What Did You Get Up To Today?

yet, some people believe it…
probably mostly, trump voters…

they have a proven ability, to suspend, and dissociate from reality…

a one mythbuster said…

“I reject your reality and substitute my own!”

Flat Earthers are a weird case. My neighbour was one after his wife left him. He was a good guy. Stood up for me when I got wronged, and tried to help out when he could.

Like, yeah. Their views are absolutely cooked, but they’re not necessarily cruel. They know that they’re being lied to, by corporations, media and whatnot. They just…are very incredibly wrong about the things they’re being lied to about. I think it makes them feel a little bit more in control of their lives.

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Ok ,…

I didn’t say they were cruel…just misinformed…

I would say , most of them fall into the “slightly cray cray, but mostly harmless”, category…

Who knows , why they choose to adopt, such beliefs…?!

Maybe, because it creates a bit of controversy, and people then interact with them…?? when otherwise they wouldn’t…??

Anyways, let Sunrise, do a story, on flat earthers…
Lets see the ratings optics, on that…!!

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Oh, sorry. I didn’t mean to imply you did say that. I was just kind of waxing poetic about them like the dandy I am :laughing:

I think it’s much the same as anyone believes in an unbelievable conspiracy.

“The world is absolutely fucked, and you can’t tell which way is up. It’s chaos! But I’ve got the inside scoop. I know what’s really what. I’ve got control of the information in my world, and the chaos can’t effect me. You think you know what’s true, but your life is still chaotic because you don’t know the truth I know.”

We all want to feel in control of our lives, after all.

"Now, you Just Shhh…
And Listen…

When i sit in the darkness…
With my alfoil hat…
and listen to the voices…

The ghost of Elvis tells me…
Theres too much fluoride in the water, and the aliens, they’re a comin…!!"

Nuff said…!! :rofl: :rofl:

This is shit pit material…
and, i do have some extra photos, to post…

conspiracy theories only appear because people have no control over the situation.

Speaking of controlled media have you been able to find anything on Albanese trip to China for relations talks, last I read was he headed out around thursday last week. Theres usually some updates but I can’t find anything. Maybe they threw him in a retraining camp :joy:

I knew it was you… around 2pm local right. My dogs barked at you :rofl:

this was yesterday…heading east…10 am, your time…

Ah I see is that why people sprout bullshit across the misinformation net. Makes sense.

My world isn’t fucked, especially sitting in the sun playing with my dogs and enjoying a beer in the country. Couldn’t get much better for a Monday actually.

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See your skidmarks across the sky :sweat_smile:


you wanna talk, skidmarks…!!!

stop cutting laps, in the clouds…

And, grinding tracks, on the ground…

I feel as though, my work here, is done…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Not me, but a big shout out, to my old boss… I just saw the article…

I used to fly tourists, in cessna caravans, up to Lady Elliot island…the southern tip, of the great barrier reef…

I wasn’t aware, he was awarded an order of Australia, in 2020…

I know, myself being a solar nut, he did a great job modernising LEI, with the solar / battery combo…

Good to see, he has international recognition, via the BBC story…!!

Haven’t been there for a long time, must go again soon…
My best job, in general aviation…

( i used to sleep, in the hanger)…
Wake up, 7am departure, get up to the island before 9am…
snorkel with the guests, tropical seafood lunch, leave 2 pm- ish…back by 4pm…

Do it all again, the next day…!!

You would see manta rays, octopus, white tip reef shark (harmless) , Soo many fish, turtles… the more you swim, the more you see…!!

And, in winter, you could hear the whales singing , underwater…!

Lunch was better, than ANY airline catering…!!
Onya, Pete…!!

Get up there, if you get a chance…

(by the way, Lady musgrave is the prettier reef, but only accessible by local boat only…no land facilities…)


Got a hold of a bass guitar from the rockin’ 70s… an Emperador, made in Nippon in the Matsumoku factory.

Fifty years old and sounds great… but fifty years of bassist’s sweat on the fretboard (it’s been heavily gigged, used to belong to Jeff Lum from Hush), a ragged collection of screws and fasteners of dubious origin all over it means it needs “The Treatment” to make it shine. Out with the white vinegar and toothbrush. :laughing:

Aside from smelling a bit like a fish’n’chip shop with all that vinegar, it’s got heaps of character and stage patina, and apparently quite collectable. :+1:


What a beautiful machine, with some great patina and an interesting history :ok_hand::sunglasses:

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Wasted a whole day from dawn until after dark to do my AQF3 Chem re accreditation course in Lameroo Pub of all places. Brain is mush from information overload.

Oh well got it done should be right for the next 5 years when they change the goal posts again and make it even harder. Can’t fkn wait.

A non Australian passed by the Instructors suggestion to just copy my statements as he couldn’t string a sentence together in writing on the 100 page test book. What the fuck, I said oh well have at it the boss said so who gives a fk eh :rofl:

Then old mate couldn’t walk the 800M fast enough down the street to the only bakery left open in the joint, I got a shitty mushroom pie and Iced Coffee, $12 thanks. Old mate had to settle for a packets of Lays chips as they were out of everything by the time he got there.

I will admit it was a funny day. Out of 10 people there doing their chem course, I was the only Farm owner, the rest were workers for moosive spud farms around here. Probly why SA never ran out of chips when that shortage was on :rofl:


I want to write a typical long winded Doc Bob reply…. But I will leave that maybe for a phone call to you instead mate! :joy::+1:

Dark photo, image…

Tried to continue with building an all steel bodied 1933 5 window Plymouth Coupe Hot Rod……. but our current workshop is in the middle of being shuffled around within our complex for another company that is doing renovations to take over the place.

Which is all cool considering that they own the place……… but getting our power and water shut off without notice every day for the last two months whilst contractors are working on the property is starting to wear a bit thin!

Could only work with cordless power tools today, until everything went flat by mid morning.
Couldn’t use the welder, lathe, belt sander, bench grinder/wire wheel etc.

Water cut off had me wandering to the adjoining property simply to wash hands, go to the toilet, boil the kettle etc.

But at least wasn’t as bad as last weekend when the contractors shut off the water on Friday and didn’t come back until Monday to finish the job and turn it back on again :flushed:

They seemed to have forgotten that we actually live in the complex and power/water is really handy for our fridges/freezers/showers/toilets etc etc!

Needless to say that today finished rather early once all of the cordless tools went flat! :joy: