What Did You Get Up To Today?

All good… got it out and the Kwaka’s back together again.

I feel your pain. Plus my back and knees weren’t liking it anymore so I bought one of these Ballards Orange Hydraulic Scissor Lift Stand at MXstore

best thing ever. Goes up to 150kg weight so likely not roadbike rated unfortunately. They must make something similar for road bikes.

Something like that would be nice… :laughing:

The knees are screaming today…

I’ve got mates with gear solid.enough to lift a Road King into the stratosphere, but not much use when your bikes already in pieces :rofl:

I have one hydraulic bike platform it takes 300kg.
And one air operated bike platform which takes 800kg.
I have a metal 3 meter work bench which is grounded
3 years a go I bought a stand up work desk which is 6ft long. From office works
I wish these were invented 30 years ago my back would have been thankful.

I can sit at it or lift it to a standing position it’s hydraulic
Plus it’s on wheels
I use it all the time doing fiddly things like carby rebuilds and head rebuilds.
It’s currently got my 900 Ducati bevel engine in pieces on it

You can find them on marketplace way cheaper now.
Mine takes 100kg

I had two same style benches in my Hot Rod Shop. One had a S/S top and was at elbow height when standing, and the other had a Galvo sheeted top that was elbow level when seated on a high stool.

The stand up was for assembly new engine components and the sit down one was for disassembling small motors/Carbys/Gearboxes and other equipment, which I had fitted a full gutter around the table with a drain pipe at one end to help remove any fuel/oils and cleaning fluids :ok_hand:

Gutter was also handy for catching/retaining small parts/ball bearings/clips/seals etc that always want to run away onto the floor somewhere!

A good quality soft thick rubber mat in front of the stand up bench was another must have option for the old back as well :sunglasses:

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I have a concrete floor… at least it’s in a garage, out of the sun and rain. Rubber mats help, but I’m sure a lot of you guys can relate… it not the hardness, it’s the elevation. :thinking:

Ah well… this Z9 build is my swan song, getting a bit old to be doing rebuilds. This’ll be my last bike, no doubt… my forever bike.

The plan is to ride this old girl until they plant me in the ground. :rofl:

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I am glad to see you did not go the full Resto,mint con,to afraid to ride because it might get dirty way
None of my zeds were original
black was my go to paint job.
Hanco , premier or tranzac my go to exhaust.
Pod filters because the air box was a pain to take in and out.
And wiseco kits for a bit more punch.
I actually don’t like the Jaffa colour and the original exhaust.
My zeds were always ridden very hard .
Actually the longest and hardest bike ride I ever did was from charters towers to Sydney (1930km)in one hit only stoping for fuel and a bite to eat.
The first wife was giving labour with compilations.
This was 1983 no flights then so I decided to ride.
The zed only decided to play up three block’s from blacktown hospital.
The exhaust was only held on by two bolts when I pull up
the rectifier died so no head lights or blinkers that was ok it was three am quite on the roads then.
She gave birth to my baby girl 10 minutes later all healthy.
Pryer to that I was working up there for four months all the roads were dirt and not the good kind and the zed handled it no problem
So I have a massive soft spot for the zed


Yeah, me too… always have had. :+1:

Lots of great times had on Kwaka 9s for me too back in the 80s & 90s… some I probably shouldn’t or couldn’t share here. :rofl:

It was between this '76 and a really nice Trumpy Trident when I started looking for a bike to keep me riding into my retirement. My missus said “Bucks aside, if you could have any bike, what would it be?”

Literally took about 2 nanoseconds to say “Z900”… :wink:

Bought this for the misses yesterday knowing she wanted a new knife block.
I thought I would be all romantic and wrap it with a card saying.
"Thinking of you always "
Now she is not talking to me.???
No sense of humour that woman

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lol - coppers might put an AVO on you for that these days.

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Holy shit that never crossed my mind

But not us we are old school she is 70 and I am 64.
Been together for 27 year’s.
We don’t do AVO,s not worth the paper they’re written on
We come from an era were she would just shoot me with one of my own guns and stage it to look like a suicide

Was totally joking :stuck_out_tongue:

Its an obvious bit of fun

One of the reasons, i will not even speak to my sister.

I was going to have very stern words to her, but i knew she would record the conversation.

I got legal advise on that, when dealing with another matter of mums.

The solicitor said, “they hand out DVO’s like candy to women, all they have to do is say they felt threatened or abused, and they get one…”

I asked, what constitutes abuse?
… raising your voice…
Fuck me, no wonder women get away with everything…
I have watched her scream abuse, at her kids, so many times…

One consequence of a DVO, they take away your firearms license…no thanks…thats not happening to me…

So, i’m not speaking a single word to my sister. Her loss.

I can forgive, but her Narc nature will not permit her, to admit she was wrong…even though she pupports to be a " spiritual warrior, energy healing worker / white witch…"

Ive told her son, the only conversation i will have with her, is the one that begins with her saying " I’m really sorry"…


I was joking also
“OR WAS I”'. :thinking::thinking:

A very similar event happened to my close mate. Difference being was his cheating wife.

Yep dvo, straight away come took 30 firearms his Dad left him. 5 king dick cops bashed him to the ground. Naked wouldn’t let him dress.

Meanwhile hoar has got him for $1M. Hoar bought her own shitbox house and sluts on loaded wogs. With her $20k bigger ultra D ballons looks retarded, 4 and half foot high girl with tits the size of basketballs.

Now she’s loosing her hair. Ha sucked in. Karma’s a bitch :v:

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We are both in fear of the state it seems :stuck_out_tongue:

Women know how to work the legal system…

Being the aggressor, when they can get away with it, and then the victim when it suits them…

My sister inadvertently took out a DVO, on her 19 yo son.
He had been drinking, was angry at his mum, and giving her a (rightfully deserved) serve.
She recorded it, called the cops, and played it to them.

The police took out a DVO, no choice was available in the matter, even though my sister didn’t want that to happen.

Net result: The son has a DVO on his record at age 19 (very helpful when you are looking for a job), moved away from her, and he now barely talks to his mother.

You almost feel sorry for narcissists, they are predestined to have awful lives, their nature and behaviour drives everyone away. Never happy, no matter how much they have.

My sister has lost her family: Dads gone, her son’s largely gone, Mum doesn’t speak to her, a strained relationship with her daughter, I don’t speak to her.

A very high price to pay, for always having to be “Right”, and getting her way, every time…

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Set up tables for the Arms Fair. Priced all the cap guns so I don’t have to bring any of them home and appeal to those who don’t know what they want to buy

Stuff this end are old platic noise makers for $20 each


Got my school bag stolen today by some guy whacked out on drugs whilst trying to have a peaceful shop. Cops said the likelihood of getting my bag back is slim and unfortunately I decided out of all days to take my really important English folder home with me

Should also mention my year 12 jacket was in that bag and it’s unknown if I’ll be able to replace that

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