The Shit Pit

Big weekend ahead better get started


3 days to warm up? That is a big weekend

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The only thing that’d make that vodka better would be a big slug of Kahlua…

Black Russians go well with AKs… :yum:


What a day, for trumpty-dumpty…

Convicted of sexual assault ( but not rape) , and having to pay $5mill US…

How the hell can anyone be seen to support him, let alone vote for him now.?.?.?!!

He’ll try to put a spin on it, for sure…

" Look, this makes me a fantastic leader, tremendous…
I always get what I want, everytime, i never take no for an answer…
As president, I’ll exploit other countries, like i exploit women…"

Don’t think Melania will be sharing his bed, anytime soon…

He’s always been a dick since I knew of it’s existence in that stupid show of his.

Multiple stabbing attacks in recent times.

A gunman on the run , in qld, with an illegal high power semi auto rifle.
Police found photos of his “hidden arsenal”.

These are the real crimes, I cannot see why a few people, in a position of power, are so bloody minded, against plastic toys, which have had no fatalities to date….

People don’t get ideas, ideas get a hold of people… :expressionless:


Looks at above post …almost one month, to the day…

I am gobsmacked, at the levels of violent crime, being commited by kids…
On tonights news, in qld…

12 year old kid ( masked), puts jimboomba school into lockdown…apparently used a gel blaster to threaten a teacher…

Thats bad enough, but…

Carjackers stab a person in their car, in yeronga…

And in cairns, female yr 12 student in critical condition, stabbed by her ex, at a private school

Im thinking Oz should adopt some middle eastern countries style of approach, to discipline, and dealing with theives…

Harsh words are doing nothing…

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I’m always hesitant to willingly hand the government more power and control. Something does need to be done, though.

Dad should’ve kept his blasters properly locked up, in my opinion. I don’t remember if it was law or guideline up north, but keeping them in even a wood box with a lock is important for this very reason.

And domestic violence, I don’t even know how to go about stopping that. But at least its numbers are declining, last I saw.

The carjacking I’ve got no solution for, either. But they most certainly should be locked up with an eye to pulling their heads out of their arses.

Justice needs to be a cold, calculating son of a bitch. Sentencing should do whatever is most likely to stop the person from reoffending, to restore what can be restored to the aggreaved, and in a way that doesn’t cost the state an arm and a leg. Passions and anger lead to mistakes in the system, and cruelty.

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There’s a massive breakdown in younger society about rules, respect and discipline.
I know that I will sound like an old boomer here…… but we all know and see this truth every single day :cry:

Plastic toys are definitely not an issue compared with the real happenings that young kids are doing without a single thought for their actions.

Especially when lowlife adults are teaching kids to do their illegal dirty work for them knowing that they can’t be charged with their offences.

It’s a declining society out there which is only going to continue to get worse…… especially when real crimes are largely ignored by the police/justice system whilst doing 56kph in a 50 zone is easier to hound people with than committing GBH/DV/SA/CSA or everything else that really needs heavy punishment :roll_eyes:


Rising costs of living, a housing crisis, an erosion of our public education system in favour of a private one, the shameful state medicare is currently in, and a constant reduction in protections for your average worker and every-man is a perfect storm to undermine a country.

I’m fuckin’ gutted that even voting to change the party in power hasn’t slowed it down.


Might have to move this to the Shit Pit…. Could turn into a very long subject! :flushed:

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Its a tough nut to crack.

Something is seriously wrong, with kids acting like this, with absolutely no regret, remorse, or respect for the law.
Whats to blame? Social media encouraging this, and copycats?

I think something is seriously wrong in society, where kids think they can commit these acts, and face no conseqences.
The slap on the wrist approach, is simply not working.

We are at a serious junction, in society.
I fear we will go down the path of USA, where there is a significant, permanent underclass of homelessness, the likes weve never seen before in Oz.

I really dont know, what the answer is…
Perhaps a military service type of high school, for serious repeat offenders.??


Hard yakka with visible payoff for their efforts, in my opinion, but work for sure when it comes to serious youth cases like that.

Put them on a farm, have them raise crops or cattle from day 1 to sale. Between the responsibility, and the working with a team, and the ability to feel like they have some agency in the world, maybe they’d pull their heads out.

Or anywhere that helps the country and achieves that, frankly.


Yeah, work and respect go hand in hand.

As young kids, every time we went to Dads resort, we worked. It was simple as that.
Not working, was not an option.

Yeah we got pocket money, but also a sense of pride from doing things, and comraderie with the other staff.

I think its a complex issue, generations of welfare dependants, who dont pass these values on to their kids, is surely part of it…


I have ALWAYS said and fought my ground that my belief is solely the responsibility of the parents.

We were bought up in a strict environment and had morals, respect, expectations driven into us from a very early age.

I have a 16 year old Son and 18 year old daughter who I bought up the same as I was raised in the 1970’s.

My two kids are highly educated in respect, manners, non-judgemental, care for others, understanding of different peoples needs and are regarded very highly by everyone who meets them.

This is purely from them being taught these values their whole lives growing up.

I have also witnessed parents crying to me about their own nasty, abusive and disrespectful kids making their lives a living hell…… and those kids are only 9-11 years old!

Instead of being comforting and supportive of these “parents”, I’m a harsh bastard in the sense that I tell them that they have bought it all upon themselves for not teaching their own children right from wrong.

My motto…… “Children are a reflection of their Parents”.

This brings us back to the topic at hand…… it’s not these kids faults as to how they are in life, the blame rests SOLELY on them never having a loving family or good parenting in their lives to teach them.

Unfortunately these same kids will grow up to have their own kids pretty soon…… and that next generation will be even worse than the ones now, as these current kids will only teach their kids the same illegal disrespect as they are committing now…… but only probably much worse :flushed:


Dont scare me…the thought of another generation, Worse than the current…??!

Morality is there for a reason, instilling values and respect is so important…
Society falls apart without it.

I can remember reading that its important to give kids enough room to try different things, but having firmly enforced boundaries , leads to better adjusted adults, and healthier relationships…

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Funnily enough, I’m actually going through the motions right now to work with a recently released “criminal” who has approached me to join him in starting a Young Offenders programme here in Western Australia.

There’s only one single programme that’s been started in Australia and has been highly successful in turning young people around, to break the juvenile offending rotating door to help troubled kids get a break in life and help them move forward towards a better future.

Here’s the link to the programme that we are working on setting up here in WA with the help of the WA Government, Police and Juvenile Justice System :sunglasses:

I have been approached because I can no longer work due to my back injuries, yet have all the knowledge and free time required to be able to get involved as a teacher/lecturer/mentor for this programme.

Early days getting it all set up over the past few months, but have all the backing and training in place happening right now to hopefully get this off the ground :white_check_mark:

The main difference that we are looking towards different from this programme is that we are going to look at 6 months of training, not this 5 week course, as it takes time to break habits and seriously change lifestyles for the participants.

Also looking to get the WA Government Drug/Alcohol Rehabilitation Services involvement with this programme as an additional benefit for our participants as well :+1:


Great stuff, Bobby…!!

Anything ,to help turn peoples lives around, and give them a chance to better themselves, is a good thing.

Keep us updated , as to how it pans out…hope it works out well.!!

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It’s always something I have always done in life………about giving people a hand up, not a hand out.

The “criminal” I had contact me and have had many meetings with in the last few weeks is fully supported by the whole youth justice system, law courts, police, government and many very wealthy individuals here in Western Australia to fund the whole programme.

My last meeting was Sunday just gone, now going through working out the training and certifications required for both of us to keep moving forward to get this all funded through the government and off the ground :+1:

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Good stuff…keep us updated…!!

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