Random AEG questions

does anyone else have one of those HL-015 Honey Badgers, if so how do you find it?

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So i managed to break the tab of my first warhead base motor yesterday, Anyone know if Tac Edge has parts so i can resolder a new tab back on?


Whats a reasonable/reliable rps obtainable on a cyma m4 @ ~300 fps?
Motor, metal gears, dsg, short stroking are all on the table. Mosfet I might entertain.

A good steady and reliable RPS will be determined by your gear ratios.
Standard 18:1 is good for around 12-14 RPS with a good motor and has the torque to run quite heavy main springs for FPS.

To step up to higher RPM motors, they traditionally have less torque, so can struggle running heavy springs, unless you are porting the cylinder to suit barrel size and looking to short stroke the piston/gears…… which will allow heavier spring to be used (when the stroke is shortened) to keep FPS to the desired level.

Swapping gear ratios to 16:1 or lower will give a higher RPM, but again, will require a higher torque motor to run heavy main springs.

For reliable FPS and RPS, the balance is somewhere in between…… say 16:1 gears with a good AUSGEL 1.18/1.28 spring and a higher speed/high torque motor.

There should be a few people here who have already built a good combination to suit the CYMA M4’s…… possibly @Bigmuthadrums :thinking:


Building a cyma m4 from leftover parts. I have an assortment of cylinder heads/nozzles but none of them match stock. They are all labeled gen8/9, cyma m4, or v2 (not specific jm or cyma). The bronze one I really like, but much too long, for ak maybe?
Please help find me a shiney new head please! Zhenduo or ali please.

From left to right, as described in ad.
Cyma m4, v2, stock, j8/9

Think it’s the blue one on the end. This is the last one I used. Gen 8/9 dont work with CYMA. Also need to use CYMA tappet plate


I have used the Blue and the Red anodised heads in CYMA builds which work well :+1:

I sometimes even found that using the original nylon CYMA blue nozzle on these alloy heads actually sealed better than the alloy o-ring nozzles provided with the cylinder head :flushed:
Light oiling of the nozzle tube helps plenty here.

Gold is Gen8 etc. which were a larger diameter than the newer ones…… simply because they were designed to flow plenty of volume for 8mm GelBlasters, whereas all the later parts are smaller volume as designed only for 6mm Asoft gearboxes/barrels/bb’s.

Little hint……… Gen8 size can push some pretty decent FPS through those old larger diameter nozzles…… as anyone from the old forum would remember when I was pushing 420+ with them back in the early Gen8 days :joy::sunglasses::+1:


Anyone know any retailers selling 7.5mm ID stainless inner barrels? I recall seeing a couple of these a while ago but can’t find anywhere selling them now I actually want them.
Looking to swap out my 7.3mm ID stainless barrels as I am getting over control grows…

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Google is your friend :+1:

I used to prefer Stainless/Brass barrels over alloy …… but they are a bit more expensive.


Thanks @DocBob, saw these however I was looking for stainless steel inner barrels.
It’s purely a preference, as I like the sturdiness of them.


There was someone on eBay selling 7.5mm stainless. Think they were only 300mm or shorter

Found this one but description is suss


Unfortunately any Stainless inner barrels available are going to be 7.2-7.3mm ID as they are marketed as a “tight bore” or performance barrel.

It is possible to get one made out of Stainless Stock Tubing, as a few people have previously, but that’s a bit technical and time consuming for someone who just wants a drop in replacement barrel :confused:

I think your best hope would be to go with a readily available quality Alloy 7.5mm in your blaster.
They are still very sturdy, but they don’t seem to be as highly “polished” internally as stainless can be obviously…… but the X-Force ones had a very high quality polish and very good performance at 7.5mm with random size/quality gels :+1:


Yeah, the quality of the polish with the I.D. is nowhere near the same as the O.D. on a few of these cheap barrels either :thinking:


Nice find, I think I will give it a go and report back on the quality

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Thanks for the info. If the stainless barrel @Wombat found turns out to be a dud the Xforce barrel will be my next pick

Well the stainless 7.5mm ID inner barrel arrived from eBay and it isn’t anything to write home about. The dimensions are accurate but the finish on the inside is rubbish.
There isn’t a seem but it would require polishing before I even thinking about using it.
Here is the best photo I could get of the finish

This is after giving it a hit of brake and parts cleaner to remove residue


Hhhmmmm…. rings true to my previous comments.

AUSGEL and X-Force barrels are mirror polished internally, whilst the other 90% of cheap barrels available from IHobby/EBay/China are of the rough quality as you have been delivered :confused:

Famous quote that I have always lived by my whole life:

Quality ain’t cheap and cheap ain’t quality.

Proof has always been in the product.

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What in the blue mother of gel balls is that😳
You get a better finish with a straight reamer than that has🤔

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For those interested WAT has 35cm long 7.4mm ID stainless barrels available. They are not listed online though, you need to get them in store. They cost $35, and are have a mirror finish on the inside.


Has anyone gotten their hands on one of these? Gel fight quasar. One of my kids is outgrowing his modded m1911 but is too little to handle a m4 or similar.
Me thinks (hopes) theres a p90 gearbox in this.
Metal barrel, mag feed. Cant find any spare drums yet. Fps all over the place from 150 to 250, but that shows promise its a bigger gearbox that just needs some tlc.