What Did You Get Up To Today?

Insurance companys dont reward loyalty, its a pain but best to shop around. Even with same mob.

I recently had my car insurance on my wrx come in with aami. Letter had premium at $1100 for year and covered car for $27,000, did another policy online with them $850 for year and covered for $30,000. Took a 15min, saved 250 bucks and covered car for more. Its just dumb.


Insurance is weird, sometimes you get screwed, sometimes they screw themselves.
Car got stolen pre-covid price rises - insurance gave me market value that’s was 1/2 than the price of new. F#$% me I guess.
Wife’s car just went to the shop for some self inflicted scratches. 30 working day wait but it includes a hire car at no extra cost to us - their cost of the car hire is going to be double the excess we paid BEFORE the cost of fixing the car. Dodged a bullet there.


the problem is, i have multi policy discount.

home, car, jetski, bike, landlord insurance etc…
its a pain in the ass, to swap over…
Suncorp, are the best payers, if you need to make a claim, which is what really matters

Ive heard horror stories, about youii…

" If you check the fine print sir, you’ll find policies are excluded, on days ending with the letter Y …"


Yeah we where fucked over on “market value” at back end of covid. Miss’s car storm damage 19k payout, closest similar car was high 20’s. I always do $ value now.

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Lifetime new for old on the policy would help too.


My classic example of arsehole Insurance Companies comes from a single Bushfire event.

My ex-missus had all her shite insured with the RAC when we first met.

As we progressed through a few different properties that I owned, I stupidly agreed to go with the RAC as Insurers for the 5 Acres that I bought up in the hills.

Done the right things, spoke with them on the phone about Shed and Contents Insurance, Outbuildings, Property Infrastructure etc etc and they told me that everything was covered in accordance with the Policy requirements that the Bank needed to okay the Loan/Mortgage.

Well……. the very first bushfire out of several that I had to fight on that property over the years, that Insurance Policy was an absolute farce in the sense of what they assured me from the start and what the actual reality was when I went to make a Claim! :flushed:

The old main shed was 24 x 18 metres, with water, phone lines, 3 Phase power and Intercom connected all the hundreds of meters up to the main house at the back of the property.

Next was a brand new 11 x 11 meter Barnstyle Shed with power/water etc.

Next to the house was a brand new 6 x 9 metre powered shed.

In addition was three 3 x 3 metre unpowered Machinery/Garden Sheds.

One 20 000 Gallon Concrete Water Tank and a brand new Steel/Poly Lined 38 000 Gallon Rhino Water Tank.

All of the house, sheds and everything else had down pipes, pumps, poly pipes and everything else required to collect rainwater, as we were too far out of town to have access to Mains Water Supply.

So………. Bushfire, lost 13 cars and 2 trailers, melted all of the guttering, down pipes, poly pipes, pumps and any other equipment required to be able to collect/transfer water.

RAC reply, we only cover a 1.5 x 1.5 garden shed with a total loss capacity of $1000 to cover a Lawnmower, Brush Cutter and hand tools……. even though the main shed alone had close to 1 million dollars worth of infrastructure/tools and equipment in it!

We do not cover guttering, down pipes, water tanks, water pumps, fencing or any other equipment not recognised by our policies. :rage:

Even though I had spent hours on the phone explaining every single square inch of the property and all of the specific details of what was on it, they told me that it was all covered and just pay the premiums!

From that absolutely absurd lying shitshow of an experience, I got hold of ELDERS Rural Insurance and it was the best thing I’ve ever done! :ok_hand:

Following bushfires and losses/damages was fully covered without question and was about 2/3rd’s of the price of the thieving Metropolitan/City wankers at the RAC!


sorry to hear that happened to you…

“Promise the world, but deliver an atlas”… is a term used to describe some insurance companies…

Lying, greedy scumbags, who weasel their way out of claims…and you are left with the decison , to take them on in court, or not ( most people dont).

Thats the thing with insurance…you don’t need it…until you do.
Then, you just want someone who pays out, as promised, with minimal fuss…

Thats suncorp, and thats why i stay with them.

The only way to lower the premiums, is to remove the “extras”, or increase the excess…they are not really giving you anything, just removing from the policy…

I haven’t had a car accident for 20+ years…imagine that, as a lump sum, if i didnt worry about insurance…

When i went through Uni, i let the insurance lapse of the jetski, as it was in a very safe location, and only doing about 15 hrs / year… saved about $6 k…

rant over…(for now)…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Totally agree. That’s why I have stayed with them for many years.

Damn that sucks. Definitely pays to go to a rural insurer as the city ones don’t cover much. Nor have any understanding of infrastructure scope on rural.

Elders is ok used to be with them, but have gone with WFI after Landmark Dalgety dissolved.
WFI have been really good, used when bushfire wiped out boundary fence. No fuss and covered the 30k to replace it. Paid for the Grundfos sub pump when that decided to melt it’s motor windings.

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Black(out) friday sale, today…

LG battery recall swap , was finally finished today.

It was expensive, i had to pay extra, to upgrade to the new battery…and also had to pay for a new inverter…

But worth it… bigtime…for long term gains.

Here is a list, of the pros/cons…

Cons ( old system)

  • 9.8 kw/h battery, with 9 useable kw/h.
  • 2 inverters on wall ( one for solar panels, one for battery management)
  • ONLY HAD 2500w output limit ( run both the dryer / aircond…battery cant keep up…draws from the grid)
    -No blackout capability

PROS (new system)
-16 kw/h battery, all is useable (nearly double the old system)
-one inverter on wall

  • 7000 W max cont battery output ( run A/c, dryer, tv etc, the battery powers it all)
  • Black out circuits, with fridge , TV, internet, garage door and gate powered

CONS (new system)
-Fugly brown…

When all was said and done, this being a subsidised LG battery upgrade, I got the whole system, for about 40% of full normal RRP…
( ie I wasn’t buying a battery from scratch, just an upgrade fee, new inverter, and install)

Now, i know @Maiphut will talk about enviro-rape, and recycling etc…BUT…

LG guarantees this battery will be at 70% of initial capacity (16 kw/h) , after 10 years… thats 11.2 kw/h… still a very , very useable battery…it should last for 15 years…
And by that time, battery recycling should be well and truly sorted onshore, in Oz…

15 years , of drawing (next to) nothing from the grid…
I like the sound of that.

Also, if, in the years to come, i get an electric car, this inverter can also be coupled to that as well…

Time to patch and paint, the old holes…
I’d rather put my money into this, than buy the latest smartphone…for no real reason…
The bollard is legally required, so you dont run into the battery…


Snow Camo, paint the inverter…
It’s just so fugly…
Yes, or No…??

No I won’t ya knobhead :laughing:

Spent the weekend in Adelaide because my GF had her first Magic: The Gathering tourney.

Finished early yesterday, and went by the art museum to check out an exhibit a friend from town had contributed to. There was a huuuuge showing of traditional and indigenously produced art, some really good pieces.

There’s a lot more too, but this was my favourite piece. Especially the guy on the left.

There were some other really weird pieces too. The strangest one was called “We Are All Flesh” and it kinda speaks for itself.

It was shocking and revolting but I just…could not tear my eyes away. Whole thing is made of horse skin.

There were some other cool exhibits too, like a big showing of Japanese art and artefacts, and some old Victorian era English craftsmanship.

If yous are ever in town, you should swing by while you’re there. Great stuff.


Been spending the year doing a tafe course in game design and learning how to build in Unreal Engine… oh boy is it a challenge but glad i made it through :smiley:


Do, “Night at the Museum”, for that one…

Wait for flesh monster to come alive….

It looks kinda hungry…:grinning::grinning:

Oh, and do be sure to invite squiddy…!! :rofl::rofl:

Cleaning up surface rust from sitting in the shed and some new hubcaps to tidy the look😆
Halogen headlights and a decent food grade 22l water container :sunglasses:
Gotta pick up another one and then onto making a roof rack for the hot water and solar👍

There’s enough room for a full double bed up the front and a kitchenette in the rear​:+1::crazy_face:


That looks amazingly different to yesterday, man. :+1:

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Looking pretty nice, for water containers try hunting around 4wd stores they normally have ones that can store a ton and use empty space on the floor, also dont bother with solar water heaters if your traveling in the winter they are useless, used one of these joocla’s on a long camp trip with my brother and they are a decent unit, sure the flow rate is slowish but they do the job even with fairly cold water.


Toyota’s box on wheels was surprisingly good. Drove one carting ill informed shearers around :crazy_face: