What Did You Get Up To Today?

Hope you get better, soon Docbob.!

Retaining walls…

Down the coast, my old place is needing the retaining walls replaced.

2 of the 4 property walls, are in direct contact with storm water runoff…its a stormwater drainage area…the original cheapskate builder, put in a timber retaining wall, which was never going to last…rotting away, losing soil and putting the foundations at risk…

As its a wet drainage area, they had to drill deep, 3.4m, and reinforce the holes with metal spires, to prevent collapse…18 holes needed, as about 24m of retaining wall required…

I went with fake timber render concrete sleeper, on the street side, to make it look purdy…

Around the back shows the mess…its a big job…

After the wall is rebuilt, and fence put back up, next job is to remove root stumps, remove pavers, lay a concrete slab, and tile the whole lot…

Its impossible to clean these pavers…leafblowers blow up dirt, gerni’s blow up splattery mud, with endless weeds growing inbetween… then try painting them…

Then, re-landscape the garden, with small leafy bushes that wont grow too tall, and grow big root systems…

Tennants get to pay the rent, and complain when the toilet doesn’t flush…

Landlords…have some big expenses, and worries, on their hands…
This is gonna hurt…

Like i said…some people have fun, on their holidays…

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Hey, regarding fixing the pavers with a leaf blower. What if you chucked some helicopter mats over where you were blowing stuff? Would it stop new messes being made?

That said, those sleepers look pretty mint. A lot more pleasing to look at than bare stone.

The pavers are a nightmare…there is an endless growth of weeds… that need spraying and pulling… tennants just dont do it.

My mates a builder, he’s seen it, and agrees the best is to just concrete and tile…
I haven’t tried a mat, but pavers on top of dirt / dust/ is nearly impossible to manage…

Last time, to paint the pavers, i literally had to gerni the pavers , 1 by 1, and not run off , or crap get blown everywhere… took me forever…

Im a big fan of, do it once, do it right, and forget about it…

This way, i’ll come down once every 6 months, gerni the rear / side/ front of the house…done…

the funny thing is… it didnt really cost that much more…
Only a modest amount extra… the rear wall (cant see from the street) is larger…
I’m happy to go grey there…

I do have a strong emotional connection to this place… through Dad / life history etc that happened there…i was living there for awhile.

Happy to keep it in good shape, for grateful tennants, and also myself…

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Man, if I ever shift up North I hope you’ve got a joint free of tenants. You sound like a dream landlord to live under. I bet you don’t even jack up the rents every six months :laughing:

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i work on a simple principle.

Dont be a C–t.

Fair, market rate prices.
No ridiculous increases.
If shit breaks, fix it. quickly.
If you have good, long term tennants…look after them.

Its that simple.

Mums tennants, at north lakes, are paying about $110 per week, less than max rates.
The reason…?
They are good people…and might become homeless, if mum jacked up the rent…

Through covid and beyond, they kept their jobs, paid all the rent on time, looked after the place, do minor maint themselves, and never say boo…Mum replaced 1 dishwasher, in 4 years…

They said, many of their street friends have moved out, as landlords went for max rent,and they couldn’t afford to pay…

I asked, where did they end up…shrugging shoulders…( iknow what that means)

Looking after them , is good for them ( stable home, their daughter has a newborn), good for mum ( stable income/ tennants), and good for me ( set and forget,no worries tennants) …

Its a win for everyone, all around…

If you move up, im sure I can find a place somewhere… unless Docboc gets in first…!! :rofl: :rofl:


Let me know when you need a tenant !:thinking::sweat_smile:
According to our landlord, he doesn’t think we should even have personal possessions!
He stores a boat in the yard but doesn’t like that I have one. Thinks the place should be showroom quality in case he wants to big note to what few friends he has left and have a party here🙄 a one bedroom box with a fresh coat of paint over the turd! Roof leaks, toilet leaks taps leak!
Keep getting reminded that it’s his house and not my home🤬


I just replaced a toilet down the coast, because it clogged up again…
It was a smaller toilet, with a narrow S bend, that kept clogging, with 3 females using it…
When I was there with my partner, I could keep it going with regular plunging…but I cant reasonably expect tennants to submit to that regime…

I view it as an improvement to the property, and as such, money well spent…

I’m a pretty fussy bugger, and take the view that , if i was paying good rent, i’d want a place in good working order

When you have good tennants, you look after them…
Thats my philosophy anyway…

Next place, will have to be…" The house of gel"…!!

Backing onto donnybrook, one room for Bigmutha, one room for docbob, one room for jazzy, a toilet for squiddy…And a lockable shipping container or two, in the backyard, to store everything…!!! :rofl: :rofl:


You could set up a retirement village of tiny houses with big sheds, lockable blaster storage and a CQB range that has mobility scooter access. Houses should be 30m apart so you can still blast your neighbours


I’m pretty much over it and thinking of going bush to get the fuck away from people!
People in general are narcissistic assholes driven by greed that will lie and steal even from their families and friends in an attempt to make themselves feel better than anyone else just for bragging rights!
It’s pretty easy to lure these people out by simply telling them you don’t give a fuck when they start bragging about what they own.
Watch them turn into screaming toddler tantrum throwing fucks when you don’t acknowledge their superiority :rofl:


I hear ya, mutha… :roll_eyes:

A few years back I was iving in the Sunny Coast hinterland, bugger all neighbours, a few good friends, great life. Forced to move to the acreages between Morayfield and Burpengary, suddenly I’ve got crackheads running through my propery with knives getting chased by the coppers, theives in a stolen van trying to break into my garage and house, ice junkies occupying the burnt out house next door… joy! :expressionless:

Now I own my own home in the heart of Morayfield and I’ve got teen scumbags with bumbags burning holes in my flyscreen trying to break in, people jumping the back fence at night then knocking on my back door and asking to charge their phones, and car theives cruising up and down the street in stolen cars scoping out their next project. Security screens on every window, cameras everywhere, big dog and a couple of mattock handles stategically placed around the house. Livin’ the suburban dream… :roll_eyes:

Slipknot said it best… People = shit :thinking:


Ah bugger about the back, I’m in the same boat fkd back, in recovery atm so know exactly how ya feel.

Great collection of bikes. Nice KX250 maybe late 90’s 2 stroke. Can’t beat that smell with the good gear in it.

Mm I’d either get some glyphosate mixed with alloy, Not the watered down crap from bunnings. Actually scratch that as you won’t be able to buy the stuff I use. But was going to say that a weed won’t grow there for 2 years minimum.

Just concrete it, be cheaper :+1:

Unfortunately, I agree with Mutha and Friendly, suburbia is a shit fight. I am lucky atm on Sunny coast to be in an odd low target area for junkies and eshy scum but I am sure at some point I will be dealing with them as the are a problem everywhere.

Once the kids are school I am going to sell and move outward some ways, get some land in the bush and a small place, and run a private gel field :rofl: I might as well be ages from civilization, I am in it now, and somehow it takes me 45+ mins some days to do a 20min drive from work, and it gets worse every year, an extra half hour gets me a fair way out of it, so might as well be in the bush.


It really sucks, that Qld is now the crime capital of Australia…

I have posted this before, but for anyone considering moving, there is a online crime statistics map.

You can enter any suburb/area, and see total offences / type of offences etc in whichever time period you choose.
A good way, to get some hard numbers, on a area, rather than generalisations.

I thought moving mum to north lakes was pretty safe, but then the murder happened… They had a halfway house nearby…

Thankfully, mums in a nicer, northern part of the estate, where only local residents live…nice parks and walking tracks nearby, friendly nice neighbours, so she should be ok…

Nowhere is risk free, nowadays…

We had a halfway house in our suburb and thefts went through the roof.

The Fakebook page kept track of underage residents and when they were out and about. Residents had lots of video evidence of what they were doing but we got warned off by local QPS - vigilante activities apparently

The spree stopped when they knocked over the house of the mother of one of the Islander residents. Apparently there was a discussion with the residents of the halfway house, they requested to be relocated and the break-ins stopped

Be mindfull of where you choose in the bush. Millions of others are thinking the same thing and I’m fairly certain police presence has been reduced in the last decade as it has done here. Don’t even have one. You get some ferals that’s for sure as they are un policed and do whatever they want, drugs, murder, drive around in unregistered cars with no licence. Generally things they’d get pinged for in a City much quicker. Had both too close for comfort.
Doctor one day a week 50k away, along with dentist same, a hospital that refers you on to the RAH. No fast food besides how quick you cook dinner :rofl:

But if you can handle all that and more you’ll love it :+1:

Cheap and easy to build storage
Plenty of them on marketplace

Its no secret that Armourer Works is the Custom division for WE Tech.