Stop and think campaign

I’m starting to think squiddys gas mask collection,

is for retaining, concentrating, and re-breathing… “certain fumes…!!”

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Latest news…….

Not an unexpected result from WAPOL, but the opportunity is there for another push against the Laws in yet another Court Case.

Estimated $50k in costs to fight the next step, but even a win in the Courts can still be simply overridden by a change in Legislation from the State Government :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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On the bright side, the court of appeals is a court with the ability to create common law. If WAPol lose the appeal, there will be a legal period between the court date and legislation.

I also wonder if legislation would actually pass muster. Cops can declare things unilaterally, and they’re the guys with the divvy vans and guns, so we just kind of put up and shut up. But laws need to pass at least some level of bipartisan scrutiny.

I’m not getting my hopes up, but I’m not feeling resigned over this one.

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I look back to when Papalia and WAPOL announced the bans here.
Wasn’t passed through Legislation and we were only given 4 weeks to comply before the “Laws” came into “effect”.

I put those two words into quotation marks because none of it was actually put through Legislation until months later…… they simply just put the threat in place and enforced it until the local government had their next meeting to pass the Legislation properly :roll_eyes:

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I was taught as an Auditor if it is not written in black and white then the rule or reg can not be enforced. The claimer of the rule/reg/law must show the Auditor it written into the standards/guidlines/laws for the Auditor to allow it.
I could make a killing on this one and move to WA dust off the old foot thick folders :rofl:

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7 posts were merged into an existing topic: The Shit Pit

Only just seen this……

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Old Marky Mark inadvertently gonna be banning GBB Power in WA as well! :roll_eyes:

Can you use nos in GBB? Just curious, I only use C02. :person_shrugging:

Saw that school incident. Should allow students to carry blasters so they could of mowed the offender :joy:

Actually you are right…… my dumb brain just automatically seen the bulbs and thought CO2 straight away :roll_eyes::joy:

I imagine the No2 would be much lower pressure :thinking:

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Could you imagine everyone on a indoor gel ball tournament using NOS for the first time.
First couple of shots and everyone would be laughing there heads of.
After 2min everyone would be unconscious from the gas.
I would pay to watch that

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Run around with those blue Nos bottles for cars on your back. Put some bleed offs on your blaster so you can look cool venting Nos at game start :rofl:

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One spark and it’s game over literally

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Guess if you import a narrow piece of pipe you’d be on a secret watch list nowadays.

What is the context of the article that this statement is referring to specifically?

I’m obviously not part of the manufacturing industry or an expert by any means, but wouldn’t there be a fair bit of overlap between importing stuff for legitimate manufacturing and what these morons were trying to do?
So what would items would qualify being put on this list aside from already manufactured parts?

Thanks for the clarification and link to the story at hand.

We are all aware of the government/media circus that continues to spread false information and fear mongering to the general public about our harmless toys , IF that was being implied?

Fair point on Crossbows and other restricted weapons, but were Gelblaster parts ever found or included in this raid ? :thinking:

No gelblasters fortunately.

While they deservedly got caught, the process somehow just doesn’t sit well with me.

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Just another round of gel blaster bashing:

No cited sources - pressure from whom? Calls from what body? Who the f wrote this?
Fake gun laws fall behind the Yanks? That’s because we have real gun laws…

Sick of shitty reporting / disguised pearl clutching opinions.

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knife attacks, are on the rise, unabated…
One item is ultimately harmless, the other can easily kill…

Which item, gets used more…?
Minors have no hesitation carrying, and using knives…
Replicas have been available, for years, in QLD…

How does this sound…?
If you, as a minor , conduct these types of crimes, as a juvy, it’s noted on your record…

If you continue with these crimes, past age 18, and within a period of say, 3 years…

You serve double time, for your previous Juvy crimes…

Sound fair…??

And get the bastards breaking rocks, in a chain gang, in alice springs, … not on a aircond “playstation holiday”, in jail…

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