What Did You Get Up To Today?

XM got a paintjob today… good day for spraying :wink:

Definitely an improvement on the CYMA all black. :+1:

Oh, and knocked up a field expedient sling out of an OD green canvas belt. The plastic keepers aren’t correct but what the hey… no biggie.


What a 48 hrs.

2 major things happened.

  1. renewed the lease, on my / mums tennants at north lakes, for the next 2 years.
    Gave them a $55 a week increase for the first 12 months, then $10 a week for the next 12 months.

But they are still about $110 below market rates.

They dont like it, I dont like giving it to them…but inflation was seeing mums bank account go backwards.

  1. I spent last night, at my unit at clayfield. My downstairs neighbour, has recurring terminal bowel cancer, with 9-12 months to live.

Its a small unit complex, everyone knows everyone, and we have a communal cat, Chelsea, who tarts around, getting pats from everyone…

My downstairs neighbour, call her K. had previous surgery and chemo.
She has lived there for several years, and is a wonderful person.

She was told its aggressive, has returned, and has spread everywhere, hence the diagnosis. Whats even more horrible, is the lady who saved my life (my arm accident) , lived next door, and died of the same type of cancer.

Fuck…thats horrible.

She’s barely 55+, going through the process of losing her job, and of having her super released, before 60, before she dies…

The ATO seems more concerned , her bills are squared up, before she passes…

I’m going to gift her some dollars, for the transition period.
“What do you really wanna do, while you still have some health, before you pass?”

Moral of the story, treasure every day. And get bowel cancer endoscopy tests done. Her “poop kit test” , didn’t detect it.

You never know, when it ends…
And, moneys fucking worthless, at the end…


Got a ticket for the Blacksite launch event. Had some problems with the waiver for their insurance as it didn’t like old guys. Now to dig out my CGB gear that hasn’t been used since APGS closed

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Decided to change my wi-fi name today
It is now “ATF Surveillance VAN 2”
Let’s see how many paranoid people live around me.


Something for Queenslanders to get behind after the Grandmother was murdered at Redbank.

| Queensland Parliament

Something’s gotta give, because nobody’s got any faith in the ability of the Po-Po to do anything about the rise in violent crime.

Got a feeling it won’t get up, but it’s a bloody good idea.

In the meantime, we’ll have to rely on the tried and true methods we’ve always used… sanctioned or not. :wink:

Look, Maiphut… it’s you! :laughing:

That time I had to put my Cigar down, just to sort a wanker out :wink:

Just finished first game at Blacksite Gellball. Excellent venue and well run games. Semi-only adds new dimension to games, although some of the speedy-boi set-ups might as well been auto based on their rof

Yeah… feathering a binary trigger on a worked CQB blaster is a pretty sneaky way to get around the semi only rule, might as well be full auto… speedy bois :roll_eyes:

Personally I like pistol only CQB… levels out the playing field nicely :+1:


Shotgun only cqb over pistol only any day of the week. That’s if gelsoft had the airsoft style shell magazine shotguns

Yeah. In the same time I got off two shots from my CYMA is had my arm peppered with gels from a blaster that was chronoed at less than 330fps (right). 330fps from 10m and had welts up the arm. Need to ban speedy-boi shorties from CQB games to level out the playing field and replace pray and spray with some realism and skill


Just ban them from being able to feather and if they do field ban. Sucks that untill that happens the new site is on my maybe list since it seems neat with what they have done but sucks because idiots can basicly full auto you while not being full auto selected.

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There’s a lot of spray and pray in this hobby… too much. I get everyone has the right to play it their way but dumping mags at your opponent doesn’t require any skill and takes the challenge away.

I remember years ago when Donnybrook put out a video on Youtube, lots of slow motion footage… all you could see were gels flying everywhere from everywhere. Like snow in a blizzard :laughing:

Seriously, if you were hit you wouldn’t know who the shooter was. Just gotta call it, I guess.

Wasn’t that part of the fun though? Sub 300 fps blasters with soft gels that you could get caked in, eat(and they taste like shit) because you copped 20 balls in your face and it didn’t hurt because they are cheap.

Or is it all too serious now and one shot one kill and gotta make the opponent bleed because some want to be a hero. Where’s the fkn fun in that. What about kids with soft skin and their part of the harmless fun of it. Of course they will mag dump because, ya know kids, excitement etc.

Not having a go at you FriendlyFire just voicing my perspective of not liking some of the super hard gels and from reading above experiences me personally, I don’t like it and would not play there because it would not be fun.

I have fun when my mates 8 yo son dumps a mag in my crotch then we both end up laughing :rofl: Cheeky lad he is, but it didn’t hurt and was funny that’s the way it should be.


Yeah, I’m not disagreeing with you at all, man. It should be fun, but a lot of gel ballers take it way too seriously.

I literally live five minutes drive from Crossfire CQB but I’ve never been beyond the viewing area, never played a game there.

I’ve heard too many stories about people getting butthurt over gameplay and wanting to take it out into the carpark… I’ve got mates southside who’ve given up CQB teams because the competitive environment’s just become too toxic for them to have any fun with it. Aggro everywhere. It’s not the scene, really… some people just seem to thrive on drama.

It’s why I hooked up with the Historic Gel Ballers group. The main focus is on having fun with themed loadouts and outfits, nothing after '93.

Man, I miss living on acreage… a bit of fun with some mates and rellies on a Sunday arvie, everybody having a good time. :+1:


Blacksite is an excellent field and was well run. Their intention is to make it more realistic by restricting to semi within a layout that is a lot more challenging. It was the first game on the site so the guys will be working out some of the kinks, one of which is use of blasters that can fire more rps on semi than a good 18:1 AEG on auto.


Sadly some of the gotta go fast idiots will find a way to get around any limit like that without a pretty strict rule in place thats enforced.

Oh right, yea that just doesn’t sound like fun to me at all. Step outside sort ya out in the carpark… wtf. It’s not pub rules far out.

Sure have your high end games with HPA speedQB types of games but don’t mix it with the majority that just want a casual bit of blasting fun with family. You know Dad Mum and the squirters brother and sister can blast each other all day instead of destroying the house.

Sounds like a good group to game with Historic Gel Ballers. If you enjoy it the rest does not matter nor anyone’s opinion :+1:

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Read the same sheep and some of the cattle are again setting sail for Israel heading the long way this time. :roll_eyes: All that fking around and for what.

Bloody hell, poor bastards qualify as experienced Able Seamen already, and yet still being sent off to Sea again?

I take it “the long way around” is because of the current situation in the Middle East has effected the Shipping routes?