kw/hrs a day…to have it just sit there ( $1.10 a day, $400 a year extra, in power, at todays prices.)

If you need to heat it, the heater draws 3000W, and it takes 1hr to raise the temp 1 degree.

All pumps jets running, i’d reckon about 2000-2500w…1 hr spa would cost about 75 cents…not too bad…

The chemicals, i use peroxil ( non chlorinated, asthma council approved), and they are not cheap.
Your always topping up peroxil, and a 5l bottle costs about $120, from memory.
( for the decking oil , sikkens cotol costs about $700(!!!) for a 20L drum…!!)
So , for chemicals, a couple of hundred bucks a year…there are several chemicals…

You also need to clean filters regularly, drain it once a year, hand wipe it clean with some serious elbow grease, and hot water/ rag ( no chemicals inside the spa).

All pertinant points, in the never ending battle , for truth, justice and imperceptably bending others to your will, having them think, its their decision…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Thankfully, my spa is covered by my Solar / battery system, so its costs me nothing to run it , except forfeited feed in credits…

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