What Did You Get Up To Today?

Looking the at the player numbers for Sony’s new hero shooter, Concord, drop real fast. It’s an enjoyable trainwreck.

Definitely a candidate for a Hitman moderator now. :joy:

Try these grips on, for size…

None of the carry on at cleavers…they didn’t even want to see my license…

The contoured grips, make it look a bit chunkier…

Also, fiddly to get, on retain Mr Boinging spring, on the RHS, and get the trigger to work.


Also, nothing for the LCR ruger, i’ll have to go with the thai grips.

Nothing for the Silver Serpent, being green gas in the grip, only standard grips are made to fit…

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Nearly identical to the Forjas Taurus I had. Nice one :+1: Except that says Beretta. Is that not a blaster.


Its actually a KEle beretta…

Very, very good quality smoky silver finish.
The barrel is the shiniest ive ever seen…

I got it, for the possibility of a barrel transplant…the DB m92’s finish is not super durable…

Agreed… polishes up well but dulls up pretty fast. Which is why I painted mine… if the paint doesn’t hold up it’ll be stripped back and given to someone to cerakote. :+1:

finally finished a game in my steam library.

Caught up with the Doc that bought next door, hilarious, Fathers Day weekend ensures mucho runamuckus for young and old, lucky I can bail out when I flail out. I need some rest from laughter from the tea and scones club.

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The idea of moving to brissie makes me nervous even though I haven’t even been to brissie. I have too much stuff to move.


I’d be nervous too mate!
I been to QLD many times and they are definitely a bloody weird bunch up there😲

I think it’s the heat and humidity, or maybe the Altitude, but either way… welcome to Deliverance Country :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Moving is always bittersweet in my experience. The process is always daunting, and it only gets worse the older I get, as I have more stuff each time, and I am older and less physically capable!
Best of luck with it. And never look at it as one big job, split it to one room, one cupboard or one box at a time! And it never hurts to budget for a few cartons to get mates to help out!

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Just wait until your first trip up around Kilkivan, Doc… :joy: It’s not just the yowies you have to watch out for in the hills. :rofl:

I’ve lived in and around the hinterland at the back of the Sunny Coast for years… :wink:


I’m over thinking it. I’ll just have to book some time off to visit first.

I’m hearing you on the too much stuff to move, I just picked up the keys to my new place in Brisbane area and I’ve got a gang of stuff to move, and it’s going to be a hot weekend.
(I work nights so not used to the sun lol :sweat_smile:

the only advantage is I’m only moving literally 5 mins around the corner :+1:t2:

The question is which do I get first: job or a place? Cos I feel like you need one to get the other. Haha

I have 2 PCs, 3 monitors, a honkin’ heavy-ass secretlab metal desk… And I don’t really want to ditch them if they’re still good to use.

Wait till you have to clear out a shed with 30 years worth of parts and bits and pieces that were going to be used one day. Not to mention 40 years worth of diecast models and a comprehensive set of memorabilia for vehicles that no one give a rats about any more. Ask @DocBob what it’s like

Moral of the story - don’t collect stuff

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Are you saying my $ spent on collecting blasters is wasted.??

I figure I’d still be able to move em, if I decided to give the hobby up .!!

You’re right though…once you start collecting, it’s hard to stop.
You end up being limited by cash, or storage space…!!

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True. Not like you can take it with you when you die. I am getting ahead of myself with this moving talk. If I moved to brissie blind I think it would be harder emotionally.

I made my mistake when it comes to never say “never”.


Oh yea my days of moving whether it was rental or not are over for good.

I’m dug in like an alabama tick now and I couldn’t care who nukes who or blows what up I aint going no where. I’ll bury myself on my own land and not pay for some company to dig me up 50 years later when I haven’t renewed my plot. F’em :rofl: :laughing: