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P38 has working slide and trigger/hammer. Does not have a removable magazine

Only luger remaining is a cap gun - no working toggle action

What would you be after, for the P-38?

Anyone use XT-60 connectors on their gear?

Free to good home…

Didn’t check the details when I placed a Fleabay re-order for XT-30s and ended up with 20 pairs of the larger XTs. :joy:

No good to me so if anybody wants them, DM me and we’ll work something out.

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Too large for blasters, but I’m sure anyone in the RC Hobby should find a use for these :ok_hand:

Only way to buy these things is in bulk, especially when you see the price shops are asking for a single plug :flushed:

Tennant provided some update photos, of the rental down the coast.

I’ve asked her to water the garden, and between that and the (small amounts) of rain, the garden is coming along well…

Might take 4-5 months to grow out, coming out of the hot summer growth season, but the plants are pretty hardy…

Some nice bird attracting plants , in there as well…

Im sure you remember, how shitty it looked, before…

Ok, reminder shot…

Now, just gotta do the 12 entry tiles , out the front, that are cracked and loose…

And, paint the small section of the new fence, brown…
The new section is black, the rest is faded olive/brown.

I reckon rattlecan, would be the easiest, for a small section of fencing…paint and primer mix… as long as its blended, it would look better than brown /adjacent black fencing.

But, then again,maybe im just too fussy… :joy: :rofl:

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Well I’ve been sick for a few days, not one to waste time off I got stuck into this build which I’ve just finished.

It’s a combination of parts I had, though I had to buy the gen9 receiver, pistol grip, and outer barrel adaptor.

Already had a spare MK Tactical H92, which I bought for a JG but it didn’t fit.
All other parts I had laying around spare.

Inside the H92 gearbox is 12:1 short stroked 3 teeth. M110, T238 1.7 optical, brass head and nozzle, SHS piston and head, 80% posted stainless cylinder. Backed by a nice high torque motor.

It’s good for 320fps, and 25rps. I did try it with an m120 originally, but 350fps was a bit hot as I already have enough blasters that and higher, so dropped back to m110, this way it is acceptable for most fields, and should help keeps some accuracy which I am yet to really test but so far seems decent.

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Nice build… don’t see too many Gen 9 based screamers around much anymore, good on ya. :+1:

Dug this old dunger out for the grandson to use in the backyard today…

Spent a bit of time getting all the creaks out of it (call it my OCD) and fitted a new connector for a decent lipo. Weak, but 140FPS is enough for him.

Prepping it for a nice paint job tomorrow because I believe even a shitter has a right to look stylish. :laughing:


Cheers man.
I have one other gen9, with h92 box also… actually it was my first blaster!

Though there is nothing of my original gen9 left. It went through hell. I even replaced the receiver as the original broke on the field. It went through many forms and mods. A lot of lessons learnt and experiences had. But still rocks on. You never get over your first love I guess.

It was great to build another H92 gen9, it was alot of fun. And very nostalgic.

Totally agree with @Friendly_Fire :+1:

Awesome job on taking a classic frame and making it perform in a very realistic and reliable manner.

Too many people get caught up in the “keeping up with the Jones’s” nonsense and wreck their classic blasters.

The ultimate performance has always been taking a virtually standard product and making just a few technical improvements to achieve a desired outcome……… not just blindly going full retard and building something that is honestly a pig of a blaster :roll_eyes:

That is a great point @Friendly_Fire and @DocBob
Sometimes, it is very cool to have a classic that works still!

I actually love getting a classic, older blaster up to modern performance and reliability, and sometimes its nice to just get one working, a bit better than it was just so it doesn’t end in the bin. It is kind a of hot rodder mentality. And it is always an interesting journey. I get bored just fixing and upgrading V2 gearboxes. I can almost do them in my sleep. They offer and experience that is nearly always forgettable!

Recently did a couple of gen8s for a mate, one was a taccytoys “full metal” gen8, metal everything… except the gearbox and receiver which was nylon gen8. The motor was burnt out, the wiring was melted, and I thought it was from a short. Nope. It also didn’t look like it had that many rounds done. Well… you know how the metal spur gears don’t fit the gen8 without modification? Taccy toys didn’t either, slapped them in. I couldn’t turn the spur by hand! This is how it was from factory… so bad. Amazing it worked at all and didn’t just stall!

So I did the mods to make it work, shimmed, new motor, spring oring etc. Now works well. 300fps, even on a shitty 7.4v it works fine now. Amazing what can be done with the right work!

The other one was a bit of a rarity, polycarb gearbox, with a nice nylon threaded receiver. It was a joy as the guy just wanted it to work properly, while it was “working” it was doing a hilarious 40fps when I got it. Now its around 270fps thanks to an oring, oringed nozzle and a J11 spring. It cost only a few quid in parts, and now it works, and actually could go for a long time as is, and it is similar to a new blaster now. Which I reckon is very cool, considering it’s a rarity it was nice to try and keep it as stock as possible, but still have it perform decently.

Now onto the big issue for older blasters. Would it have been worth it to have a shop tech do it? probably not, for the hourly rate shops charge on top of parts, it would have been cheaper to just buy a new gen8. And that is quite often how blasters get left. I have ended up with quite a few “it is dead and not worth fixing” blasters, and turned them into working blasters. The other catch is this same category of blasters is not worth selling as you will get stuff all for it.

I have 7 or 8 blasters that I got for next to or nothing, because they didn’t work and the previous owner gave them away. Got them working, and working well, and now can’t bring myself to sell them as they are nice collectors pieces. All of them would be quite viable on a field, but I will never use them because they are working, and are getting rarer by the day :slight_smile:

Bingo :+1:

The buzz in this hobby for me is the fettling. I go out of my way to find old unusual blasters that are either broken or have the performance characterstics of a 90 year old with a prostate problem and no Viagra. I remember BigMuthaDrums telling me how during a game at Donnybrook he pinned everyone in their respawn for most of the game with his old M14 EBR… super accurate at 320FPS with that pimped out Gen 8 box and outranged most of his opponent’s loadouts that were much flashier and way more exxie.

Seems to me we had a lot more choice of platform back in the early days too. A lot of forgotten blasters were unusual and pretty cool… the full sized Halo MA5C, the old ABS Tavor 21, the F2000 bullpup, etc.

Nothing better than having people laugh at your old ABS dinosaur because it looks so cheap compared to their full metal M4s with all the tactical accessories. The laughing usually stops when you put a few through the chrono and you’re showing figures up around 320FPS. :wink:

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Too true. My best performing blaster for range and accuracy is an ABS A1 Steyr with a metal geared gen 8 gearbox. Consistently running 310FPS. Just wish it had a semi setting

Fried my JM AK74U yesterday. Gels weren’t feeding. Turned it over to test and had smoke come out of mag well. PST has welded together so can’t get battery out. Figure that the wire to mag contacts had come loose and shorted on something. Motor runs fine


That was the idea with the old Gen8 test pig.
Box standard on the outside with everything untouched and factory stock, but had that 430+ FPS gearbox inside that sounded definitely not stock standard :flushed::joy:

Like everything else in the modern throw away society, where technology keeps evolving and things keep getting more and more complicated.

This might be great for extra features and gadgets that make life easier for us to enjoy, but also can overcomplicate things to a point where they are fragile, unreliable and way too technical to fix or repair…… so they just get thrown away and a new product is purchased instead.

This is why I love my old classic cars and old classic blasters……. simple, easy to work on, strong, long lasting and reliable :ok_hand:

As @RokSolid mentioned, there were some very quirky little details to be found when building and experimenting with different blasters, but this is exactly what makes the hobby so interesting, to find these little challenges and create ways to overcome them :sunglasses:

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Just finished grandson’s present for 4th birthday - refurbished an old MP5 noisemaker

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JM MP5 with the Gen 8 box?

Nope. Blast from the early 90’s. Battery operated noise maker. Pull trigger and it makes bang bang noises in semi and full auto. Going to give his older sister hell

Ah, I see… for what that is, it doesn’t look half bad :wink:

Pre Gen8 ABS Kids toy?

In saying that, it doesn’t look shiny enough to be ABS?

Looking really cool :sunglasses::ok_hand:

Yep. ABS replica noisemakers. Sold a collapsible stock MP5, an M4 and a Steyr at the arms fair. All from the same era. Each had a different style of noise. Some of the add on sights and torches were almost the same as early Gen 8 accessories