What Did You Get Up To Today?

Looks like a well used bit of kit…… should do well with it👍

Gardening sucks.
Gardening sucks…so much.

Photo evidence required…:rofl:

Lol back inside already, aircon on, PC on for some lazy time.


Random game recommendation for while you’re being lazy.

Abandon Ship

FTL in the age of piracy. You’re a pirate captain on the run from a Lovecraftian cult.

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Only really wanted it for the butt stock, wasn’t too hard to mod it into the UMP :sweat_smile:

Good use for that Vector handguard… :thinking:

I’ve got one of those hanging spare… never liked it much on the Vector, but damned if it don’t look schmick on that ACR. :heart_eyes:

Great lateral thinking as always, man :+1:

That’s a UMP with ACR butt stock😅

My bad… didn’t pick that up :laughing:

You do like the Frankenblasters, hey? :joy:

C’mon mate…… put ya glasses on……. could spot that UMP receiver a mile away! :joy:

So not so much today, but what i have been up to this week. Worked monday feeling pretty ordinary late night, tuesday really crap in morning so called it.

Have not been sick in a while and had enough cash for xbox x and starfield. Buy the time got home was really bad, laid up. Took test next day, covid again :neutral_face: but really kicking my ass this time so spent rest of week playing starfeild.

So far a bit disappointed, dont know if its me being older or what, trying to love it but can’t so far.


I was about to comment… where’s the ACR bit… besides the ugg boot :laughing:

You’re not the only one after going through the lockdowns and shite scott free I copped covid in May through June this year.

Kicked my fucking arse, never been so sick in my life. After having shots and doing all the recommended things to keep my business rolling. I was fucked, nobody gave a shit, just stay home and get better while you earn no income for 2 months.

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I know of more than 10 people who have been vaccinated and they have had COVID more than once.yet the unvaccinated like my self have never had it.
My daughter-in-law and her two teenage kids have been vaccinated and have had COVID 3times
There just getting over it now.
But her third child has never been vaccinated.
His 7 and has never had COVID and yet he is surrounded by it
Go figure.
I see in the USA pure blood’s are selling there blood for up to $500a pint.
So me and the wife might start up are own blood bank


No word of a lie, the ugg boot’s all I saw… now I can’t unsee it. :joy:

Well if BME would get off his arse we got 300 sheep coming your way then we can both buy bike parts :rofl: :grinning:

My miss’s and i had it in 2021 after vax, and yeah it messed her up big. Long covid, had a few months off work. Felt like it took a year before she was normal, my first time it was like 2 days and then good to go.

This time its been near on a week. Mostly over it, mind is just a bit foggy, like a hangover.


Yea been told by my good Doctor friend there is mutations going around that vax don’t help at all with. Which is what I copped earlier this year.

They are reworking a updated vax but it’s too late. Fever and sporadic vomiting was a choice side effect of what ever variant I copped. Lots of snot factory so much blew blood vessels in my nostril so now have random blood noses which I never had in my 40 years of existence. Got a doc appointment shortly to shove a silver nitrate stick up there and quaterize it. :person_shrugging:


What do you call 300 unshorn ewes, in a plane…?
A Hair-Bus….

And , if it crashes…??

A Ca-lamb-ity…!!

Should I keep going.??!

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Yes please of course, as you fucked up they have been shawn for the year you didn’t remember my prior posts :laughing:

That will be a discount in your favor on transport @Bikersmurf :rofl: :laughing: