What Did You Get Up To Today?

Change of pace…

The concreting, has been done, down the coast…
I went for exposed aggerrate ( 1/3 the cost of tiling).
The colour i went for, was the nice white, middle of the top row…

I took the photos, after they poured and put retardent, on the top layer.
They had to wait an hour or so, to rinse off the top, and expose the stones, but i couldn’t hang around for that…

Concrete sealer is cheap, and easy to apply…I’ll wait 3 weeks, clean it off , dry and apply.
It darkens it slightly, but gives it a glossy finish, no need to gerni, you can just hose it off…

Then, attend to the garden, a bit of soil, and plant some ground succulents…

The plant life, on the side of the house, is already returning…

Much better, than the hell of a mess, it was before…
No more weeds, easy to clean, and tennant / dog friendly…
Also , a couple of trees, to attract birdlife…

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Have a nice day…!!

We get up, at 4am, for a reason…!!


Yeah they want to get rid of gas because of emissions. No refurbished petrol station have gas anymore, NSW banned any new house builds from having gas connected.

Nuts if you ask me but eh that’s what the environmentalists want as they throw rubbish in landfill and refuel their vehicles with petrol and diesel.

One of my cars runs on LPG and gas .
Used to be able to get LPG everywhere because the cabs ran on it now my nearest is 38km away.
And the nearest mechanic who will look at is is 89km away.
I have had LPG on a lot of my car’s the best was the two door range rover,and my 1979 F100 because they were carburettor not injected

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Ha, Dad had a 86 :thinking: 4 door on gas. Got sick of fecking around with the twin SU carburetors and got a 650 Holley 4 brl on and tuned to suit by OG speed shop. Feck me that woke the 3.5 V8 up :+1: Bloody great for 4wd ing, go near anywhere. Back in the days when gas was 30 cents a litre.


Same here. Took the gas off two of my cars because it became too hard to find. Was great when it was 19c per litre


I loved playing with the SU carbs I am into mechanical stuff the complicated the better.
I miss not having to do the point’s and dwell angle and timing on my cars.
At least two of my bikes still have points .
So I still use my timing light
I refuse to convert them to electronic inginion
Otherwise I would have to convert my timing light to a gel Blaster .
I love carburettors
My V8 ran Holly’s
My sixes Holden and ford ether SU carbs or Strombergs.
On my valiants I ran 45mil dellorto,s
On my 4 cylinders I left them alone they were only used to run and get parts for the others and cart the ankle biters ,and hand brake around


I’m absolutely gobsmacked, at the price of rentals, down the coast…


My rental is a 4/2/2, in a nearby suburb, and I charge nowhere near that.
I have excellent tennants, so i look after them, and hope they will stay a long time. They are paying around 25% less, than that…and they have solar.

Despite the high prices, there is very little rental stock available…
I wonder how renters, could ever save for a deposit…
No wonder crime rates are going up, petrol drive offs are on the rise…


I know its getting silly, i got a 4/2/2 in daisy hill and last year agent suggested a $100 dollar bump and we where like yeah nah had the tenets for 5 years and had been good. We did go 50 in the end, but even with bump that brings it inline with a 3/1/1 in the same area. Country needs to stop importing people by the droves.


There’s a solid chance for that, at least.

If Labor can get their “same job, same pay” reform through, there won’t be a reason to import workers, because the employers won’t be able to pay them less. Pretty sure that’s what at least some of the stink with Qantas is about. They don’t want the reforms 'cos it means they’ll have to pay all their baggage workers the same as the Aussies.


And they need to stop investors from a certain overseas country who are buying up properties and then boarding them up. There are several suburbs in Brisbane that have unoccupied or boarded up properties in most streets

Maybe it’s time to start reforming immigration, the tax system and overseas investment criteria, including winding up negative gearing, so that the cost of housing affordability stabilises. We could also make sure the bureaucrats and politicians stop pissing away our tax income on dumb as crap initiatives like useless referendum and unreliable energy generation.

Should create the PAF party - Put Australians First

End of Rant


Qantas is using the union agreement to pay imported handlers at the minimum agreed rate, because they get rid of all the grandfathered clauses and perks for full time employees

God bless the soulless corporation :roll_eyes: Anything to minimize operating costs, no matter how many battlers it screws over.

I would also very much like it if investor-owned cotton farms from that same nameless country would stop fucking up our water supplies in the Murray/Darling system too.

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mm population grew by half a million in the last year all immigrants apparently. I doubt they built half a million houses to accommodate or expanded basic services like hospitals etc.


Yeeeap, not a cotton growing country at all…

Most big business is like that…

If you are management, you are the elite ruling class, and absolutely “deserve” all your pay and bonuses….even when you screw up.

Everyone else is just a cost to be cut, and expendable…

USA business model, and mentality…

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Yea I don’t know about that reform, especially toting the enterprise bargaining chip which helped destroy the automotive industry I worked in. Not one of us 800 odd workers were on the same hourly rate.

The greedy would bargain for less sickdays, less lunch break, less smoko break for a one percent pay increase, compulsory taking your annual leave or if you cash AL in 50% taxed by the company as well as the gov. But the people voted for it so you ended up with a 6 min smoko and a 30m lunch break every 14hrs, that’s it.

Was a good experience for sure, opens your eyes up to how these wizz bang ideas work for the common folk. Or rather how they don’t work. :slightly_smiling_face:

Had a sad but good morning. Finally got a real buyer for miss’s holden and did the deal this morning, will miss the v8 :disappointed_relieved:. Happy though as we sold for it 24.5k when we bought it for 27k post covid and put 35000km on the odeo. Think we did well even in this economey.


When to x-Force to get some Punishers

Stopped at Aldi for the usual bread, milk and coffee. Got around the corner and the temp gauge was off the chart and idiot light was on. Call RACQ and get towed to mechanics.

Caught the bus home. Got picked up at bus stop by missus. She said the car felt funny.

Get home front right tyre was knackered - must have been running on a flat for a while

Call RACQ again to get tyre changed (back is knackered) and call tyre guy to order two new tyres

Spent afternoon on phone to mechanic finding problems with cooling system - stuck thermostat, crusty hoses, weeping welch plug (standard Ford)

Had cup of coffee to get over the realisation that the M1 carbine is going to have to wait for a few more weeks

Brewed some Punishers


Standard daily FORD owners life! :joy:
But honestly, at least these issues raised their ugly heads and can get sorted out for future safety :+1:

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