What Did You Get Up To Today?

I agree… :+1:

Still like giving my F2000 and my Scorpion EVO3 a run now and then, both of them Gen 8.

Best part about the old school gear is the comments from new players… usually “WTF is that thing??” :joy:

Another vote for J10. Amazing what a bit of dremel work can do to create a solid blaster

I concur with everyone else here…… J10 is an awesome bit of old gear :ok_hand:

FX Holden, customer gave me a Twin Stromberg Inlet Manifold to put on his 138 Grey Motor, but nothing else!

Went through a whole IBC Container full of old Carbies, several bulk drawers worth of thousands of different jets, power valves, emulsion tubes, different sized carby main bodies and throttle bodies.

Somehow managed to find a pair of ultra rare 1 & 3/32” main bodies and BXOV-1 throttle bases, plus all of the right sized internal metering parts and even a pair of twin carb bore restrictor inserts!

Took a whole day to get all of the correct components together, used several different cleaning methods/chemicals to restore them back to usable condition, and then another few hours to completely build two complete carbies from scratch.

It took another whole day to fit the manifold, linkages, fuel/vacuum lines…… and another 5 hours to completely modify all of the accelerator components to get everything to work properly to the new geometry, plus fit a whole new set of extractors, muffler and 2” exhaust system, hangers and straps.

Both front drums removed, long wheel studs and spacers were installed to be able to run the fat front rims/tyres without fouling on the suspension/steering,

Engine/Gearbox spacers were made/installed to clear the incorrect sump that the customer is having issues with, only temporary until we can source/fit the correct parts.

Various electrical issues were rectified along with a long list of small niggling problems.
Don’t forget that this vehicle is 71 years old right now and has never been touched other than the rattle can black “paint job” over the untouched original paint.

EVERYTHING on this vehicle is original, nothing has been repaired/replaced/restored/modified in the 71 years since it was first built! :flushed:

Bugger me dead……. those old piles of scrap that I gathered, cleaned and built to resemble a couple of Stromberg Carburettors fired up into life as soon as the fuel hit their bowls.

I said to the owner that I could only set a few screw adjustments close enough to what my experience tells me where to roughly place them, so don’t expect a miracle from the the very first start up of the engine……. but no word of a lie…… he hit the key, dead cold, no choke, no throttle…… and this beauty fired up and idled like it was only shut off and parked up that afternoon! :ok_hand:

Yeah it’s rattling because it’s dead cold.
Warmed it up and then ran through all of the rocker settings to get it purring like a kitten :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Love that old school look, Doc. :heart_eyes:

Takes me back to when I was 17. :+1:


Yeah she’s pretty rough looking…… but that’s just how I like them!

Because of their popularity and massive increase in value, most older bangers that are seen these days have all had big dollar restoration jobs back to factory concourse standards.

I can understand why the owners are doing this, to raise the value and protect their investments with these vehicles…… but that’s diminished the amount of good old fashioned cheap jalopies that we used to see on the roads quite commonly :frowning:

The owner of this old girl is collecting parts and will also give this old girl a complete restoration very soon, so will be another cool old cruiser that will be lost and added to the big collection of brand new looking shiny classics attending the car shows/cruises only on rare occasions, instead of just being a regular old daily use banger that they were designed to be.


What did i get up to today? I discovered I’ve got an unexpected 2 days off in Gladstone. Any cq blasters field locals on the forum? I might look into popping in for tomorrow’s game

At air show at goldy. Osprey was pretty cool bit of kit.


Asked my wife if she wanted to go when they first announced the event - she didn’t want to as she didn’t see the point of it.
We’re at tennis this morning and she was talking to the other parents there and then asked me why we aren’t going to this…FML. :pensive:


Building blasters😂


I have a funny feeling the AW is just a WE with some modifications/extra cost. The front site and the slide release length of the pin (on the RHS of the frame) are too similar to the WE Tech to be a coincidence … Ok so the AW custom frame is also cut to accept a CO2 mag (like the Golden Eagles), but I find this a negative, rather than a positive.


Holy hell where did you get all that stuff? What is your plan with that?

Awesome stuff mate……. that’s exactly what my spare bedroom used to look like! :joy:

Another great day out on the bikes with friends and family……. except for Bob, cause his back gave out Friday night and hasn’t been able to move since, except to be able to get helped into a vehicle and have the opportunity to sit and watch my son enjoy his day out.

It took weeks to organise today, and was no way that I was going to let him down…… so I’m off to hospital tomorrow morning and don’t know what’s going to happen from there, or how long before I will get out again…… but the intense pain today was worth every minute watching the smile on his face :hugs:


Dave who owns the field picked it up, I just have to build everything as it’s completely disassembled and wrapped new🙄

If you have kids, you should gather them and their friends, and form a little sweatshop in your garage :rofl:

Get well soon
Remember to be nice to the nurses
As they know how to hurt you in so many different ways
Without leaving any evidence :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah, hope you’re all good soon, Doc. :+1:

Nothing worse than being sidelined when your friends and family are having fun on bikes.

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“Ok so the AW custom frame is also cut to accept a CO2 mag (like the Golden Eagles), but I find this a negative, rather than a positive.”

… Then I remembered WE also makes the 1911 for a C02 mag as well, so even more likely to be a upgraded WE frame for the AW I suspect …



Thanks mate……. but they can’t hurt me any more than the intense pain I’m dealing with right now! :joy:

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