What Did You Get Up To Today?

Someone in Perth just posted their nice relaxing afternoon sitting under the shade of their veranda to escape the heat today :sunglasses:

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All your previous espionage experience, can be put to good useā€¦

ā€œfarmer want a wifeā€¦to have a horrid farm accidentā€

Oppsā€¦next contestant, thanksā€¦!

Na I just got employed to fix the cunts house up to make it pretty for the bullshit. Fkn laughed my arse off later though when he came out gay :rofl: His father was so upset and ruined their family farm business.

I know thats why Iā€™m hoping the sheep and cattle ship has been unloaded supposed to be today.

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Old Farmer I was talking to this arvo told me that some were being offloaded and that the majority were going to the Middle East.

I would imagine that the ā€œsomeā€ are the poor bastards that are suffering badly health wise from being couped up on a ship in the middle of the tropics for so long at this time of year :frowning:

I kept waiting for the DPI to get involved with this issue to make sure to get those animals off of that ship ASAP due to welfare concernsā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ but apparently they just left them all sitting there to suffer :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

Yea I know itā€™s fucked Iā€™m getting updates from my agent/mate in the know. It arrived on Tuesday afaik. They should expedite that shit. But oh no me/we the farmers get the blame from whinging fucks that want to cancel this shit.

Gov can cut red tape on throwing helicopters in to landfill, but canā€™t cut red tape to off load them have a breather on some feed and water run around a bit. Na just turn it round and send it back. What the fuck are they doing.

Iā€™m ashamed to be a farmer because I get tarnished with this shit when I took this on I saw some problems and mis management from land owners and I knew I could do a better job.
I love working with animals.

Having 590 girlfriends is a good claim too :rofl:

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Well thatā€™s some good news. Dominoā€™s are now using australian sheep meat on a range of their pizzas. So get out there grab a pizza :rofl:

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They have now during the middle of Thursday and Friday night. The ship is still moored there. The destination is Jordan. Might not be for the Arabs as there are thousands of western military personal stationed there. They are still scratching their heads and refueling the ship with supplies to go around the cape. A lot of claims of Biosecurity, thatā€™s tech talk for we donā€™t know what we are doing. They havenā€™t been anywhere besides a ship so biosecurity is not an issue. Unless the ship has some problem which is possible :person_shrugging:

i keep forgetting to watch masters of the air. but recently tried to get UEVR workin.

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Itā€™s pretty good Iā€™m liking it. Tom Hanks and Steven at the wheel with a son of spielbergs an actor. Itā€™s bit cheesy but I like it :+1:

considering where to go for a short break in the futureā€¦ am looking at you brissie.

any suggestions for a solo visitor?

Gold coast is good, nice beaches, nightlife, casino if thats your thing (not mine).

If $ arenā€™t limiting, you can fly from GC to lady elliot islandā€¦Seair is the company, they fly mostly japanese tourists up to LEI. They do day trips, start of the great barrier reef, also overnights if you wanna scuba dive.

Whale watching season is over, so you missed that for this year.

Also blaster fields.!

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Ordered tags and a new tagging gun ready for lambing seasonā€¦

Winchester baaaa reload! baaa changing mags! :rofl:

Extra drum mags are $3 each. I had to have it :rofl:


A gun for identifying which sheep are yours? Itā€™s a Weapon of Mass Distinction!

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Imagine how many tourists Cowboy Hats you could decorate with that jigger at the local Rural Show! :joy:

Had a bit of a shoot today. :sunglasses:

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Another day, another insurance renewalā€¦another 8% increaseā€¦

This time, for land lord insuranceā€¦

I ring up suncorp (again), go through the schpeel (again), how long have i been with youā€¦how many claims etcā€¦ can I have a discount??
This is about the 4th time , ive done this, in the past few monthsā€¦

Discount appliedā€¦their new price dropped to CHEAPER than last years premiumā€¦

Saving, of nearly $200ā€¦

So, with just a litte badgeringā€¦you can almost pay for a Chiappa little badgerā€¦!! :rofl: :rofl:


But seriouslyā€¦it sucks they just rip off existing customersā€¦Loyalty tax, most people would just pay the extra, and cop it. :rage: :rage:

Ring em up, peopleā€¦!!


Absolutely I had a similar experience with my power company when they couldnā€™t explain why it was so high. Ring em up !

Look what finally docked in Fremantle today @Maiphut :clap:

We are right in the middle of two weeks worth of heatwaves here, with daily temperatures up in the low to mid 40ā€™s every day, and a few days pushing 50Ā°ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ so I hope that they will be able to get this thing offloaded and set sailing again ASAP!

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I was told that thing is already offloaded and itā€™ll be going home empty as Ag denied the exporter approval to re export the animals. Maybe it had some left on board still.

Such a stuff around. While that went on another ship with 70000 on board went with no problems.