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Oh, they like to make you work for it and give nothing away.

Some car insurance companies operate the same way.

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Jeez sounds like those city insurance mobs are rip off merchants. Not the case here different companies and a good safety net, helped me out when 80kha burned anyway…

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That was a big fire. Don’t think it matters what’s certified when you slam into a coast guard plane. They all made it incl a dozen Aussies. :+1:

Tenerife remains the worst civil aviation disaster in the world…

2 full Boeing 747’s collided during take off in thick fog…

Once again, ground impact… one taking off, one still on the runway…
583 fatalities…

They were very lucky, in Japan…

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Oh crap apparently 5 died on the Japan one. Pilot was one. Not so lucky hmm bugger

Is that in 1977? I’ll have to check that out. Haven’t heard of that one before.

Scared the crap out of me as my grandkids are travelling to Japan for a skiing holiday. Fortunately hadn’t left yet

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Yeah, 1977…
Overbearing, domineering dutch KLM captain, ignored his F/O’s concerns about the position of the other aircraft, and took off anyway…

Here is the wiki page…

The aussie road toll kills about 4 people a day, but it never makes the news…
Aviation is always much more newsworthy…

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All because of horrendous fog and a pilot who wouldn’t listen to the tower…

I looked up a docco on Tenerife.

Jeez talk about snowball effect from terrorists bombing the airport, to a pilot taking on 55t of fuel when he didn’t have to and not getting clearance to take off.

Good to hear :+1: :+1:

SApower use helicopters to check the powerlines out my way. Have a person sit out the side with a telescope with camera and inspect the poles and insulators, fly pretty low. Maybe a 100ft, just above my 60-80ft tall pines trees around my house.

Always good if I’m home and they come by. I’m on a swer line so the power stops at me. Helicopter comes down the line and does a u turn back up the line to a intersection.

They used contractors. A while back they were using Hughes MD500(aka Littlebird) I was home one day and man they pulled a sharp turn hotdog over my house I thought the inspector hope his harness was all good as I was looking straight up and he was sideways waving to me. I was impressed. I got notice they crashed barely a week later pilot died and inspector seriously injured but alive.

Brought in restrictions to curb such behaviour and don’t hire MD’s anymore but Bell 206’s and such a lot slower and use their rudder to u turn not a bank and yank or whatever you call it.


When you’ve got the complete boxed set and you grew up with the shit, sometimes you watch it just… because… :laughing:




the amount of stuff I have said about minorities,guns,woman,gays, the government and Zuckerberg himself.
And that comment gets me banned

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" You are allowed to have a voice and an opinion…
As long as it conforms with our belief system.

Dissenters will be punished…"

‘Wokeism’ , is just another form, of enforced narrow-mindedness…

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You’ve got to be kidding me… :astonished: :roll_eyes:

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It’s just political correctness. :woman_shrugging: It’s been a thing for decades, it’s nothing new at all. Once you get off the internet, it doesn’t matter. Just gotta be courteous to people around you and you’ll get by fine, same as people have for centuries. Worst thing that might happen to you is some crazy person might yell at you at a store, and it’s not like people here are such delicate snowflakes that such a thing is a world ending experience.

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I think people don’t like it because it’s made media in general less creative and more focused on certain topics and not in a way that challenges certain views and opinions to make consumers make their own opinions it’s more of a can we shove this unrelated idea into our product to make more money or make the company look like it has some sort or moral compass.

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I agree with you, there.

IRL, being patient, kind, and respectful goes very far…with about 90% of the population.

Occasionally, when dealing with ’ some difficult people’, you need to bring some very different skills, to the table…

Funny you mention stores.

A couple of years back, when i was still speaking to my sister, we went into a woolies together, for some supplies.

A (unknown) mum, was having words, with her (about 8 yo child)…

My sister, in a typical entitled state of self righteousness, proceeded to lecture the Mum, how she was wrong, and shouldn’t speak to her child like that…she should be doing THIS instead…

I grabbed my sis, said “butt out, none of your buisness”, but she doubled down, spoke louder, and tried to ’ overpower’ the mother, and convince her, she was wrong…I dont think she would have tried that, with a Dad…

Narcissists are always right…just ask them… no wonder i dont talk to her, anymore…

At the end of the day, it wasn’t about the mother/child…it was about my sisters sense of sensibilities, being offended…and thats ultimately all she really cared about…

Wokeness/ P.C seems to be a lot like this…‘entitled people’ trying to enforce their beliefs onto others…because THEY are offended…

That’s one of the worst sins…trying to force any beliefs onto others…

Which is why i dont have any time for PC crap…considerate and respectful usually wins out…


Interesting conversation today about bees.

Duxton bees rang wanting to put hives here again later this year. I said no thanks been swamped with 100’s of swarms getting in to my house sheds and machinery stick it up your arse.

Anyway because of the Varoarmite out break in the eastern states, Queensland, NSW and Victoria it’s been a shit show. The gov did it’s usual thing last year and threw it’s hands up in the air saying they can’t contain it. So in 5 years all bees in Australia are fucked now.

I noticed the unusually strange influx of bee swarms to my residence since October. Bee keepers can’t control them anymore and are splitting their hives and loosing many and much dollars in lost production.

Apparently they are migrating through the riverland, positive tested for varoamite in SA because of our wet summer chasing the water and abundant feed for them. Gone rogue and uncontrollable and when it get’s hot with no water they will die along with the disease.

Thanks eastern staes, what a bang up job you haven’t done again. SA was free of it now it’s fucked. Good luck buying an almond in 10 years.

That is today…

That’s terrible to witness, and I could launch into another long Doc Bob rant about my experiences with this subject, but I think that you have already done a good job calling out the shitshow behind this issue.

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