What Did You Get Up To Today?

Finally home, time for Starfield.
Ah shit its decompiling.

ahh wells… if only they used decent quality alloy for the gearbox… and spent any attention shimming them… and used a grip that held the motor better… and a shaft tower on the motor that didnt move so much… and a decent pinion gear set at the right height… a piston that didnt break, a cylinder head that sealed for more than half a game… I have more but you get the gist of my rant.
I do like the look of those two tone tan cqbs though.

I used to swap out the pinion gears and then shim underneath pinion/shaft to remove excess travel…… but just a Band-Aid fix for that particular bad design :roll_eyes:

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I bought a stack of motor shaft towers with bearings. The wells motors are decent when combined with a good pinion and bearing shaft tower.
I also print a spacer that fits over the tpiece that fills the void between front of the gearbox and the barrel adaptor. It helps with the tpiece nozzle seal by removing any movement and with the bonus of if the gearbox does fracture it at least can’t go anywhere… allowing for full send until next time the upper is removed.
I am testing this theory in a cqb build that runs 13:1 short 4 teeth with an m100 spring, lighter piston with nylon SHS head, aoe padded cylinder head and a radius job. It’s survived a few games at mango hill and Donnybrook, with a twin drum mag. It’s actually quite a nice little blaster, and survived longer than I expected so far, but the parts and effort required are above what most people are willing to spend on a wells.

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@DocBob I just got off the phone with one of my agents. He can get lambs from WA right now if he pays the freight only. Giving away. Things are going to get worse and next year as well, a lot to do with China’s economic downturn amongst other things. Cattle are only $400.

Yeah mate, it’s insane isn’t it :frowning:
I’ve had a few local farmers offering me free sheep and lambs over the past few months, just to get them out of the paddocks ……. who would ever imagined that back in the 50’s-60’s.

We have been helping out buying whole killers, bagged and tagged for only $150-$200 depending upon age…… which is nothing, but better returns than putting them in a hole in the ground.

My question has been……. Why the sudden decline in demand, which I know happens from time to time in the market, but currently seems like this year is the worst that I can remember?

I have been out of the Abattoir/Stock industry for quite a few years now, so out of touch with the buyers/markets etc and only getting to talk with the local farmers about the problem, but nobody has really told me what circumstances have effected the current market.

My brother is Loadout Manager at Harvey Beef Abattoir, but being owned by Twiggy Forrest, they only deal with the Beef Industry and doesn’t have any insight into the other markets outside of that.

I worked at Clover Meats in Waroona for years as a Stockman and we worked with Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Northwest Goats, Water Buffalo and even Reindeer…… so had a wide exposure to all of the farmers/station owners/buyers/markets etc.

My brother and I have constantly talked about the bullshit high meat prices, which the two top arseholes “Colesworth” were spruiking to the public was necessary because of the “beef shortage”…… where in reality there is an abundance in supply and the price of cattle has dropped dramatically exactly as you mentioned!

I used to average $750-$950 dressed weight for my Yearling Steers, so $200 comes as quite a shock.

Obviously all of these Supermarkets still have highly overpriced meat and overstocked shelves ……. and yet the truth is that Sheep/Beef market sale/gate prices are almost non existent :rage:

I don’t know how the Pig Industry is fairing? Unfortunately the only bloke I knew who was still in the industry at the Fletcher International Abattoir in Albany passed away last year, and my Aunt/Uncle’s private owned/run family Piggery was sold out along with their farm a few years ago.

Would be interesting to get your opinion about why the market is where it is today, and if you reckon it has the potential to rebound back into a decent position for the future.


some real porgie energy

yesterday but still, I got to ride in a police car.


Brewed some gels, tested the blasters. Packed the blasters, mags, gels, batteries, gear and safety stuff in the bag and headed to the field.

Arrived in plenty of time to be greeted by a host of young kids, more than normal field capacity.

Didn’t want to be the only old goat amongst 40 kids running around in pray and spray mode - so went and got a cup of coffee and unpacked at home. Had fun plinking with the GBB in the shed

Will repeat next week in expectation of some adult games

It will rebound, but not until 2025 is the forecast. Going to get worse first.

As to why, people aren’t buying the food because of the high prices. If Coolies can price a leg of lamb at $50, and the producer gets nothing for x 4 legs on a lamb. It is not viable any longer for the producer.

The dumb gov just signed off on phasing out live sheep export by sea as of June 2023. Air transport only now. Live cattle still ok to go by sea. Refer to export countries economic downturn.

Eastern states are having trouble with flood effected pastures not regrowing, no feed and are dumping stock.

Forecast a long dry hot summer.

Economic downturn in Asian countries with hesitancy to buy our products including wool.

It all gutsed in 1992 similarly when farmers were getting a bill from sale yards and gov was paying farmers cents per head for farmers to shoot them on property. I remember the footage well of yards packed with sheep with people up on the rails culling them all with Ruger 10/22’s. By the 10’s of thousands. We had a small mob of sheep then, we couldn’t sell, just had to keep them. Some died of natural causes and some got sold the following years.

Unfortunately I remember ‘92…… a bit younger back then, but can’t ever forget spending a few weeks at two of my Aunty and Uncle’s farms in Coorow and Quairiding having to help pen and cull a huge amount of livestock that we had dug up a big hole for :cry:

Long summer is a given, and not because of bullshit “climate change” fear mongering :roll_eyes:

Live exports for beef/sheep are the nucleus of stock trading and should not be used as a political tool by the “activists” to cripple our industry :rage:

Australia has had a long tradition of relocating livestock across borders to help uphold values of the owners who have faced natural disasters.

It was always common for our local WA Industry to send trucks loaded with hay to the eastern states farmers and backload with livestock to feed/prosper in our state until conditions improved in their regions enough to cart them back again…… instead of the poor owners having to cull/dump their livestock at a great loss :frowning:

It’s a shitshow at the moment and with the Asian market unpredictable along with other influences wrongfully destroying our livestock industry through “woke” ideology…. It’s a situation that should never have escalated to the level that we are at now.

The Lucky Country is being destroyed piece by piece from modern politics and greed, at the expense of our primary producers, our citizens and our communities.

A step backward in time to 30 years ago could turn all of this around, but everyone in any position of power is too blind to see this :roll_eyes:


Like the last hiccup in the live sheep export by sea in 2017, the ship hit a tropical storm in the middle of the ocean. Temperature and humidity soared and about 2700 sheep died as a result. They were dumped overboard. They wanted it stopped then and it crashed the market when the news broke… on the feckin day I had lambs for sale… I got $10 a head that day.
The then in power gov kept the live export going thankfully, until this current one just canned it with no such event happening.
What they should be doing in my oppinion… I get it’s a tough and long transit by sea and trying to avoid storms the ships try but don’t always succeed. Why don’t they spend some of Coolies 1.6 BILLION profit each and outfit a couple of ships with climate control and better holding conditions with better feed and water for the trip. More staff to feeed them.
Oh that’s right that’s too feckin hard, let’s just cancel it.

It’s bloody expensive to send sheep by air, it does happen but to niche markets like Japan, Cambodia and only the rich end users play in that. Planes are climate controlled. But then you only get a couple hundred on depending on the plane. Some just fly 40 etc

Gov should be doing something, anything is better than just absolutely nothing which the current gov is renowned for when it comes to primary production. ala 1992

Livestock exports by Air is a fkn ridiculous idea :roll_eyes:

How the hell does it make sense for the limited amount of stock that can be transported compared to the cost of flying that aircraft?

Live shipping by sea is the most efficient, humane and environmentally friendly method to transport large amounts of cargo hands down…… which is why the whole world relies on shipping to survive.

The odd storm/disaster is to be expected on the open seas. How many billions of dollars worth of shipping containers and ships are lost to storms each year, let alone the human deaths/accidents every single day, yet the loss of a few livestock from the same natural causes is apparently a reason to ban live export shipping :roll_eyes::rage:

It blows me away that the “do-gooders” constantly protest and campaign that live export is purely an inhumane industry that thrives on torturing and killing animals.

Here’s the reality that they never take into consideration in their virtue signalling little brains:

The primary producer spends their whole lives raising and caring for these animals to be in the very best health and safety.

They invest all of their time and money to secure contracts for live export to their buyers.

They are extremely aware of choosing the very best Trucking companies to transport their livestock to the Ports swiftly and with minimal stress and best handling practices to ensure they board the ships in the best condition.

The shipping companies load these very fragile yet vulnerable animals into the very best purpose built vessels that they can design for the comfort and safety of their precious cargo.

The whole point of this live export industry is to deliver the product to the overseas buyers in the very best possible condition that could be humanly possible to achieve.

The “do-gooders” have never seen a purpose designed/built export ship, and are not the ones who have invested all of their livelihoods into ensuring that these animals are looked after to the very highest standards as possible to deliver a quality product to their customers.

In what universe does it make sense that their cries of “inhumane cruelty, abuse, mistreatment and neglect” is the desired outcome of the primary producer, the transport company and the end buyer as a way to intentionally mistreat their precious investments? :roll_eyes:


It’s still under review for live export by ship and the recommendations are going to the Agri Minister for final decision by september 30 from all sorts of u beaut economists and this and that blah blah which the Agri Minister can still block against the current govs now written policy against live sheep export. Reports are it will go through as it’s been ongoing since may. Afaik.

Had a shitty start to Saturday as I resumed drenching etc, just another day for me. Lamb down with a black thing on it. Have a look and a crow flys away, pecked it’s eyeballs out as the lamb layed there warming up in the morning sun. Nothing left but sockets, so I put it down. Can’t destroy Crows they are protected. This is why I hate fkn Crows.
Mods just ask or delete the photo if too gory.

That’s fcked, but it’s also the rural life hey mate.

Did anything cause it to go down, or did those arsehole “Russel’s” just pounce onto it in a moment of weakness?

Honestly cannot comprehend if the Government decides to ban live shipping export, but we are all aware of the insanity of Ministers/Governments in this day and age :roll_eyes:

BTW…… fck the Russels, there’s no reason for hesitation when they are doing this to your livestock :rage:

The government systematically destroying another industry in our country?

It was 2c, as the other 300 were doing laying in the sun warming up. Having your eyes taken out would make anyone go down.

And yet you can’t sell livestock from your farm directly to the public.
Can’t even sell eggs.here in Qld
Imagine the line up at you gate if you could sell live stock at a fraction of price.
Back in the day if I wanted a pig,lamb,or calf I would go to my local farmer and buy it live and butcher it my self or they would do it for you at an extra price.
Now you can’t even buy vegetables roadside anymore.
You have to go to a farmer’s market.(tho I have yet to see a real farmer there)
Which is just another yuppie idea.



That’s such bullshit, need a farmer rebellion