What Did You Get Up To Today?

According to the bloke who took the picture, it only docked a few hours ago and hasn’t seen anything offloaded yet :thinking:

Looking at the photo, it certainly seems to still be sitting pretty deep at the waterline.

My Daughter lives/works in Fremantle and lives right on Leach Highway, which is one of the major transit routes to Fremantle Harbour, and has told me a few times that they tend to offload these during the night…… which makes it easier with cooler temperatures and much less traffic on the Major Roads for the Trucks to deal with. :+1:

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Imo it’s been a stuff up since the Ag dept stuck their finger in the pie and ordered it back to Australia. They should have let it go on it’s back up plan route as the exporter was trying to do around africa restocking along the way. Friggin thing be there by now.

Played games all day for the first time in a long time due to old pc parts causing issues, starting to set a bunch more stuff up to 3d print if this weather stays cooled off a bit longer do a giant print batch or two.

Just some of the prints im going to put out, making all sorts of ones, including a bursting grenade that just shoots chalk upon impact tho i might try it with gels to keep fields happy.

Spent the day with a soldering iron swapping out all of the battery connectors on my blasters… a couple of hours work.

Then a few more hours swapping connectors on lipos. It’ll pay off but what a pain in the arse! :rofl:


Welding, welding and more welding bench set up for my latest shed so I can deck it out with a decent vice, bench grinder, drill press and lot’s of other shit to fix shit up when it breaks.

Mate gave me a Mig welder to use so been buzzing away with that. Works good except already burnt through 1kg of wire and the spare rolls I ordered sent the wrong fkn ones :roll_eyes: So I went winchester on wire this arvo ground to a halt. I got a bodgey solution though that’ll get me blasting again tomorrow and keep the job going :v:

Nope bodgey solution fubar. Ground to a halt, no mig wire for weeks on order fml. Oh well see if I can break something else.

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The garden down the coast, is finally finished…
It has gone from this…

To this…

Now grow, grow my pretties…
White stone, down the side, to fill in the gaps, and allow water drainage.
Look closely, and you can see what i mean, about water contacting the wall, after it rains.

At least all the rain, will help water it in…
Low maintainence plants, that wont grow too tall, and are pretty hardy…

The tennants are appreciative and happy, so thats good…
One big project, finally finished.
Now, i just need 2 years of rent, to pay for it all…!! (not kidding, the retaining
wall cost an absolute fortune).


Looks a million bucks. Should last forever with minimal upkeep :+1:

@DocBob if you got 20mins of your life you wish to waste :laughing:

Live updates: MV Bahijah livestock vessel - DAFF (agriculture.gov.au)

Like I said too much red tape. Yes there were still animals on board all that time :roll_eyes: I was told getting unloaded early Feb which they did some in middle of night but not all, probly no where to put them nearby. I hope they all learn their lesson, injuctions from Israel, injunctions from Australia. What a complete mess, what about the animals. :person_shrugging:

Cheers, ive kept a petrol gerni down the coast.

With those ground plants, when they grow over the slab, i can do some “gerni-gardening”, to trim them back to the line.

Every 6 months or so, give it a trim, gerni the slab, put a coat of sealant on, and wash the outside of the house down…

And pretend i dont like doing it…gotta keep the tennants on their toes…! :rofl:

Cheers mate, only just back online after an extremely busy couple of days, but will be sure to check out your link and catch up with the latest news :+1:

That was a great read relating to the whole saga of this clusterfuck that sailed on the 5th January and yet is still being kicked from pillar to post to this day months later.

As much as I despise Red Tape and Government interference, it’s actually really good news about the standards that have been set in place to ensure the very best possible monitoring and compliance with animal welfare regulations.

The deaths/losses are amazingly extremely low, much better than most triple trailer Northwest Semi’s that we used to offload even after only 2-3 days travel arriving at our Stockyards here in the WA Southwest.

I also agree with the strict Biosecurity Laws that surround such situations, but at the same time failing to understand why they are dragging out completely unnecessary Biosecurity checks when these Sheep/Cattle were loaded/exported from Western Australia in the first place, and have been on a Ship that has never set anchor in a Foreign Country and has simply done a big loop back to the same Fremantle Docks where they were originally loaded?

It’s also now pretty obvious reading these reports that mentions many times about the fact that I originally commented that these Livestock loading/unloading schedules are purposely done during the night and not in normal stinking hot daytime “business hours”.

Again, thanks for the link, and I’m happier now knowing that despite the amount of Red Tape/Government/Biosecurity Bureaucracy being enforced, the actual losses of livestock is extremely low and their conditions onboard the vessel are very high standard and being monitored very closely :ok_hand:

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No worries thought you may be interested or any one else.

I too thought the Biosecurity roadblock was a bit heavy handed seeing as it went on a loop from fremantle back to fremantle. Biosecurity also blocked the exporter from reloading food from Greece I think I read to go around Africa the long way.

Yea the night unloading makes sence for sure due to heat and city traffic. Only thing is I’ve tried loading a B double of sheep at night and man that was just a killer, took 5 hrs hahaha. Sheep don’t like shadows. Unloading with better lighting would be easier I’d imagine.

Working in many different Stockyards/Farms/Abattoirs dealing directly with sheep, cattle, pigs, goats, reindeer, water buffalo etc etc…….offloading triple trailer Northwest trucks and B doubles at 2:00 in the morning was pretty standard practice.

Thank god though, because wouldn’t survive doing such work in the middle of the heat of the day offloading/drafting/penning/running out to paddocks/lairage under such conditions! :hot_face:

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Finished off my MK47 build for now. If i can get funds together and find a F2 will replace the jack inhave in it atm.


Postie brought all my XM177 parts from SixMM today for my CYMA. :heart_eyes:

Disappointing the handguard didn’t have molded lugs to stop it spinning around in the delta ring… had to get creative with that.

It was also too fat for the period correct E2 delta ring collar so had to use the new E1 ring… not a deal breaker, for now. It’s a better looking slip ring than the CYMA ring, more robust too. May look into changing it later on, or not. Nice to see the correct compensator on it too.

Overall pretty happy with it. Everything’s rock solid, looks the business and feels very compact. :+1:

May just be my favourite blaster atm… :wink:


Looking good there tiger. Great size for a blaster. Always like those and the later Commando.

Thanks, Maiphut… been a work in progress for a while. :wink:

I figured out why I prefer M16 upper receivers to M4s with carry handles…

It’s the angle… M16s are forward slanted compared to squarer M4s. Like cars lowered at the front… M16s look like they’re doing the ton standing still. :rofl:

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Was that reference link I put up for the different models any help at all?

I kinda want to swap my flatop to the M16 receiver for the A1. My other one with flat top it’s a Commando ish so needs the removable carry handle. On the do one day list that’ll probably never happen :laughing:

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It was very helpful, thanks for putting that up. :+1:

I didn’t realise there were so many variants, and a lot of them look pretty similar. It does get confusing when the flat top M16s are so much like the M4s. :person_shrugging:

I got all pumped when I saw an M16 A2 advertised for not a lot of money at GBU. I thought I could get my Desert Storm on. :rofl: Until I looked at the review. As far as I can see it’s just an M4 with removable carry handle and an A2 handguard and solid buttstock… which pretty much makes it an M16A4

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Get your Enduring Freedom on with a Marine M16A4 :thinking: :rofl:

I had my M16 set up as an A4 early on and didn’t like the quad rail. Heavy, uncomfortable.