What Did You Get Up To Today?

How many old diesels do you want me to bring?

Have a mate who has literally hundreds of old single and twin cylinder LISTER Diesels that selling…… might have to get him to put a couple of the huge old single cylinder ones aside for me…. but the shipping will be horrendous!

Looking for maximum smoke …and min fuel / toxic fumes…
If a diesel doesn’t work, can always go the 2stroke path…:joy::joy:

Or, dry ice and water, with a fan…!!!

I’ll bring that RD350LC Yamaha twin cylinder two stroke, wind up the fuel/oil mix and set the throttle to 18000 rpm…… the neighbours will love it! :joy:


great background music…!!
Get some strobe lights , happening too…!!

N.B…police lights, are an approved source, of strobe lights…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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All jokes aside, very grateful to have a fantastic neighbour…

Builders warranty, is so much easier to claim, when he’s right next door…!!
If i paid full commercial whack, for a different builder to do the full job…

Im sure the price would have 2.5 to 3 times, what i paid…

Wait a minute I thought you said it was a 250 :thinking: did you bore it out over the weekend :laughing:

You are right on it!

I originally thought that it was a 250 according to the information that the bloke I got it from was correct…… but it wasn’t!

For context, I was given an ex-speedway mini sprint racer which was modified after the end of its racing life and fitted with this engine.

It wasn’t until I advertised it for sale as part of selling/clearing out my property that I actually recognised its capacity.

The farming couple who wanted to buy it for their kids, I told them that I wouldn’t sell it to them with this insanely dangerous engine fitted to it……. Which was the same reason why I never let my own kids drive it, as it was an absolute weapon of an engine in that single seater race frame :flushed:

I happily sold them the buggy at a discounted price minus the engine, as I didn’t want to be responsible for one of their kids possibly dying in that insanely overpowered thing!

I removed the engine, external 2 stroke oil tank, factory LC Aluminium radiator and sold them the bare rolling race frame.

It wasn’t until afterwards when I went to advertise selling the engine/oil tank/radiator that I realised that it had 348cc cast into the engine block.

Didn’t really make any difference as far as I was concerned, other than I was told and always spoke about it as being a 250 cc engine…… hence my comment and subsequent edit in my original post :joy:

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Good stuff, just checking my sanity lol

Am I right in thinking or read years ago you can bolt the 350 barrel on to the 250 :thinking: Bugger sure I read about it in some bike mag a fair while ago.

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Oh today, been all over the joint. My elderly father got out of Hospital today. Bit of plumbing problems.

He had to wait from 3pm friday in the front foyer of the modbury hospital until they finally looked at him 2am Saturday. Ridiculous, 50 people just came in there because it was cold, nothing wrong with them and choked the place up. Yea so been a bit shirty because of that.

I wouldn’t have a clue mate!

Even though I was raised in a family dedicated to motorbikes and ridden them my whole life, I never had any knowledge about these awesome little engines until I was given this buggy by a mate as a fun bit of gear for myself/kids to use on my rural property.

I had plenty of knowledge about Speedway vehicles and different classes, hence my excitement in being given a genuine old 1970’s Mini Sprint Race Car…… but I was also baffled by the weird looking engine that was hanging off the back of it.

I didn’t really give a shit about whatever it was, as the mate that gave it to me simply said that it was a YAMAHA Twin Cylinder Two Stroke that would definitely put the wind up me to drive it.

I am a Hot Rod Builder, a Crew Chief/Mechanic for a couple of different Drag Cars and really didn’t appreciate how this stupid looking little thing could possibly scare me with its power.

But fck me dead, the very first drive of this thing once I got it running was completely chaotic and insane!

Hence why it got parked up, and even thought was donated to me for my kids to enjoy……. I never got back in it myself, let alone letting my kids to step into this insane weapon of a vehicle :flushed:

Hence the reason why I sold it sans engine to another family and still have it to this day.

haha yeah they for kids lol Damn the photo you showed I was thinking of asking if you would sell it. Then I got the bad news that the sheep market has gutsed. So that idea went out the window fast. Oh well. No harm in dreaming. :+1:

Everything is for sale mate…… prices are fully negotiable according to good cnut/bad cnut vibes! :joy:

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did more 3d modelling today… lost a whole sunday…thanks TAFE!

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Yep your correct
Yamaha built the LC as a 350 then put 250 barrels and jetted the carbs down for the Japanese market.
So we got both.

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Aha, cheers that’s it. My memory isn’t lost yet. :rofl: I always liked those sorts of little pocket rockets. Ogling over bike magazines at school instead of listening to the teacher :joy: Nearly bought an RGV250T just before they ceased production on them. Funds had to go elsewhere unfortunately.

One of Dad’s mates for you @DocBob was co owner of the Jarvis Ford sprint car team. I got to see some work nights up close doing bodywork and tuning on the car. Was pretty awesome, stroked small block as per the rules, direct methanol injected. Used to burn a 44 gallon of Methanol for 2x 20 minute sprints then another for the 40min main :rofl: They retired the team around 2000. One of my managing directors of ROH/Arrowcrest was Gary Roiter, he had a sprint car team around the same time. Had to drop everything when he broke a diff and brought it in we had to fix it. Not just the centre the whole thing was snapped in half haha bit of a crash apparently. Quickest we ever worked about 20 toolmakers jumped on to it.


Yes, Speedway isn’t very kind on vehicles :joy:

So many mates are involved with Speedway, because every small country town had a local track and all the farm boys, young and old, made it their main hobby for a long time!

Unfortunately many old tracks have since been closed down/demolished/put back into pasture or been built over these days.

Our local Waroona Speedway ended up under a big Mineral Sands Mine :cry:

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Bugger about the tracks shutting down. Some of the ones I went to are still operating speedway like murray bridge :+1: Pretty sure wayville is not.

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Started looking at 3d printable stuff for gel blasters is what i got upto today since ive decided to actualy just get into the sport instead of looking from the outside.

Well, my cousin was visiting from Hong Kong, saw my blasters and asked me to take him to a field.

Nothing new about my gear, I’m still running my Alpha King. I recently got myself a J10 for $25, which I am planning on giving to my girlfriend’s brother once I load it with some upgrades :grin:

It’s very good to be back


Welcome back to the asylum, your soft room has been kept just as you left it :crazy_face:
Still running my J10 and now my modified Alpha king (KP9) :+1:
No school like the old school :sunglasses: