What Did You Get Up To Today?

Finally got around to building my work bench.


Had a run at Blacksite tonight. Was a bit intense for a casual player. Day didn’t start all that well with a fried mosfet for the favourite CQB blaster. Took the ACR/R which was a mistake as it is too long and too heavy. Fallback CYMA started to play up half-way through the game, but could be gels.

Usual game. Got beaten up by 330fps HPA blasters and strategy games were disruptd by a couple of spray and pray players

Great field


I will lend you my nerf swift
It might look like a toy but getting hit by a nerf dart at 300 fps.
Leaves a lasting impression
Perfect for those who don’t want to call there hits
The difference being
a gel ball weighs .23 of a gram
Were as a nerf dart is one gram

I own three of these with different springs
360 fps but it takes two hands to pump it for this one
Spring changes take less than 30 seconds
I would have so much fun on a field
That is before I got kicked off😜

i reackon this could put the cat amougst the pigeons on this forum, but about to head off to the Brisbane Cat Lovers Festival at the convention centre!

no pun intended :slight_smile:

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You’re just going for the Kitty Face painting…

Yeah I thought it was going to turn into a big satire piss take about Cats as I stated reading this……… but it’s an actual real thing :flushed:

As long as it’s promoting responsible Cat ownership and responsibilities for Cat lovers, then it has some good value for our native species hopefully :crossed_fingers:

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Sounds like you had a hard day of it, which raises another controversial question……. should HPA be divided into a separate game category/group from the regular casual players and kids?

I think that it would potentially make games more fun and enjoyable for everyone involved, whereas the younger and casual players can enjoy less competitive games, and the “big boys” who take the hobby more seriously, are free to compete in groups with their own more serious players
without a field full of “noobs” and kids getting in their way? :thinking:

It’s something that I experienced many times before when I used to play Paintball, whereas there were players who had all of the expensive high powered gear, played hard tactical games, had all the fields mapped out and tactics down pat because they played several times a week together.

They were always great to watch off the field, but wasn’t much fun for anyone who was just starting out in the hobby, where group/hire players or young families looking for a fun day out to have to play games against them :worried:

The fields tried dividing these players evenly between non experienced players in games throughout the day to “even the field”, but would always end up with these guys from both sides simply quickly and intentionally destroying all of the inexperienced players first, then they could finish off the games playing by themselves as usual.

This meant that you would see all of the new players walking out of the field within the first couple of minutes, many who never got the chance to even fire their Markers, whilst the rest of the big boys were left to enjoy the rest of the games by themselves.

There’s nothing wrong with the big boys playing games each day, but I did get to witness the decline in the popularity of Paintball here in WA because of such experiences from the general public/school groups/corporate groups etc who used to be the mainstream income for attending the few fields that we have here.

Because these types of public/social groups didn’t enjoy their experiences at these events, the popularity of Paintball eventually dwindled away, which left just the small number of serious big boys attending the fields on a weekly/monthly/yearly basis……. which obviously hurt the industry in the long run by turning people away from enjoying that Hobby.

Myself personally played regularly for a few years and thoroughly enjoyed playing with the big boys, but the hobby and the Markers were a very different kettle of fish way back then, and even though I got out of that sport years ago, I couldn’t imagine how advanced and more powerful the Markers are in this modern world compared with what we were using at the time!

I learnt a lot from those guys and the games were bloody awesome in regards to serious tactics, physical gameplay and equipment, but definitely wasn’t fun for any other inexperienced players just out there for a fun day out.

I was also lucky in that I got to enjoy the hobby relatively cheaply as I was always buying my gear off of these guys extremely cheap as they were constantly upgrading to newer and better equipment, I was able to keep my own gear reasonably up to a decent performance as what they were using in games, making my games much easier and enjoyable as well :sunglasses:

Everything I have mentioned above also relates 100% to the Gelblaster Hobby/Sport and games, which also used to be quite fun with everyone involved being on a pretty level playing field in regards to their equipment and skill levels, but nowadays with hi-tech HPA, GBB and modern high power/high FPS/RPS Blasters and more experienced players on the fields, I have witnessed the same thing was starting to creep its way into the Hobby on the Gelblaster Events here in WA.

It sucked that the Hobby/Sport was banned here, but at the time our events were still a very fun and enjoyable experience for everyone involved, new and old, because HPA/High Powered equipment was still quite rare over here within the industry simply because it was a few years ago now, and all of the modern technology wasn’t readily available at the time or had yet to be invented/developed/released.

To summarise, this division of classes is already common in pretty much every Sport/Hobby in the world anyways……. with different divisions in Motor Racing, Football, Cricket, Horse/Greyhound Racing, Archery, Shooting etc etc the list goes on.

So is a great discussion for people’s own personal opinions about if this is something that could benefit the Gelblaster Community or simply leave it as it is? :thinking:

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This is my pussy convention.

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Looks like you need to turn it off and back on again? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Like I mentioned before, it’s hard for a field to accommodate for both ends, casual and highly competitive.

If they barely have enough people to make some sort of game to start with, then they have little option but to throw them together. The players need to realize that and accommodate accordingly IMO otherwise they will be playing with themselves.

Everybody wants to win, that’s the aim of the game. Not everyone can afford or justify spending 2k plus on a gel blaster just to dominate the opponent when not playing in competition.

Not so bad around here as everyone is well aware if you out gun the competition there will be none. Play for fun.

Good points, especially regarding field sizes/player numbers.

Unfortunately don’t have anything to compare since our bans, which happened at a time when the Gelblaster hobby was still in its peak and fields were packed, especially because we only had a handful spread around this massive state and it’s Metropolitan/Regional areas.

Same thing in the heydays of Paintball, where it was common to spend a lot of games having to sit on the sidelines because of the amount of teams having to run their term through the different fields.

This is where it was really noticeable about the decline in popularity of Paintball when the attendance dropped to the level where they were battling to field full sized teams for each game.

Haven’t been to a Paintball game in many years, so have no idea how the Hobby/Industry is going these days :thinking:

Don’t mind HPA in the game provided they stick to the fps limit. Rate of fire does give them an advantage over AEG on semi-only games.

Wish I was a couple of decades younger but just adjust my game play to a defender rather than attacker. Covid was the demise of our team as members went in different directions. Probably more suited to outdoor games than CQB


Yeah Covid certainly gave every sport/hobby a big slapping that is still struggling to fully recover from :worried:

Might not have been very clear in my original post, but it’s more the attitudes of these higher end players that appears quite aggressive and frightening to younger/less experienced players.

It’s only natural that these experienced players will be more serious/aggressive in their game style against little Johnny and his first Gen8 lobbing OOTB blue gels in their direction!

It boils down to each individual player respecting who they are playing against and dialing the level of aggression up or down depending upon the game and their opponent’s skill levels……… by which I mean simply taking it a bit easier on the less experienced so they get to have fun and go home eager to keep coming back and enjoying themselves, rather than getting slaughtered/knocked out of games early, going home bruised and bleeding and then throwing their little Gen8 into the corner and swearing never to go back again :thinking:


If that was AFP or NSWPol firearms, they run M4’s

They frightened the crap out of this old fart as well. Two man team, two three round bursts, one to the face from less than a metre away.

I’ve watch my AFP CERT friends train and these guys had all the hallmarks of professional training.

Not complaining but next time I’ll use a full mask

Worst part was when I went to go back to spawn after kneeling behind a barrier for a couple of minutes defending the flag. Damn knee locked up and had to crawl to the door opening for support to drag myself up and managed to get a couple in the tender parts that were exposed at the time. :grimacing: :grimacing:

Yeah can certainly confirm about the AFP guys!
Had several games with my ex ADF mates, along with a few others who used to play as well, which was challenging to say the least, but certainly were a wealth of knowledge to learn tactics and teamwork from though :ok_hand:

Some of the worst injuries I ever sustained was from sliding/dropping down behind cover and having a knee or two collect a tree root on the way down :frowning:

Certainly slowed me up every single time and led me to a few “deaths” here and there when it happened at just the opportune moment ………. for them that is! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

The whole HPA vs AEG thing reminded me of an unintentional squash game I had years ago…

I booked the court for an hour to get in some solo practice on a day off work. Five minutes into the session a random guy from the overhead gallery asked me if I wanted a few hits with him. I thought why not?

What followed was an intense drilling from this guy who’s skill on the court was obviously streets ahead of mine. He ran me ragged for 20 minutes, gave no quarter and did it with a gloating smirk on his face every time I flubbed his supersonic serve. When I’d had enough he smuggly told me he’d been competitive at state level for five years.

Point is, he didn’t have the humility to make it fun and help out a lesser player with a few tips and tricks, he got more enjoyment out of humiliating me and earning the bragging rights to a complete and utter annihilation of his oppinent.

I know quite a few competitive gel blaster enthusists who are the same.


Nice Hi -Rise piccy;s,
On a overnight…setting sun…

$39 bucks, for a steak sandwich, and a mocha thickshake…


Funnily enough I just got back home from our standard Sunday Afternoon Local Pool Competition.

I grew up as a child in a house with a Dartboard and Pool table since I was born.

My sister, brother and myself all competed in competition Pool/Dart teams throughout our lives simply because we grew up playing Pool/Darts at home 24/7 since we were kids and were very “talented” in our older years to be able to hold our own against many competitors in many years of playing in local tournaments/teams in high level competitions.

It came down to the point where I will still pay my “game fee” every Sunday afternoon, but I have waved all scoring rights from the official books.

Simple because we are living in a small rural town and I was winning too many games that kept rewarding me with the yearly prize money in return……. which I hated :frowning:

This doesn’t make it enjoyable for myself or anyone else in town if some prick like me just keeps taking the money year after year, so I have pretty much stepped away from the scoreboard and just keep paying/playing without anything getting recorded on the books and promoting more locals to come and join in the fun :+1:

Same with competition darts, basically have stepped away and simply keep attending game nights to simply chalk or sit at the table and fill out the score sheets.

Winning games all the time sux arse and doesn’t make for a good time out for other players, but keeping in the hobby and devoting the same amount of time and energy into being a supporting member is much more valuable to keep the community alive :sunglasses::ok_hand: