What Did You Get Up To Today?

Nice pic. Heard a few roar over late last night and early this morning.

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Runway Rage?

That’s a new one! :joy:

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Slow taxi behind…
20 char…

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I used to fly , punters up to / From Lady Elliot island.

My aircraft was a N 22C Nomad…VH-MSF… TAS of 140 kts…( slow …short field aircraft…Like the twin otter)

(yes it had a terrible tail, and 2x allison jetranger turboprop engines)
It as twin , turbo-prop time…

One day, R678 was active, the military were about, and about…
And ( im guessing) they were playing the “game”…
Find a GA stooge , on radar…and track em down…

I was flying from LEI to hervey bay… and then a ( i couldnt see it properly) fighter jet, with its low speed wings extended…passed right, in front of me…maybe several miles in front…

He knew, i was a civvy…but, as he passed in my 12 o’clock, i said ( on area frequency)… “got you, in my sights now…!!”

Immediate Split-S turn, and his response…" Now you don’t.!"

To this day, i wonder, was i brave, or stupid…!!

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Remember sitting on the taxi-way at Townsville while a flight of Singaporean A4’s took off 2 x 2. Always had to wait for some form of military aviation at Townsville on Friday afternoon. Same at Williamtown - Hawks and 18C’s make a Fokker rock about, even on the apron


Darwin has reduced length , runway works, for the next little while…
Displaced threshold, RNP approaches…on RWY 29…

Great when you get there, at 1:30 am local…

But, its always great, for the daylight ops , when you get there with Miljets taking off…the roar, needs to be heard, to enjoyed…!!


Haha cool story, sounds like F111’s in your sights. LOL

Uncle mentioned when he was 2IC edn they had a 2 pilot drag down the runway. F18 vs Hyabusa. Busa won on launch but by end and near take off the Hornet was in front. Sounds fictitious I know like a top gun movie but it happened. F18 didn’t win by much apparently. Cool planes like formula 1 cars of the skies, need mega maintenance and none are working with out some problem.

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You heard a F35 up close yet? God damn they are way louder than anything else. Makes sence with such a high thrust engine makes the F18’s sound like a gogo mobile in comparison. :laughing:

I don’t know what’s stealth about it being so loud lol.

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I remember when the Kwaka ZZ-R1100s came out, the claim was that they could out accelerate an F-16 on the runway pretty much up until the General Dynamics went wheels up.

Never substantiated, and sounds like hype to me… but maybe possible if Tom Cruise had his arse planted on the ZZ-R :joy:


The bike will beat the jet most of the time.
Distance is a factor

The jet needs to build thrust while the bike can take of with maximum power.
Once wheels up the jets gone
The harrier jets cheats

Exactly the same thing with the Jet Cars/Trucks that were so popular at the Drag Strips back in the 80’s and 90’s.

Put on one hell of a show with all the flames, noise, drop burns etc…… but 1/4 mile was a very short distance to get all of that thrust to get up and do its thing!

Yea that’s the thing hey, what length they are racing at. Most runways are longer than a drag strip. F18 starts taking off around the top speed of a hyabusa or 300klm/hr without forward stick.

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Yeah they always use runways for these tests because Drag Strips are waaaay too short with quite short braking areas before you hit the sandbox!

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Packed for a day at Wounded Heroes. Currently at home nursing torn hamstring - before even getting out of the house. Oh well, time to re-arrange the deckchairs again …


Lambs all ready to go on the truck tomorrow for $28 ea :partying_face: :unamused:

Good luck and hoping things improve for you very soon :blush:

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I would have been more happy with 7 News statement 2 min splash last night of how sheep prices for farmers have dropped by 30%.

That would mean I get $80 which I would have been happy with. When are they going to get it right so the gen pop consumers are better informed. Fuck heads.

News reporters only Google their facts/content these days and write their articles from whatever bullshit they can find online.
It saves having to leave the office and drive out of the cities to actually speak to the people themselves to get the real stories :roll_eyes:

Purdy pictures, out of perth, 2 days ago…

Smiling salt pan head, agrees… (use your imagination, on the bottom saltpan)…