What Did You Get Up To Today?

That’s right, it’s over regulated to shit. Most butchers aren’t allowed to take off farm stock for butchering if you want a couple done for yourself. There is one I know of that do it but they are miles away from me. Pack a tent trip.
A neighbor friend has all the gear to butcher, cool room, bandsaw etc I get the odd one done with his facilities for myself. I can’t take like 20 there though.

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Went to my second game this year at gelsoft this arvo. A quiet game only 10 people, but they where not slow games. Gona be sore tommorow

I finally got my practicing certificate today after 6 years of study. I can now call myself a parasite (lawyer) :tada: :tada: :tada:


Congrats! Now we’ll all hit you up for (unpaid) advice! :rofl:

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I might have need of your services by the end of the week.
Depending on how much shit I create this week.
Do you give discounts for multiple offences.
And do you have a senior’s discount

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If the amount of shit you create makes it to the 6:30 news, you get a discount.

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Did that once when I was younger.was not a good outcome.
Tho prison food is better than hospital food.

Wool getting auctioned right now. Hope it goes hi but I know it won’t even though it tested out extremely good. Market’s just shit.


Crossing my fingers on a decent dime for ya’. :fu: Thanks Greens, for throwing your bougie hipster weight around on LAE policy.

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Cheers. Labour aren’t going to last long when average joe figures out they are getting ripped off big time. I notice there is near zero reporting on the current livestock situation in msm. Laughable.

Still makes me angry how our government can ban ships that are not even owned by Australia sent from Saudi Arabia, Oman etc to pick the sheep up and they die on the way home because they are dumpsters.

That’s the same as you didn’t refrigerate your frozen food on your hour long trip from the shops in 40c weather so you are banned from buying it… Fuckheads. Rant over

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Finished another box mag conversion :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also had a visit from a very strange man with a passion for ALIENS pulse rifles among other things😅 @BME


I resemble that remark…!!!

That nerf gvn identifies as a gen 8…
Or, it will shortly…

They mostly come at night. Mostly…


Called in on way home to see how some Maori co workers were doing on a local mates sheep, haha on the piss already at 4pm, 1057 done in 2 half days. Dan was there, last saw him 6 years ago we figured out, he’s a 60-70 run fella. Haha, still cruising :rofl:

Maybe we should just fukn join NZ and Australia, be a lot easier for my workforce.


Watched a live sale of prime 1 and half year old female breeding sheep go for $26 per head. Along with the rest of the sale was the average.

12 months ago sheep like that were going for $220-$260 per head. Oh dear…

I’m starting a gofundme because my Chemcert licence is due for renewal… what a joke that is, my god they’ve changed the rules again, now I need a sticker printer, a camera person to film me, and a fkn tripod so the help line operator told me. What the fuck.

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Sounds like the body that moderate farming are taking some ideas from an Austrian painter from the 30’s/40’s

Just got back today. God, Martin’s Bend is way more beautiful than I was expecting.

I was worried it would be back-to-back campsites, with little room to spread out. Was pleasantly surprised to find that wasn’t the case, and the sites were all spread out through the bushland about 50m+ back from the water. Lots of space for our big group to set up.

Didn’t get much luck with the nets or rods on the river, unfortunately. Just a shitload of carp of various sizes. It’s illegal to leave them alive on the bank if you catch them (and SUPER illegal to put them back in the river). So, we tried using them for live bait without much luck.

We had a lot more luck with the local magpies, though. Little juvenile feller, nearly an adult, started hanging around the outside of the camp looking for a feed. Didn’t want to give him human food, and risk hurting him, and fishermen leave the dead carp along the bank all the time so we just tossed him one of ours. And boy did he have fun with it :laughing:

He liked us after that. Ended up getting so close that he was literally in the chair circle around the fire. A bunch of noisy miners started to try and go him, same bastards who’d been annoying the camp all of day one. He cracked the shits and chased them off, miners didn’t bother us for the rest of the camp.

Also, my god it is picturesque down by the water, especially in the late afternoon.

Only thing I was a bit frowny of was just how much damage the floods had done. It was visible everywhere, from the scrub that had been thrown about, to the logs that had been washed up, to even visible water lines on the standing tree trunks. You could see the high water mark, and all the empty native bee hives that the council had set up.

All in all though, fantastic trip.

Jesus Christ my back is killing me though. Gonna need another mattress for the swag :laughing:


Beautiful spot, sounds like you all had an awesome time! :sunglasses:

Lots more gear than I usually camp with!
This was my whole setup for the 5 weeks last time I spent over Xmas/New Year’s/January at the local Weir. :joy:


Told ya was a beautiful spot… glad you had a good time.

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I have a question…

The photo, under the video…

Is that , a reflection, of a tree in the water?

A half life , head crab , jumping , in mid flight…!!!

Great pics…

Honestly, there were a few things I learned I could do without, and a few things I learned I still needed. I did go out with the whole kit and kaboodle, though. Even brought my NVGs for a bit of a night time wander. Brought way too many travel games, too. Only ended up playing poker and chess, anyway :laughing:

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