What Did You Get Up To Today?

So carbon tax 2.0? That didn’t go well.

First I’ve heard of this Sun Tax I think my state is keeping quite about it. Well I’ll fk em as I’ll turn it off during the day and turn it on at night to run off moon light :laughing:

Ha yea I remember the Carbon tax and all the Carbon credits we were supposed to be dished out for having acerage with trees on it. Ended up a big nothing burger, think the gov ran out of money and threw that idea in the bin after the greenies went troppo on it.

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It was naive of me to think that a carbon tax was a good idea. It’s a bad idea because that tax would be applied to each stage of the production and logistics of goods.


I heard of a guy cutting off the grid from his solar and practically giving away his excess by telling his local community to come and charge their batteries, devices etc and he was offering it either free or for practically nothing, I’ll have to try n dig around for the article, was a video about it


I wonder if home ownership is even worth it now. The idea of having a mortgage is a real drain.

problem with renting is you’re paying someone else mortgage. I’ve been renting in the place im about to move out of for 4 years and at the weekly rent rate I’m paying, I’ve paid around $90,000 by now, would’ve been a good chunk off my own mortgage, if I had one :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

I am currently renting out my place and living with the fam cos I can’t afford it straight.

Going to the coast 2morrow, to get tax done.

I found a shooters supply store, that will sell pistol grips.
Qld police have confirmed this is ok.

Thinking i’ll grab a set of Hogue grips.
They have rubber, fingered in stock, and can order in any hogue grip.

These look nice…




For RE Ruger…


Jump on the Hogue website, for the full range…

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They have a good range of Kydex holsters as well. Even had some left hand holsters for the 1911

Or these, from thailand, off ebay…

I wouldn’t bother trying to shape it back to this…


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nah looks heaps better fully contoured to the handle

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Deciding which model of 4k monitor I want to get.

Also read this article this morning… But am weary of ABC (Australian Bullshit Corporation)

Police investigating after M4 carbine found off Northern Beaches ocean pool - ABC News

Could be nothing but all sus on ABC.

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Likely a GBBR blaster someone dumped before they got caught.

Fearmongering by the ABC as always.

fear mongering mainstream media as always

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I am glad that is a general concensus around here. Liberal media is trash.

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A lot of msm is trash. A lot can’t even spell :laughing:

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The golden chrome Taurus is now black… and I guess with the logo gone, not really a Taurus anymore. :thinking: a little dab of red paint on the slide for the safety and she’s done.

Had to be done as the factory “high quality” plated finish was flaking off in places. A word to the wise with these Double Bell Berettas. Easy tear down but also easy for tiny springs to go boing and disappear into the Twilight Zone on disassembly.

Had to bend up a new trigger bar spring and wind a new safety lever detent spring for just that reason. :joy:

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Thats now a compatible colour,

for a hitman moderator, grips, and a torch…!!

Spending spiral detected…!!

I can’t wait until I’m moved into this next place… that’s when my spending spiral begins :sweat_smile::joy:

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