What Did You Get Up To Today?

Glad to hear you’ve got some long term accommodation sorted.!!
Good stuff…!!

Van looks like its coming along nicely…

And interesting location photos / trip stories so far.?.?
Room in the back, for a mobile blaster workshop.?

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Hey hey still chugging along alright.

Great you dropped in :+1:

I hear you on the work then recover bit. Been doing that lately myself.

Hope all goes well, cheers!

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neat little adventure vehicle.

I went to bunnings and found this workbench and i think it looks alright for my 3D printer.

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Ah, good to hear from you, man. :+1:

Van’s looking pretty inviting there… and not a single highly modified Frankenblaster in sight. :wink:

Still haven’t got rid of all my blasters/bits and pieces :rofl:

Thought about mounting them all in the back and driving through RBT sites repeatedly :crazy_face:

Haven’t really gone anywhere except day trips, have honestly spent a shit load so far replacing everything that was stuffed :roll_eyes:
New radiator, new carby, new mt tyres, solar and battery, power steering etc. etc.

Hopefully will get back into it after we move, impossible to find anything all piled up in the container :grimacing:

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Sounds like you’re all over it like white on rice, man. :wink:

Good luck with it all, hey? :+1:

Started tidying up some of the old man’s stuff today. He’d been a bit crook since January so I’d had to put the hobbies on the backburner and give him a hand sorting stuff out. Wasn’t too bad for a long time, just got tired easily. Then, about a month and a half ago, he went into hospital for a hernia surgery and never came out. Turned out to be a very agressive form of cancer coupled with a super rare genetic condition that helped it along. He passed away a fortnight ago at just 58. Still doesn’t feel real, he was a great Dad and alway encouraged me to do the stuff goofy stuff I was interested in. Loved all the gelball stuff, especially the re-enactment aspect. Constantly sending me little tidbits about uniforms and equipment or picking up surplus stuff on his travels for me. He left us 20-odd mid 50s Fords and F-Series trucks to muck around with, plus 40 years worth of collected spares and literature to sort through. There’s stuff scattered all around the yard, left where he last used it. Big job, but it’ll make things a bit easier for Mum.

Sorry for your loss, man. :pensive: Condolences tou you and your family.

Never easy losing a loved one, even harder when it’s one of your parents.

You’ll carry the memories of your dad with you for life, I know I do with mine. Whenever you’re missing him just think about the crazy fun times you shared and it’ll seem a little easier.

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So sorry to hear of your Dads passing.
Its a real blow, even harder when its unexpected and comes out of the blue.

It took me about 9 months, to not have my Dad, at the forefront of my mind, every day. It takes time, for the pain to subside.

Treasure your memories of you dad, he’ll be a part of your life forever, never forgotten…

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Condolences to you and family. 58 is way too young for that to be happening.

Feel free to chat away if it helps, there are good people here that can help lift the mood. Most of us regulars have lost loved family of some sort and feel your pain. It never goes away but subdues after time.

Sounds like you have quite the job on your hands sorting through classic Fords and everything else.

Not looking forward to my Father but scooping up every minute I can now and have fun as he nears end of life.

All the best Screamer.

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Sorry to hear mate😞
Got the same with my father at the moment, stage 4 cancer🙄
They stuffed him around with the diagnosis for over 6 months, have to go to Adelaide to see him in the next week or so.


Thanks for the kind words, fellas :+1: It’ll be hard but I’ve got a good little support group (eldest of 6 kids, plus Mum and my fiancé) so I think I’ll be alright. Just keep catching myself going to text him something or waiting to tell him about something, kinda keep expecting him to just turn up at home.

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It’s hard when you lose your parents. Both mine are gone but I took the advice of a friend who said I needed to build on their memories. I have some of my father’s black and white photography scattered though the house and my mothers long stitch sewing framed on the walls. Constant reminders. Don’t forget to keep one of his favourites cars / trucks. I see so many posts on classic car forums where someone is looking for a car their father used to own as a reminder of the times they had together. Build on the memories.


Been looking to upgrade my RTX 3080 to a 4080 Super and i found that the 4080 super I want is only 1cm longer so it’ll be butting up against my CPU’s AIO radiator. So I am thinking of either just moving the radiator to the top or get a new one with a thinner radiator.

This also might be a good opportunity to remove the mechanical HDD in my PC and replace it with and SSD of the same capacity and in doing so will clear out a 3.5" HDD caddy that is taking up space below my CPU radiator so that means a bigger radiator.

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umm hmm which bank did you rob :rofl: Much better to have your AIO on the top if you can as heat always rises and vent upwards.

the problem is that i have it clamped to the underside of my desk so i am concerned there might not be enough of an air gap at the top of the PC for ventilation. I have a secretlab magnus pro xl desk so yeah…

My current plan is:

  1. buy a fast M.2 and a slow 2.5" SSD (both 2TB).
  2. copy the contents of my 2TB HDD to the slow SSD.
  3. remove the HDD and the caddy. this will free up space for a 360 rad AIO.
  4. install the SSDs.
  5. buy and install the new AIO cooler.
  6. wait till i get money for a 4080 super.

no i can’t use the IGPU in the CPU because my CPU has the KF designation.

Yea, I guess I’m old school. I mean new functionality and compactness is really good to fit in with what you are trying to work with but… my workspace is same size as yours and I run full size ATX and forever will.

Why, airflow, and a full size ATX case that is 20 years old sitting on the side is no problem. Graphics cards are never going to get smaller likely power supply too as they watt up unless something drastic changes in the market.

I’m not restricted for space yet my setup is smaller than your Secret Lab desk and I play all AAA titles without a problem. Air cooled too by Noctua next best thing to AIO, and they are very good. I should get paid for saying this :rofl:

I’ve been told that thicker radiators are better but since I am not over clocking the CPU then a thinner rad but larger is fine.

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Depends what you run, set the rest up to suit :+1: