What Did You Get Up To Today?

Quick question for @JazzyWard do the “blockies” you know have their own ABN or PIC numbers.

Don’t know, they probably do but that’s because the own other businesses. Whether or not they have ABNs hasn’t really come up in conversation, it’s more stuff like complaining about how hard they’re being hit by rates, and how expensive water is getting and stuff like that.

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not really excited for the tax cuts. looks sus af.

What exactly is sus about them?

Oh yep gotchya. I can guarantee you would not like my council rates. Comes with no wheelie bin rubbish collection, shit road and no postal service.

Water rates are great though, falls out the sky, free. Just got to have the thousands I’ve spent infrastructure to capture some of it off of sheds and workshops and plumb it all to where you want. Good underground basin here too which I think but not sure extends up your way. Takes 100 years for the underground water to filter down from the Grampions. High quality bore water as far as that goes. Barely drinkable but top notch for stock.


Have to pick up all my packages from post office, bins are picked up rarely and they haven’t graded our road in a year

What are you doing at my place :rofl:

First Of Russia’s New Diesel-Electric Submarines Enters Service (twz.com)

They finally got one built. Take note of it’s systems that employ Kaliber and Klub.

Thought I’d get out of the big smoke and check out some rural farmer chicks

Oh god good luck, they are non existant. Even my girlfriend went and joined the army last year. Too dusty, too hard, no shops. Oh well see ya :rofl:

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Squiddy will go on “Farmer wants a wife”…

He’ll wanna crash at Maiphuts place, and pretend he owns/runs it…!! :rofl: :rofl:

Pull in some out of town talent, desperate for…

15 mins of fame, on tv…!! :rofl: :rofl:

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Same as my old Property, where the rates used to be cheaper for 5 acres in the Hills than a 1/4 acre house in town :+1:

Until a local Mining Company upgraded the old goat track of a road to a fully sealed proper two lane blacktop for its workers to enjoy travelling up the hill and back every day for work :roll_eyes:

My rates doubled to even more expensive than a 1/4 acre town block, and yet when I enquired what services that I would be getting for such a large Rate Hike………. they looked at me stupidly and asked what I was expecting.

We also had no Bin Service, no Postal Deliveries, no Yearly Free Curbside Collection, no Roadside Vegetation/Drainage Maintenance or anything……… same with the Water though, having no Town Mains Water Supply at least saved on one Bill, but was largely offset when all of the Gutters/Downpipes/Transfer Pipes and everything else kept getting destroyed by Bushfires every couple of years :rage:

So yeah, here’s your new Rates Notice and no, don’t expect anything in return :roll_eyes:

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Embarassing to say predominant farmers son did go on Farmer Wants a Wife show not far away. He got no wife and a list of 280 women around the world that were annoying him and I asked why. He said he was gay. I just shook my head

What did I get up to today :thinking:

Still wiring the little Mini, and my back is pretty much destroyed at this point.

Weather hasn’t been the most “comfortable” either, with the whole week being 40° plus, the Concrete and Iron Shed has been in the slow cooker since last weekend and everything is still soaking up more heat every day.

Been trying to get some extra work done during the nights, and even though it cools down overnight to the high 20’s/Low 30’s, that’s outside, whereas inside the Workshop, all the steel and concrete is still radiating 50+ degrees :flushed:

Couldn’t even use my phone today, even though I placed it in an elevated position on top of a little plastic butt bucket, right by the doorway to catch some breeze……… by 9:30/10 am every time I went to turn it on, all I got was the Overheating Warning Screen :worried:

I had a brain fart around lunchtime and wet down a tea towel and wrapped the phone in it for about 10 minutes, whereas I was able to still only get two important phone calls in before it overheated and shut down again :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Next few days are not going to be any better either, hence why I’m now sitting down at the local river having a couple of beers and interacting online whilst the phone is happy sitting alongside the cool(er) river breeze :sunglasses:
Fridays “estimated” temperatures,

Todays temps, which were on the way down by the time I was able to cool down my phone and have a quick look, but a couple of the local farmers have since told me that they had recorded 46/47° around town about lunch/1:00 in the day!

Yep that’s what I get. They wanted me to go to another council meeting the other night to complain about my road. I said fuck off I’m busy and I have complained about it for 24 years and you’ve done jack fuck all about it and why I have to have a 4wd. Let alone the times I need to get trucks in and out I just fucking do it my self with my front end loader and patch the holes up that are big enough to swallow a KIA.

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Then send them a Maintenance Invoice with your ABN and Bank Details addressed directly to the young Office Accounts Girls……. who might just pay it without checking with their Finance/Maintenance Officers ! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The nearby Farmer wants a wife fellow. His name is Trent Walker. Look it up if you dare :rofl:

Yea done that a few times but I don’t like to be a sponge. They are well aware so my part is done.

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The best thing about not watching or owning a Television is that I get to miss out on all of this crap!

I have never seen the show, or any shows/series/programs or anything really, but a good mate of mine had one of his farmer mates who grew up together was a “contestant” on this show many years back when they were only in their second or third season……. I don’t really know the details.

All I know is that I met this bloke, who happened to be with my mate this day, and he was blown away when my mate had to introduce us, and this bloke goes “he should already know my name.”

I honestly had never seen or heard of this bloke, but apparently he adopted quite the Ego after he was on the Show and back out in the public getting treated like Brad Pitt with free beers, loose women and Hollywood style treatment apparently :roll_eyes:

All that I garnered though the conversation that night is that he actually already had a girlfriend before he went on the show.
I don’t know if there’s prize money involved or anything, or if it’s just the possibility of making it rich through marketing and advertising as a well known individual/influencer for future profits?

Anyrate, they decided that it would be a great opportunity for “them” to make some money/become famous, so bullshitted/broke up/became a “single” man in the eyes of the talent scouts/producers, and was successful with his Audition as he was already a bit of a rough egotistical asshole type of character that makes for good “drama” on television apparently.

I do know that by the time I had met him, he was already back with his previous girlfriend, which happened pretty much as soon as all the after show photos/tabloid stories/media contracts were finished.

He had to wait nearly a year and a half between finishing the filming of the show and its actual release on Television, which caused issues with him and the Girlfriend, because he was spending lots of time with the “wife” from the show doing all of the contractual after filming photos/videos, and was also sworn to secrecy by contract lawyers if he were to “leak” any details about the show before it finally aired on television.

It was all fake/false/brain numbing bullshit, as the “Planned Script” was written before the “farmers” and “wives” were even interviewed/cast into the show.

I was brain dead by the end of the night sinking beers and listening to all of this crap, and sure enough, can guarantee all of that time and stress that him and his girlfriend went through was definitely not worth the 5 minutes of fame :roll_eyes:


I’d only go on that show to sabotage it and get it off the air like it deserves. It will be a sabotage from the inside that hasn’t been seen since Cold War Soviet spies

Maybe time to go to beach’s to pick up chicks instead of the middle of bum fuck no where