Google has them listed as temporarily closed and when going to their site it has down the bottom they’re opening on Shopify or something so maybe they’re transitioning over?
Why would you shut down the physical store just to transition a website?
A website doesn’t require paying Building Leases, staff wages and many other costs.
Online only builds profits quickly when you are still selling the products for the same price, but the outgoing costs are greatly diminished… basic business sense and the reason why physical retail stores are rapidly disappearing.
The site has had that message for over three weeks. Be interesting to see if Gold Coast store is still open.
They hadn’t been importing for a while and were mainly reselling iHobby and WAT products
from what I read on Reddit, tactoys was pinched for interstate sales.
not sure how accurate that is
but that’s what’s swinging around the grapevine
That is what I have heard too, prior to it doing the rounds on reddit.
Rumour only, totally unfounded and zero evidence. But the did ship to illegal states. So plausible I guess.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the case.
This could be the answer. Date of hearing coincides with the date that the Temporarily closed notice went up
So just became financially unsustainable? Possible?
Probably hadn’t paid their taxes
The owner probably ran off haha.
That’s what it looks like doesn’t it…Mr Taxman might have caught up with them
Two certainties in life…death and taxes…
Not paying taxes…leads to business death.!!
The tax man is the first creditor to be paid , at 100% outstanding, when a business folds…
People usually send money offshore, and head overseas if they can, when a business is going under…
I looked up what winding up means and other than financial, I didn’t find anything with regards to other legal issues being the cause for the wind up to occur in the first place.
So tax evasion might be the more viable reason or as a cover to hide the real cause.
Who knows.
Makes me wonder if Taccy Toys USA has disappeared also… might have to go do some research
The US website has disappeared
Cheers, certainly not surprising considering all of the stories that I was hearing from people in the USA regarding their business “standards”.
I thought that, like X-Force, they had a really good opportunity to expand their customer base and profits by cracking into the growing US market.
This could have been very profitable for them if they focused on finding the right business model, good management and customer support through a fresh start in the USA… but no they just carried over their shitty practices with their US Outlet and only furthered their shitty reputation with a completely new overseas customer base
Not sure that the US market is interested in lookalike gel products
Already have a mature aerosoft market. M4a1 tried with one of their principals but didn’t appear to have much success
Yes definitely a hard market to crack, especially when there’s real steel and Airsoft to compete with, hence why Australia was the main focus for Gelbaster Manufacturers.
Believe it or not though, Gelbasters are becoming more popular in the USA simply because of price, less mess than BB’s, less power for kids to enjoy and much more fun in the house/backyard for the whole family compared to Airsoft.
I hate NSW so much haha