What Did You Get Up To Today?

Friends, husband and wife visited with 3 kids 4-12 yo. Lets go in to the local pub for tea. Go in, no power. No power, not able to buy anything and they sent the cook home as she couldn’t cook anything. So much for the 40Kw solar sitting on the pub roof.

So we grabbed beers out of our utes and had a play on the playground. I even went on the slippery dip, got a bit stuck halfway but made it with some bark off ankle and elbow.

Did anybody else watch UFC this afternoon? Absolute banger of a main event.

Na been watching Tennis, some good rallies going on.

Gave SAPol another call today. Finally got some answers that shed a bit of light.

“Can you please tell me any information at all? I’d just like some answers, please.”
“You’re in the queue to be processed, and you’ll have your license processed once others before you have had theirs done.”
“So there’s still people from 2022 in the queue before me?”
“Yes that’s right.”
“…Oh. Well alright. I’m also worried about my training certificate expiring. Considering you guys have it already, and everything, do I need to be worried about that? It’s only valid for a year, they told me.”
“Nope, no need to worry about that. Now that we have it, it won’t expire.”


I’ll join y’all on the field eventually, I swear.

It sucks, but I’d rather a couple years inconvenience over even one whackjob getting a gun in SA.

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“our prompt, efficient govt dept’s , are eagerly awaiting,
To serve you in the expedient manner, which tax payers deserve…”

Doesn’t hurt to dream…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Did indeed, had $50 on DDP to win at 2.20. Great fight

So, a SYD car, hit a jetstar A320 under tow…

Sad to day it, but it doesn’t surprise me at all.

With the sacking and replacement of ground handling workforces…they are getting the monkeys they pay for…

I have seen “kids” driving baggage trolleys / carts while texting, people walking around texting, ground cars racing to beat aircraft taxiing onto parking bays…Gen Z brain dead…

Glad the guy isnt hurt , but, these are the consequences of outsourcing, to the lowest common denominator…

How the hell, could you not see a A320, under tow…


Also, lightning strike near mums place, and the power is out.

Not her though, with battery backup kicking in and working…
At least she has lights / TV / fridge…


I was wondering how you were getting on with it. Seems an extremely long time to me.

There was that period 6 months? they were expediting courses and licensing. But way beyond that now.

Good that you contacted them as they won’t put you back the bottom of pile. If you do nothing they will put you down bottom of pile as lost interest.

Keep it up, the patience and polite you’ll get there :+1:

I thought technology was supposed to make things faster, seems to have just made everything slower. Pen, paper and a pair of eyes all you need.

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Saw that on the news thought of you… obviously didn’t like that person in car and ran him over :rofl:

Seems brain fart occurred for sure.

Good thing with the power, seems be bit of storm brewing up that way. I’m just getting baked in 40+ heat for next couple days until a change arrives later in the week.

I’m willing to bet, when they search the car,

They’ll find a phone on the floor, with a half typed message, on twitter…!!

Its unbelievable, the gooses getting around , on the ramp, with phones in their hands, heads down…literally checking, when driving…

The cost of one cancelled flight is a lot, the knock on effect of thats days cancelled flights even more…

Then, the aircraft is grounded, for who knows long, until they can replace the engine parts damaged…

Did i mention supply chain issues, and unavailability of aircraft engines, worldwide.??
How many months on the ground…cancelled flights / lost revenue / nil income earned / lease repayments still to be made…all because of one goose.

A few incidents, and all the wage cost savings are blown out, and lets not forget reputational damage…


I hear ya all up costs be in the hundreds of thousands. Written off ute $60k, engine bits for the plane then down time fixing all that up getting it flight cleared I guess. Then the loss of regular business.

I wonder if insurance would cover such a thing :person_shrugging:

In real world direct dollars, a new engine would cost $10 million plus.

Partial rebuild, replacing fan blades only would be less…but who knows how damaged the engine is.

Insurance would likely pay for the rebuild, but there is always a cost to claiming, someone always pays…

Lost revenue is the killer.
Full load, these things generate a guestimate profit of thousands of dollars, per flying hour.

Lets say $2k per flying hour, times 8 flying hours per day. $16k per day.
one month, is $480k of lost revenue…
I dont know if insurance would cover that…

Thats one expensive facebook chat…

One less screeching A320 flying over my house

Over at mums place…garage door is now stuffed.

With the power out, last night mum couldn’t raise the garage door, to put the bins out.

I told her to leave it shut, and i’d come around in the morning.

Instead, she bothered a neighbour, who stuffed around with it, must have raised it on one side only, now the raising cable is off the drum, and wrapped around the top bar…

I said " LEAVE IT, Mum…!!"

Anyway, now waiting for a tradie to arrive, im not going to screw with that coiled spring under tension, not having done it before…

Anyway, while im here i found these photo’s on my computer at mums place…

GE makes a fine looking .45…


Stop it. Go and fix the door

Sounds like my Dad, tell him something and does the opposite.

Put fuel in the ute before you go out the back. Comes walking back 3hrs later ran out of fuel… :man_facepalming:

Job done.

Both cables replaced, 15+ years old, one side stretched from being raised on one side all night…
And, now i’ve done it with the tradie, i know how to do it next time…

I swear, reverse psychology is the way to go…

Tell her to do something, she never does it.
Tell her to leave it alone, she stuffs with it.
I figured out , a long time ago, the 1/2 hour time buffer…

If you want her ready to go at 9:00 am, tell her “were leaving at 8:30”…
She’s been like that forever…she will be late, for her own funeral…!

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Replace the “her” with “him”………

Because your mum spent her whole life thinking the same thing when you were growing up :roll_eyes::joy:

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kids get a " get out of jail free card"…until you turn about 14/15…!!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

She put her ice cream back in the fridge (not freezer),
And turned the A/C on , after i opened all the doors / windows, to let the cool breeze through…
And thats after she locked herself out, lost her keys, and blamed me for stealing them…!! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Circle of life… we all come into the world helpless, and leave it helpless…

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